Smooth brain?

Never heard that one. I guess that's the one thing everyone wants to be wrinkly.
Seriously, I think this is something we all need to stick together on. Everyone agrees that the ATF's flip flop on this is bullshit. You cannot say that a pistol with a brace is ok, knowing
millions of gun owners will rely on this statement, have
millions of gun owners actually rely on it and then, unilaterally decide that they're not legal, and that the
millions of people stupid enough to rely on you are now felons if they don't remove pistol braces, destroy the firearm or register it as an SBR.
In fact, as an attorney, I have to say that this country's gun laws are extraordinarily discouraging. Our legal system is like our monetary system - it only works to the extent that people have confidence in it. A $100 bill is intrinsically worth almost nothing. It is a piece of paper. Yet it forms the basis of our entire economy. I know I can take that piece of paper into any store in America and exchange it for goods worth $100. But if tomorrow stores stopped accepting paper money what would happen? People would lose confidence in our monetary system and those pieces of paper would become worthless.
Out legal system is no different. I respect the laws of this country and the courts that interpret them for two reasons. The first is fear. I don't want to break a law and end up in jail. But the second, and more important reason, is that I believe that most laws are fair, reasonable and that the courts interpreting them are neutral and do their best to insure that their decisions are rational and consistent. But our gun laws are irrational, unfair and inconsistent. And whether its bump stocks, normal capacity magazines, pistol braces or so-called assault weapons, they can unilaterally change so that what was once legal to own, now becomes illegal. How can anyone respect these kinds of laws?
And to make matters worse many are extremely difficult to enforce, which takes away the only other reason people respect them - fear of being caught. I live in a state that bans magazines over 15 rounds - except if the magazines were in state before the ban was established. Of course, magazines are generally not dated. And gun shops in the four states that adjoin mine all would be more than happy to sell me standard capacity magazines. When I go to the range, everyone around me seems to have standard capacity magazines. Just started doing some of the action pistol sports. Do I really want to be the only guy running around with 10 round magazines? No. Have I always been a law abiding person that respects and follows the law? Absolutely.
So I sympathize with both sides of this argument. I absolutely respect someone who doesn't trust the ATF, doesn't believe we should have to do a new dance every time the ATF changes its tune and says "f*ck it, I'm not registering anything and if the ATF comes knocking on my door I'll just pull all the braces off my guns and put them in the closet". Yet, as someone who regularly posts on a number of gun forums, has registered several SBR's and a couple of suppressors, who's had their fingerprints taken numerous times, it's not like I'm completely off the grid when it comes to the ATF. And I'm someone who has genuinely tried to follow the law my entire life. So I'm going to register my guns. But I support those of you who have reached the opposite conclusion ... and if you ever need a good lawyer.