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For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sierra Bravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Mechanic really needs to learn some tact.</div></div>

Three people $15,000 each
That's a lot of money for 3 rifles right? I have almost $9,000 into my M96 that the M200 was based off of. I had a minor issue with the stock and I had the owner Bill Ritchie treat me like a king when I took it up to him. Fixed on the spot, tour of the shop, extras I did not ask for. Test fires every gun that leaves that shop and puts the test rounds in a bag with the rifle. He wanted my business.
I don't have a GAP but I bet I would get the same good service from them that I got from Bill Ritchie. Why exactly do I need to learn tact?
I still don't have an answer to the 2 questions either.
1. When was the last EDM Arms Bill Ritchie manufactured receiver and barreled action received and sold by CheyTac?

2. Are you going to let anyone that could possibly have one of these head space issues know about it and subsequently issue a free repair? Similar to some of the .50BMG manufactured problems that resulted in severe injury.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

Hello everyone. Hello Dave. Sorry that I missed the postings from earlier today. My buddy alerted me that things were starting to get heated up and that it would be worth my while to take a peek. I felt that my buddy was right, considering that all of this started with my original posting.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, whether right or wrong, but what I don't believe in is negligence and dereliction of duty, especially when a manufacturer of a firearm that is capable of such lethal force, can somehow overlook the severity of the proven problems at hand and not do anything about it. My question for you Dave, and for Cheytac, is if you guys knew of these problems, why was there never any recall?? It seems to me that it would be the proper course of action to take, considering the seriousness of the situation.

The amuzing part of this whole thing, is that when I posted my original write-up on this site, I was only trying to help out my fellow shooters and gun enthusiasts, by trying to relay my experience, so that no would get severely hurt or worse. Guns, machines and parts can be replaced, but living, breathing people can't. When I was in the military, I truly believed that I was in the saving lives and defending my country business. When you're in a firefight, you don't have time to think about whether or not your weapon will function or fail, due to the inconsistencies of the quality control from the manufacturer that assembled the thing in the first place. I can tell you from personal experience, that yes, sand can be one of a weapon's worst enemies, but the trained soldier knows that his/her weapon is their lifeline and they will do everything in their power to keep it clean at all times and be ready for the next battle that is to come. It's just that simple. I just can't believe the reasoning behind the loose tolerances as stated before. I may not design firearms for a living, but I do know a few things about what makes a good weapon, a great one, and precision machining and tolerances at the factory level is the place where it's supposed to start.

I'm not here to bad-mouth anybody. I just wish that when I originally spent all of this money (which took me a few years to save up for it), that I would've gotten what I paid for. I've been into the whole gun and shooting thing for 36 years now, and I have never felt more ashamed of myself for believing in something that sounded so good that it's all that I thought about, almost day and night from the moment that I submitted my order, until the day that I picked my M-200 up at my local FFL dealer, and then I was gravely disappointed.

Marc and Chris from Jamison International didn't have to do anything. They were never under any obligation to step up and help me, but I sure am glad that they did. These guys represent what it takes to make something work, and they do it very well.

Currently, I'm waiting for my new Jewell trigger to arrive so that I can finish the set-up on my Cheytac rifle like it's supposed to be. I'm still not hitting hole in hole at 100 yards or averaging 1/2 moa, but I can tell you this; it's at least not bouncing all over the target like a drunk trying to get his keys in the doorknob anymore. I am hopeful that I will eventually attain the type of performance that I demand out of every one of the sniper rifles that are currently in my collection, and I have quite a few. Each one is intended for different purposes, conditions, and distances. I absolutely love long range shooting. What started out with my parents, learning to hunt when I was very young, has now transformed, after all these years, into something way more than just a hobby. I am hopeful that everything will eventually work itself out and that my M-200 Intervention will eventually be able to pattern better than my 10-year old daughters BB gun.

I guess that's it for now. I can't think of anything else to say tonight, but tomorrow is a new day.

