Don't know about anyone else, but I wanna see Joel Wise on a podcast with Frank / Frank&Mike to share his thoughts on shooting and also on his ND video
Perhaps I'm one of the few then. ? I'm a new shooter and not in the PRS/NRL game yet, but after following you and Frank on YouTube and your podcasts, it would be cool to hear y'all go back and forth with your views
NOOO! Dang you guys. I don't want to. Frank is a bonafide professional and smart guy when it comes to this stuff. No one (ok, like 3 of you) wants to hear me try to keep up with Frank. I would be way too nervous. lol
I will be taking Frank's class in June. I'm sure we could collaborate on something. You know, like I could run the camera and Frank could do all the talking. LOL
Sorry Joel. I agree. I know you pulled the video down. But this ND things needs to be addressed until it goes away. Was at a match this weekend and someone had another one. Hit the back stop atleast, but it needs to be addressed. You two putting out a video would attract alot of attention.