I picked up an FNH SPR A5M on trade a year or so ago, always intending to get some custom work done to it. It's currently sporting the original 24" heavy varmint (bigger actually) barrel. I imagine it to be blissful to shoot at the range, at which it will spend most of it's time. But I'd really like to chop the barrel back to 18.5" or so, and maybe get it fluted, so it's not so much of a pig when I do take it hunting. Shot Action Customs acknowledges the possibility of the chrome lining flaking, but they're still pretty confidant. But they can't true up the action unless they replace the barrel. So, 'hide members, help me decide. . . Should I just pick up a Bartlein Barrel and replace the original?
I should mention that this rifle hasn't been fired yet.
I should mention that this rifle hasn't been fired yet.