Until next time; KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY...
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

Hey Mechanic,

Thank you for the info on the set trigger. I will definitely look into it. I appreciate the information.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sierra Bravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Mechanic really needs to learn some tact.</div></div>

Three people $15,000 each
That's a lot of money for 3 rifles right? I have almost $9,000 into my M96 that the M200 was based off of. I had a minor issue with the stock and I had the owner Bill Ritchie treat me like a king when I took it up to him. Fixed on the spot, tour of the shop, extras I did not ask for. Test fires every gun that leaves that shop and puts the test rounds in a bag with the rifle. He wanted my business.
I don't have a GAP but I bet I would get the same good service from them that I got from Bill Ritchie. Why exactly do I need to learn tact?
I still don't have an answer to the 2 questions either.
1. When was the last EDM Arms Bill Ritchie manufactured receiver and barreled action received and sold by CheyTac?

2. Are you going to let anyone that could possibly have one of these head space issues know about it and subsequently issue a free repair? Similar to some of the .50BMG manufactured problems that resulted in severe injury.

All you've done here is incite drama. While I understand your enthusiasm and dedication to the exalted EDM brand, it isn't relevant to the topic at hand. So relax, we get it. Dave Durham deserves a bit more respect than your giving him. Especially considering you aren't even involved with the situation.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sierra Bravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
All you've done here is incite drama. While I understand your enthusiasm and dedication to the exalted EDM brand, it isn't relevant to the topic at hand. So relax, we get it. Dave Durham deserves a bit more respect than your giving him. Especially considering you aren't even involved with the situation. </div></div>

Being a fly on the wall:

I've got to be honest, tact being one thing, but I really don't see this as any different than the problems with Toyota.

All manufacturers make mistakes, and many of them choose to wait until the customer says something before fixing it; some manufacturers make the customer climb over huge obstickles to try to get them to go away.

A manufacturer makes a bad product. The product doesn't function properly. The product shows signs of excessive pressure, which, depending, can be deadly with a rifle. The manufacturer's represenatives opt to ingore the problem.

This is VERY serious. Even if half of the story is true, it's still really serious.

I'm not reading the other messages as seriously inciting riot. If it were me, I'd have alot of probing questions to ask.

Though, to be honest, if I spend $16,000+ on a rifle that turned out to be bad, I wouldn't skip a heart beat with giving my insane spent-one-day-to-many-in-Vietnam attorney $16,000 to go after the persons that didn't think my personal safety was important!

This is a firearm we're talking about, not a dishwasher.

All that being said, it is nice that the owner replied. It is unfortunate that it took this thread for him to do so...
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

SANDMAN 070 said:
To Sakoshooter,

First of all there was no "recall" because this is the first time we ever had this problem.

Not to be knit-picking here but are we or are we not talking about multiple firearms. That alone makes it second or third time you had a problem, if I'm reading the postings right.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rail-Gun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
SANDMAN 070 said:
To Sakoshooter,

First of all there was no "recall" because this is the first time we ever had this problem.

Not to be knit-picking here but are we or are we not talking about multiple firearms. That alone makes it second or third time you had a problem, if I'm reading the postings right.</div></div>

You need to use some tact Rail-Gun. Do you even own one of these? If you don't you need to stop replying to the thread. How's that Sierra Bravo am I towing the line better?
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

I have fired both the M-200 in .408 and .375. I'm also aware of the pressures these weapons operate under. Improper head-space sounds like an issue at 60,000 psi
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

I don't have a dog in this fight but I do have a couple comments and although I don't own a 408CT I do have a 375CT.There are some issues which I think are similar.

1.Years ago the old Jamison 408CT brass was of poor quality especially for the reloader.It wasn't uncommon for some of the cases to have a loose primer after the first firing.There were other inconsistencies in the brass as well.I won't go into that but when we did weight sorting and benchrest prepped that brass the groups shrank by half.

<span style="font-size: 11pt">This has changed though!!!</span> The last batch of 375CT 2 star brass we bought 1 year ago is of "excellent" quality! Top notch brass right up there with Lapua.Great job Jamison/Cheytac!You took care of that problem well.

2.In my experience it's true what Cheytac conveyed about the lathe turned solids not shooting well at 100Y.For instance my rifle groups around 1 MOA at 100Y but shoots .7 MOA at 400Y and strangely enough only seems to get better farther out.I've got no explanation for this but I've seen it many times now ???

To the OP.Sorry you had a bad experience.Once you guys get those guns sorted out you're going to be impressed with the 408 at distance.


Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

SANDMAN 070 & djd,

Sakoshooter is not one of "the Bill's". This is a different issue with a different rifle.

I have personally followed Sakoshooter's problem with his rifle over the past two and a half years. I have listened to Sakoshooter recount to me his efforts to repeatedly find some satisfaction from Cheytac via phone and e-mail during that time. I have fired the rifle in question, and noted it's defects as Sakoshooter listed.

I'm not going to try and recount third party conversations from the past, but I can add some clarification to the things I witnessed.

When Sakoshooter finally made contact with Jamison, and Marc offered to fix the rifle in Sturgis, I called "shotgun!" for the trip. After our arrival at Jamison I watched every inspection made to the rifle. I watched Chris and Marc go through the gauges. It closed on GO, NO-GO, and FIELD. The action would not however close on a steel .408 function gauge. Chris and Marc then used their headspace measurement gauge to determine that the action didn't fail to close until the gauge was set to 0.017" over spec, so the actual headspace in the chamber was 0.016" over.

The reason why the action wouldn't close on the steel function gauge... the neck of the chamber was seriously under-size. With a .408 bullet and 0.015" neck wall thickness in the brass, a loaded round should measure 0.438" at the neck.

In Sakoshooter's rifle the neck diameter of the chamber was so far below 0.442" spec neck diameter that the loaded rounds were being press-fit into the neck, thereby holding the loaded cartridge against the bolt face during firing and, fortunately, preventing the fired cases from slamming back into the bolt face during firing. This situation was, however, causing serious pressure spikes as the case neck tried to expand and let go of the solid bullets during firing.

In order to correct the situation, Marc Jamison had to overnight a new .408 reamer... he absorbed that cost in addition to his staff's labor and machine time, and still refused to let Sakoshooter pay a thing. They treated us like kings for two days, and we made new friendships that I will value for the rest of my life.

Let's put the risk of injury to the rifle/shooter over to the side for a minute... what about your reputation and the reputation of Cheytac!!? You knew about the problems and did nothing to contact the owners of the rifles in question? Your customers whether military or civilian are paying a premium to have the best of the best of the best. If the rifles are not right, they are not right! My god man... can a company that relies so heavily on the reputation of it's weapons systems take such a risk? I guess so.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

I can say with heart felt sincerity, that I am glad these issues were corrected.
I do understand the idea that as a manufacturer you can not please all of the people, all the time. However I believe that when it comes to firearms it is a responsibility not just a right. Especially when it comes down to the safety of the shooting community, our service men, and future generations of enthusiasts.
In this political climate any potential danger in the firearms industry is a danger our way of life and livelihood.
Thank you again for your reply.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

To Sandman,

This actually involves a rifle sold two and a half years ago and two rifles sold last summer. In my way of math that adds up to three so far. I had no intention of posting anything until I saw Sakoshooter's post and the similarity to my situation.

One of the now infamous Bills
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....


One of the most interesting reads as of late. Really pretty remarkable.

I'll only add the following, for what it is worth.

Lots of "Bills" mentioned here, so to be clear about Bill Ritchie's EDM Arms and Cheytac.

In total, all told, 64 receivers were ever sent to Cheytac...all models. Now pay attention....The first 25 rifles consisted of 15 Interventions and 10 "other than" rifles. Those Intervention rifles were built to what Ritch would call "full swap" any barrel could be matched with any bolt, in any receiver and be in spec. All done at EDM by Bill and company. That is how EDM builds them for the military and what Bill calls the basis of EDM's tactical build out. The last 35 receivers sent to Cheytac were "parts" rifles, no barrel (and therefor not headspaced by Ritchie), no triggers either. Cheytac or their representatives finished out those 35 rifles. No receivers of any kind have been sold by EDM to Cheytac for some 7ish years now.

All rifles made by and sold by EDM still have a lifetime warranty.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

To Sandman,

First of all, I am not one of the two Bill's that you keep refering to. I've never met either one of them. I am an entirely different Cheytac owner. I thought that someone would've figured this out by now.

Second: Even when working with the .50 BMG cartridge such as a Barrett firearm, that yes, you can sight in for a 100 yard zero. There are now many different ballistics programs out on the market today and by industry standard, the 100-yard zero is the one that is most commonly used.

