Former Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who had been responsible for setting in place the site's ultra-left leaning algorithm, AI shadowban apparatus, and a massive COVID-19 vaccine side effect coverup and silencing of experts who argued against the detrimental effects of the mRNA shots, had passed of aggressive non-small cell lung cancer at the age of 56.
She is not a smoker, but it is certain that she had taken the vaccine and boosters herself. The cancer had struck the previously extremely healthy fitness and meditation junkie suddenly in 2022, at a timing which makes it VERY correlated to the now known effects of the vaccine. She had also lost her 19 year old son Marco Troper to a drug overdose in the February of this year.
She is not a smoker, but it is certain that she had taken the vaccine and boosters herself. The cancer had struck the previously extremely healthy fitness and meditation junkie suddenly in 2022, at a timing which makes it VERY correlated to the now known effects of the vaccine. She had also lost her 19 year old son Marco Troper to a drug overdose in the February of this year.

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has passed away at age 56 | TechCrunch
Tragedy has again struck a famous Silicon Valley family. Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki just passed away, according to social media posts by her