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For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Hmmmm. Some guy told me a few years ago that the 375/408 in his hands was "whipping the tar out of the 408CT" in his hands.

I think his name was Barney, oh, crap, what was his name...Lawson...Lawman...oh, yeah, Lawton.

I wonder if he knew what he was talking about?

We miss you, Barney
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems


Yes, the M96 receiver is larger than the M200 receiver, but we're not comparing that. EDM's XM04 receiver is what the M200 was based on. Sure, after almost 10 years there are differences. They are similar but different rifles - that's well established.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems



The issue at hand here has little to do with accuracy.
Nothing to do with competition, especially between calibers.
Everything to do with manufacturing compliance.
At its heart, it is about quality, inspection and systems to deal with customer concerns.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

WOW! Didn't know you all were holding hands!

Listen, Im not going to go back and forth with you all day playing patty cake.

If you want to shoot your .375 against my .408, lets get it done. I tried explaining myself but you all don't listen.

We can shoot in your backyard and all. Start at 1200yds and work back in incriments of 200 yards until you are satisfied.

I will make plans on my end for Salt Lake. OUT
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ugh...this thread needs to die.</div></div>
I'm done, seems to have reached a conclusion.
I look forward to future threads from you hawk3.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It is a remarkable system and I challenge ANYONE with ANY system out there to beat the Cheytac .408 at those distances. If your interested, let me know.</div></div>

Wow! You said .408 and then you tried to sniff and pout your way into changing what you said? Man up to what you said and shoot the .408 Cheytac like you so boostfully challenged all comers.

What's the date, time and grid coordinates of this challenge? This sounds like to much fun to miss out on!
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ah new guys don't you love them Dogtown. </div></div>

It truly is amazing. All the other sites must be down.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">WOW! Didn't know you all were holding hands!

Listen, Im not going to go back and forth with you all day playing patty cake.

If you want to shoot your .375 against my .408, lets get it done. I tried explaining myself but you all don't listen.

We can shoot in your backyard and all. Start at 1200yds and work back in incriments of 200 yards until you are satisfied.

I will make plans on my end for Salt Lake. OUT


popcorn, coke and some milk duds please. Who is selling tickits to the shoot out.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sierra Bravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sierra Bravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Mechanic really needs to learn some tact.</div></div>

Three people $15,000 each
That's a lot of money for 3 rifles right? I have almost $9,000 into my M96 that the M200 was based off of. I had a minor issue with the stock and I had the owner Bill Ritchie treat me like a king when I took it up to him. Fixed on the spot, tour of the shop, extras I did not ask for. Test fires every gun that leaves that shop and puts the test rounds in a bag with the rifle. He wanted my business.
I don't have a GAP but I bet I would get the same good service from them that I got from Bill Ritchie. Why exactly do I need to learn tact?
I still don't have an answer to the 2 questions either.
1. When was the last EDM Arms Bill Ritchie manufactured receiver and barreled action received and sold by CheyTac?

2. Are you going to let anyone that could possibly have one of these head space issues know about it and subsequently issue a free repair? Similar to some of the .50BMG manufactured problems that resulted in severe injury.

All you've done here is incite drama. While I understand your enthusiasm and dedication to the exalted EDM brand, it isn't relevant to the topic at hand. So relax, we get it. Dave Durham deserves a bit more respect than your giving him. Especially considering you aren't even involved with the situation. </div></div>
It is a thread, so he is involved. He replied! There are many reasons to compare and involve edm. They were the original maker of the cheytac. After problems they parted and edm has stayed solid while cheytac has shopped around. If a product regresses, then maybe people should know.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

SANDMAN 070, Why would you show there receipts on line? Are all your records and transactions public record? After that post why would anyone buy firearms from you. I would be pissed if I was the owners of these rifles.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Looks like Jamison should own Cheytac first off. Publishing that is crap and finally I who care if they used the rifles as spears, they came out of you production WRONG!!! which was admitted too. Nice customer service!
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

I have a question for "The Infamous Bills"...

Sakoshooter's bolt didn't have a serial number of any kind on it until two weeks ago when Chris marked it for him at Jamison.