You keep speaking of the pricing issue. When I purchased the system, it came as a package deal, to include ammo. I should know, because I'm the one that forked over my hard-earned money for something that would later become the world's largest and most expensive paper-weight.

During this whole posting thing, here on Snipers Hide, I have never once degraded anyone's intelligence with insults. There are two types of people in this world; Leaders and followers. Leaders are forced to operate within the constraints of professionalism. Enough said.

I still don't get the whole headspacing issue. If there is no criteria for using GO and No-Go guages, then why in the world are they used on nearly every other rifle system. Did Cheytac come up with a new way of conforming with industry standards in a field that is always under constant scrutiny from the legions of anti-gunners, just waiting for someone to make a stupid mistake??

One more thing that I still keep going back to that I just can't seem to shake. How can the Cheytac M-200 Intervention be claimed as the number one sniper system in the world, according to everything that is seen on the military channel, with all of the problems that currently exist? You know, I'm not a bragging person by no means and I keep to myself with my long range shooting and all, but I know for a fact, that before I shot out the barrel in my Sako TRG-42 (.338 Lapua Magnum- 3500+ rounds currently), that I could easily keep up with any M-200 Intervention in use today if not out-perform it, out to 1,200 yards or even a better. The Finn's definitely know how to build a battle-proven sniper rifle. If Sako would make a system chambered in .408 Cheytac, I would probably go out and buy not just one, but probably three of them, because I know that they're that good. My TRG-22 performs flawlessly as well. Maybe Cheytac needs to go and have a talk with the boys from EDM so that Cheytac can find out how a real long range shooting system is actually made and maybe take some notes while they're at it.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

Thanks Chops!!

I really appreciate the posting. Sure is a shame that some of these guys won't listen to us. I'm just thankful that no one has gotten hurt or even worse, yet.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

After the repairs made by Jamison Intl. I am able to hold a consistent 100 yard zero with bullet holes touching bullet holes. With that in place I was able to start working my way out. Currently working at distances over 700 yards.

When the system works it is a fun platform to shoot.

One of the infamous Bills
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Despite the various arguements about what should have been done versus what was done, I'm glad that these three gentleman issues were eventually worked out and they now have properly functioning, albeit exspensive rifles. It's also good to hear that the owners (Dave) knows what went on from his customers point of veiw becuase, let's face it, in this industry the customer is ALWAYS right. It's kind of like buying a Ferrai or a Lamborghini... If the customer said he wanted it cherry red and he felt that the car was sunset red and wanted it repainted then he should get it repainted at no cost. When you pay a certain amount of money, whether for a car or a rifle, there comes a point when the customer is always right no matter what the manufactuer thinks.

I know that if I had the skill and resources to shoot ELR then I wouldn't have any problem with owning one of the M200 systems, either .408CT or .375CT. The only thing I would expect from CT in regards to it is that I would always be right no matter what, never wrong. It's possible for me to be mistaken but at $16,000 for a package I would NEVER be wrong. I hope that the three guys here don't have anymore problems with their weapon and I hope CT continues to put out a quality product.

BTW a $16,000 rifle is akin to a $480,000 car if the rifle is $1,000 and the car is $30,000. Kind of the difference between the off the shelf Remmy
and the CT is the difference between a Mustang and a Ferrari.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

I am a avid Cheytac .408 shooter and it is the #1 Long Range Sniper Weapon System in the world in my opnion. You mentioned 1200yards? Realy? That is small caliber shooting in my book. Cheytac's range don't even start until well over 1200 yards. Have any of you all ever been to Cheytac's Ranges? Shot passed 1 1/2 miles? Make consistent hits on sub minute targets at over 2000 yards? Well, I have. It is a remarkable system and I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know. </div></div>

I will take that!!! Lay out the details!!
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Later</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know. </div></div>

I will take that!!! Lay out the details!! </div></div>

Oh goody-time to make the popcorn and crack open a bottle of Crown Royal.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CubeWarrior</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sakoshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

