Exactly! Fallon is my hometown, BTW. It doesn't look quite right, but the top pick looks like the volcanic plug we call "titty-top", the mid pic looks like you are just past Kennametal and the backside of that little ridge in front of you would be Toulon. Yes, in the past, some idiot put a town there.Trinity is about 7-8? more miles which is the junction of 95/80
Those adobe flats are wonderful for spotting. They kick up dust even for .22's on a dry day.
I don't know how much of what areas they are trying to take. They've actually relaxed both land and airspace over the Lahontan Valley, while taking land (and airspace) over in Dixie Valley. There's plenty of room out there. And, I'm all for their training. But, when it becomes a "Fuck you, it's mine" attitude I'll jump all over that. When they shut people out of the center of the state, where the best deer hunting is, I'll really go ballistic. There's no need to take that. They can do what they need, south of the base, all around B-17 and B-20 (Dixie Valley)
Pm you you the name of the top pic