Do your M200 bolts have serial numbers matching the rifles, are they bare, or are they mis-matched serial numbers? And, I don't mean one Bill's bolt is in the other Bill's rifle :)


Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lt. Arclight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm dying to see this shoot-out. New guy calling out an Ole gun!
It's almost worth an airline ticket to SLC.</div></div>

Guys make no mistake about it, I am positive Hawk3 can hold his own in regards to shooting ability. My take of his initial challenge had nothing to do with doubting that ability. It was strictly based on he boosted wrong caliber. Nothing more nothing less.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Listen, Im not going to go back and forth with you all day playing patty cake.

No one is playing here...You made the statement and it was taken up.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDMAN 070</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am not trying to start anything but the( .375 cheytac) has a higher BC

Yea the 375/408 has way better BC

I am in discussion with TV producer right now that I associate with as pro staff to get everything lined up for complete filming and airing on the new TV series that is coming out.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hawk3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">WOW! Didn't know you all were holding hands!

Listen, Im not going to go back and forth with you all day playing patty cake.

If you want to shoot your .375 against my .408, lets get it done. I tried explaining myself but you all don't listen.

We can shoot in your backyard and all. Start at 1200yds and work back in increments of 200 yards until you are satisfied.

I will make plans on my end for Salt Lake. OUT


Kombaya there Sweet Pea.. I have seen a few people shit the bed here on the hide but never seen someone shit the bed then walk through it all in one day.

In relation to what Later has so generously offered up, my crews will be more than happy to come out and film the entire "event". My company produces 6 shows internally that pertain to either Hunting, Long Range Shooting or Military Training and Operations. We have many cameras and very qualified staff that I will have on the ground in Salt Lake City within 24 hours.

On behalf of Later we are 100% confident that he has more than sufficient credentials to shoot multiple different weapons from several different manufacturers as a true representation of what they are capable of. While I have no idea what your current relationship is with Cheytac I would strongly suggest that you are well represented before stepping up to the plate. Your mouth has now written an extremely large check for BOTH yourself and Cheytac that frankly I don't expect your ass will cash. With that said, in the event you do man up there are 6 cameras and by the looks of things many spectators that will be joining us to watch.

Oh and in case your wondering here are 2 of the shows we are currently in production on.

Additionally, I will speak with Cheytac directly and see what their thoughts are on this! We are very familiar with the .375CT and .408CT platforms so we don't expect there to be any major issue but its best to cover all bases when someone out of left field starts calling Dinty Moore shots at 3 miles...

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Average Joe, I will pay $25 for the DVD if you produce it. Seriously I would like to see it. </div></div>

New film!

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-size: 17pt"><span style="color: #000099">"It's a Date with my .408"</span></span></span>
Produced by "Damn someone called my Bluff Pictures"
Directed by "Ran my mouth Again Productions"
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Anyone entering should know ahead of time I'm callin in a solid that involves a Spectre gunship doing circles over the firing line. It's not fair, but it will put an end to this thread

Like the guy said, "any weapon system".
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1ZNUF</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone entering should know ahead of time I'm callin in a solid that involves a Spectre gunship doing circles over the firing line. It's not fair, but it will put an end to this thread

Like the guy said, "any weapon system". </div></div>

I got that covered. You meaning something like this right lol?



Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

You take the pic? if so,would you happen to know:
Who's aerial's are in the pic ? Are the part of a mesh network? And is the sytem running eTASS compliant architecture? Location?
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: subgunr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You take the pic? if so,would you happen to know:
Who's aerial's are in the pic ? Are the part of a mesh network? And is the sytem running eTASS compliant architecture? Location?

Yes I took the pics. I don't see anything about caliber, windspeed, range, elevation, TOF in them other questions of yours so I am kinda clueless

If gunship fails then just call in this one lol
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Later, do you need a 40 something year old house trained son? I am available. </div></div>

next in line!
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Later</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: subgunr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You take the pic? if so,would you happen to know:
Who's aerial's are in the pic ? Are the part of a mesh network? And is the sytem running eTASS compliant architecture? Location?

Yes I took the pics. I don't see anything about caliber, windspeed, range, elevation, TOF in them other questions of yours so I am kinda clueless


Check PM .
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

This is a real disappointment. After the Discovery channel did a great review on the Cheytac .408. I cant afford an Intervention, but I cant believe the remarks from the company about this thread. It is very dissappointing to see that a first rate company would not overlook negative comments and try to stick to positives. Getting down in the gutter trying to sling mud is never a position a company should be in.