One of my major concerns that I've had since the first time that I experienced problems with my M-200 Intervention was that it's one thing for a weapon to malfuntion or lock up on one of us here in the states, but it is an entirely different situation when it happens on the battlefield, during a heated firefight, with enemy tango's popping out from every knook and cranny, so to speak. Yes, I am a military veteran. I know what it's like when something malfunctions in the field and you're sitting there, thousands of miles from home, asking yourself why the malfunction happened in the first place. Thank God though, I never had a weapon malfunction, even though it was like being in a giant sandbox 24/7. </div></div>

Haven't seen nor heard of M-200s in Iraq or Afghanistan (doesn't mean much, too many different organizations running around to keep track of them all)-- I've heard of great marketing campaigns associated with M-200s, however.</div></div>

Here is the link to just one of the EDM arms Windrunners that went to the sand box for sale. He did this at no charge. Bill is a good guy.

Les_Rayne check your mail P.M. sent </div></div>

My first edm was used over in Afgahnistan. It was the model 98 (and I have another coming in)
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

My range(s) are available anytime!!!


Just fly into SLC and we drive for about 30 minutes.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Shot passed 1 1/2 miles? Make consistent hits on sub minute targets at over 2000 yards? Well, I have. It is a remarkable system and I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know. </div></div>

Um...you do realize that the .408 goes subsonic well before the .375, right?
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Later</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know. </div></div>

I will take that!!! Lay out the details!!</div></div>

hawk3 You my friend just took on the wrong guy.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Later</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know. </div></div>

I will take that!!! Lay out the details!! </div></div>

Son, your going to need a longer range to take on Later.


Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

You asked me to lay out the details and to my knowledge, there isn't 2700+ yard ranges around every street corner. Your Range? Im curious, what is your weapon of choice?
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You asked me to lay out the details and to my knowledge, there isn't 2700+ yard ranges around every street corner. Your Range? Im curious, what is your weapon of choice? </div></div>

Well I can get 2500m+ at about 5 different places that are 1 hour drive from SLC airport so we don't have to wait for Cheytacs range inbetween their classes.

Weapon choice would all depend on how soon this is done. If it takes place in a few months then it will be Desert Tactical Arms HTI model. If it takes place sooner than that it will be Lawton 8000 series build.
BOTH in 375/408 though.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">hawk3, how are you getting your .408CT to 2700 yards? I find that really hard to believe.</div></div>
His range is on top of Mt. McKinley in Alaska. elevation 20,320ft stays supersonic a long way.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Later</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You asked me to lay out the details and to my knowledge, there isn't 2700+ yard ranges around every street corner. Your Range? Im curious, what is your weapon of choice? </div></div>

Well I can get 2500m+ at about 5 different places that are 1 hour drive from SLC airport so we don't have to wait for Cheytacs range inbetween their classes.

Weapon choice would all depend on how soon this is done. If it takes place in a few months then it will be Desert Tactical Arms HTI model. If it takes place sooner than that it will be Lawton 8000 series build.
BOTH in 375/408 though.


Ooozing with jealousy.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah, here I was thinking he was saying the .408CT is top dog. Hence the dog pile

Same here...That is why I am not questioning his shooting abilities by no means!!! But shooting the 408 up against the 375 is like putting a 300WM up against a 338LM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I beleive the .408 will outshoot the .375 within its capabilities, but yes I have the ability to shoot both. </div></div>

What do you mean "within its capabilities"???
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Although, shooting sub minute groups after the bullet has gone sub sonic isn't impossible by no means. The solids are designed on the balance flight system. They are made to punch through the subsonic shock wave and still remain on trejectory.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Just so you know, some of us are seasoned .408 shooters. It's not like we just watched some show on TV and started making claims.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Still supersonic


So when you said ANYBODY and ANY System you actually meant..any system as long as it isn't better performing than the 408???

Your now stipulation is like me saying "My 6mmPPC will outshoot ANY system out there, BUT we have to shoot at 200yds."
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

I'll pass on a little info I learned. The M200 Cheytac and the EDM Windrunner are 2 different size guns. I looked at both B4 I bought my 50bmg windrunner. The dimensions of the receiver on the Windrunner's barrel nut and receiver are 1/4" larger than the Cheytac and they have a different thread pitch. I was told the Cheytac can be converted to 50bmg but it would only be a single shot gun. The rifles may look the same in a picture but from what I have found out they are different sizes and prob have different tolerances.