FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

Re: FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

It is not the prettiest rifle in the world but wow can it shoot. My best friend and i both have a pair and no surprise that i am a fan. With a little dressing up it is not a bad looking rifle. It has adjustable pieces for stocks and cheek and has a very crips 3.5lb trigger. Magazines are available everywhere now. It is a dream to shoot. The rifle doesnt move. I can see splatter on steel at 600yards easily.

I had Mark at SAC install a PWS PRC brake, NF 2.5-10 scope and harris bipod and it is good to go. I have shot this sub-MOA out to 600yards. There are many reviews of this gun by different magazines that showed it to be 1/2-3/4MOA. I had a five shot group at 600yards measuring 4".

Name one piston driven, semi auto 308, match grade CHF barrel that can shoot guaranteed 1MOA for $1300? Doesnt exist. FN made this to pitch to military and they clearly state that they abused the barrel with 100,000 rounds ans till kept accurate.

Now they even have the 16" version which gives you even a shorter option if that is what you wanted. I would not hesitate to jump on one.




Re: FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

I too have one with the same brake installed by SAC. Very satisfied with the rifle so far with 500 rounds or so through it. I've also consistently seen .5-.75 MOA with federal SMK 168s and 175s.

They are a great value for sure. I consider it more of a police rifle than military, its not particularly field friendly with the stripping procedure, in many respects its still a BAR.

A longer rail across the top would be nice. It'd be good to be able to mount a night optic with a conventional scope in place.

As was already stated there's nothing else out there in this price range that does what this does.

I always hear this shit about asthetics and always fail to get it. What exactly is, "the pretiest rifle in the world?" Is there an anual competition that I'm unaware of? Do they dress the rifles up in pretty gowns and diamond studded slings? Did an FNAR lose recently?

It's one of the first things you read on forums about it. "God that thing is ugly!" Alas, the last time I masturbated to a picture of a rifle I was too drunk to know it was a rifle.
Re: FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
It's one of the first things you read on forums about it. "God that thing is ugly!" Alas, the last time I masturbated to a picture of a rifle I was too drunk to know it was a rifle.


I do that regularly.

Now you guys got me wanting one! Damn you all!!!
Re: FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

I had to send mine back because the left side operating rod was rubbing on the inside of the handguard. Neither bar was bent, but it always rubbed, and accuracy suffered. FN has had the rifle for about 2 months, and last week they told me it was out for final inspection, and I should receive it within a week or two. The initial completion date of June 8 passed....long ago. I sure hope it works better after I get it back, as it has the potential to be a neat rifle.

I still haven't figured out which rocket scientist at FN decided it would be a good idea to lock tite in two of the primary takedown screws, and not put any information about having done so in the owners manual. I actually read the manual before doing anything to the rifle. As there was no info about the loc-tite on the two screws, I had a bitch of a time getting them out. I still don't understand the logic behind that.
Re: FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

I had my doubts but made the plunge anyway. Aesthetics aside, It's unlike anything I have ever shot- the balance is so front-heavy with that bull barrel. It took some getting used to but after a hundred or so rounds I was shooting 1 moa easy. For an out of the box semi-auto, these rifles can really shoot. I am interested in what everones impressions were pre and post muzzle break. I am considering adding one for $250.00 but wonder does it make that much difference when it comes to accuracy?
Re: FNAR Impressions/Reviews/Good? Bad?

I was offered a straight up trade for my NIB dan wesson CBOB 45 for one of this today by the shop I go to,I'm currently thinking about doing it..