I would expect this behavior from a minimum wage McDonalds employee, but not a company who has government contracts and supposedly the best LR shooting platform.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

They are not a first rate company. They seem to be the prodigy of Jethro Bodeen. I was told that to this point there are 5 known rifles across the country with the same problems. No interest from Chey-Tac as far as anyone knows. Would a first rate weapons manufacturer allow two weapons with known pressure problems that were taken back to the factory allow them to leave without even being checked? And then to tell the poor guys to just keep shooting them? Then one that was sent back to the factory only to be returned in the same condition?

Man, wish I was a lawyer. Can you say slander, reckless endangerment, fraud, negligence, class action? I would be retired really fast on this one.

Guess I should try to contact one of these three guys that got slammed by this company and get the real dope on this deal.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Holy crap Batman, looks like they even posted one of these poor guys invoices with their information on it. Dang this is a really dumb company. They admitted they sent out weapons that they shouldn't have.

I have to get a hold of either sakoshooter or that Les_Rayne dude and get the skinny.

Sure glad I came across this before I shelled out that kind of bucks.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

I just hope you guys own a gun safe to keep your $16000 rifles in. I wouldn't want my full name, addy(with city/state), and and gun info posted on the web. I hope a it gets deleted ASAP!
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Just no way I could afford one of these. No fecking way. I ordered reamers, brass, bullets, a Lawton action and barrel, Jewell trigger, and can put together as accurate a rifle as the Intervention or EDM for a lot less money.

That's the plan.

Look. A cartridge is a cartridge. A good barrel well chambered doesn't need to be in a Windrunner Style action to shoot well. No doubt the Intervention/EDM design is tacticool, but since I won't be deploying anywhere except regional groundhog fields, I don't need quick detach barrel systems, collapsible stock, and mag feed.

The Spectre Gunship, well, that's another story. You either buy the whole package or you pack up and go home
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1ZNUF</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just no way I could afford one of these. No fecking way. I ordered reamers, brass, bullets, a Lawton action and barrel, Jewell trigger, and can put together as accurate a rifle as the Intervention or EDM for a lot less money.

That's the plan.

Look. A cartridge is a cartridge. A good barrel well chambered doesn't need to be in a Windrunner Style action to shoot well. No doubt the Intervention/EDM design is tacticool, but since I won't be deploying anywhere except regional groundhog fields, I don't need quick detach barrel systems, collapsible stock, and mag feed.

The Spectre Gunship, well, that's another story. You either buy the whole package or you pack up and go home

1+ on that. I am thinking of doing the same thing, but in 375 CT. The rest of the money you can buy a shit load of reloading components. LOL
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Currently have a .375CT and .408CT both on Lawton Actions and in McRee Stocks. I can tell you one thing, they are great feeling weapons and at more than half the cost.

Now with that said the Cheytac is a purpose built weapon and serves its purpose well. Every company can have its issues with Quality Control weather its a brand new one or one that has been running for generations. The QC is not really the underlying issue its the way Cheytac handles the customers that are having a problem. I don't agree with how this thread was responded to but we still made the offer to put a Cheytac up against "Anything" as was stated in one of the replies.

We will film the entire event and it will get airtime but not unless Cheytac steps up to the plate. We have extended the offer to Cheytac and Later has already stepped up top the plate as the "Challenged Party"
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Agree with Average Joe. It doesn't matter what commodity you sell, if you can't back it up with the right customer service, then soon enough the words will get out and people would think twice about buying your product.

Having said that, I would love to see the challenge.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Darkphage</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So -- a week without a post -- I would love nothing more than to see this thing go down. CT not interested i guess.

Dark </div></div>

Bummer, I was really anticipating seeing the dvd
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Darkphage</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So -- a week without a post -- I would love nothing more than to see this thing go down. CT not interested i guess.


Guys make no mistake about it..my replies had absolutely nothing to do with Cheytac themselves. They were based completely on a private individuals comments in which he made a bold statement that he thought everyone would run and google search the 408CT and be scared and impressed of it and just assume he was correct.

Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

If this goes down, I want to know where and when. I have a bunch of free Southwest flights and would surely use one to come watch this.
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

I walked by and saw the horse flinch..I think ! So I kicked it .

What is the status of the "my pole is better than ur pole" shoot and movie production. Is this gona happen before SOFEX ?
Re: For Cheytac 408 owners who are having problems

Hey guys keep me in the loop on this, I have to schedule a trip to Action Targets in Provo in the near future.
I would love the opportunity to watch this challenge play out.