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Hunting & Fishing FREE PIG HUNTING!


Full Member
Feb 21, 2008
Why is it that everyone wants a hog hunting spot handed to them?

I have access to thousands of acres of free hog hunting land that I acquired by doing little more than pounding on doors, hanging out in convenience stores and greasing the wheels, one 12 pack at a time. People think it is impossible to hunt for free anymore, they are just lazy! Hog hunting is big business in Texas and it is starting to get that way in Oklahoma but free hunts can still be had. We had a really good spot in north Texas, didn't go for a year or two and lost contact with the land owner. He moved, his number changed. I spent two hours on google tracking him down, finally got a good number for him and will call this weekend. Is this going to far? Am I wasting my time? I don't know. But I do know it's a hell of a lot more productive than sitting around asking for hand outs.

If you live out of state and don't have the time to pound doors or you don't want to pay (which I also think is bullshit) there are literally tens of thousands of acres of free, public hunting land with hogs in Oklahoma. (actually 3 million, but not all of it has hogs) Come on down and kill all you want! I would start with Love Valley WMA and Packsaddle WMA all you need is a NR hunting license, $80 for a 5 day.

I like killing hogs as much as anyone, probably a whole lot more then most if you ask h4everything, but I have never seen anyone get an invite to come kill hogs for free on any forum. People often post "come on down and shoot all you want" but then you never hear from them again.

It's not hard, it just requires a little leg work.

50 cal. First, let me thank you for posting up a couple of promising public land opportunities for hunting hogs to those of us who have chased such endevours. That is the type of good information that most people will be able to use, if they are serious. Let me tell you from the perspective of someone who has done plenty of door knocking and even offered to help farmers for hunting privileges. It is not so easy in most places these days. You could knock and ask till your knuckles bleed and your voice is hoarse to hunt in my area for deer , and this is where they were a big nuisance problem for years. The same farmers cursing the DNR and complaining about crop damage would tell you how only thier Cousin's Brothers Son is allowed to hunt on thier 2000Acre corn patch filled farm(which has 2001 emaciated deer living on it). He comes in from New York City the third day of season drives into a field smokes a joint in his truck, and goes home the next day wondering why he didn't kill a deer. If you live in an area where permission is still attainable that is great. I know a few places in WV where I can find places to hunt this way, but in most places you will still need to be local or the answer will be no, no matter what. Public land is productive for some types of game in some areas. Knowing the spots worth chasing would be enough for most guys seeking hunting spots. I think most guys asking for a place on this forum are doing a form of door knocking, in that they are hoping someone with a farm(or with a friend with one) needing hogs shot would see their post or something of the like. Many replies are probably via PM so people aren't hounded or bothered by 200 requests the next day. If I was interested in going somewhere and had funds and time in hand I will post the same someday. Just another side of the cube to see things from.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why is it that everyone wants a hog hunting spot handed to them?

Because, we don't live in pig infested states, but occasionally pass through them with just barely enough time to stop and shoot for a short time. And since we constantly hear about the huge pig problem down south, it just makes sense to want to help out and have some fun at the same time. But since we have zero local resources/contacts, we have no way to even know were to start this fine procedure you describe, nor the time.(thats where fellas like yourself come in) I have knocked on some doors in OK, and the first one I tried let me in, his words were; "shoot everything you see but the deer, and if you dont shoot the armadillas ya caint come back!" Of course my luck preceded me and I saw nothing but some fine OK whitetale bucks.
I guess what those of us wanting this info are getting at is this, IF ya'll want help killing pigs, we'd love to help. But if not, that's okay, there's other things to do too.

Since 50cal is my number 1 hunting partner and we discuss this subject regulary. We all have friends that bitch about nowhere to hunt. There are places to hunt all over for free. But you have have to put out to find them. We gaurd our spots closely. We have some spots that we will take almost anyone if they ask but there are places that landowners request that it is only us and that is just how it is.

I own a ranch in northern California. The few times I have let strangers hunt my ranch, only problems came from it. We have an orchard, and all of the fallen fruit gets thrown in one area so the deer and other animals can eat it. We had a factory sponsored bow hunter ask for permission to hunt. We let him. He put an arrow through a bucks head. The buck didnt die, instead it ran around the the area with the arrow sticking out of it for a few weeks before succumbing to its injuries. Another time a stranger that was given permission to hunt returned the following weekend with about 20 of his friends in about 5 trucks and jeeps. They tore up the pasture and my neighbors tell me it sounded like a battleground most of their weekend. Unfortunately, I wasnt home, or I would have ended their fun early. I have dozens of similar stories, some of my own and others from neighbors. For many people, you give them an inch and they take a mile. The automatic answer now is not NO, but HELL NO.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: coldboremiracle</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why is it that everyone wants a hog hunting spot handed to them?

Because, we don't live in pig infested states, but occasionally pass through them with just barely enough time to stop and shoot for a short time. And since we constantly hear about the huge pig problem down south, it just makes sense to want to help out and have some fun at the same time. But since we have zero local resources/contacts, we have no way to even know were to start this fine procedure you describe, nor the time.(thats where fellas like yourself come in) I have knocked on some doors in OK, and the first one I tried let me in, his words were; "shoot everything you see but the deer, and if you dont shoot the armadillas ya caint come back!" Of course my luck preceded me and I saw nothing but some fine OK whitetale bucks.
I guess what those of us wanting this info are getting at is this, IF ya'll want help killing pigs, we'd love to help. But if not, that's okay, there's other things to do too. </div></div>

I could not agree with you more. Farmers (and it seems like Texas is notorious for this. BUT clearly the problem is not isolated to the lone star state. I love Texas, don't get me wrong) bitch and moan about how the hogs are just eating them out of house and home/farm but for the most part will be damned if they are going to let you hunt and certainly not for free.

I would be more than happy to draw a map for anyone who needs help regarding hunting public land in OK. And you really do stand a good chance of harvesting at the aforementioned WMAs, among others.

I grew up in a hunting family. I have been taught by my Dad and GrandDad, to treat everything with the same respect as if it was your own property you were hunting on. I have lived by this idea all my life.

Now being a Dad myself, I am doing everything in my power to teach my kiddo's the same as I was taught, PLUS even more of the right things to do. It is all the turds as mentioned above that have done nothing but destroy the opportunities that the rest of us would LOVE to have.

I was born and raised in Texas, and only recently moved to Colorado. Even with all the friends and family that I have in Texas, it is still very difficult to get into the places that actually have hogs. I wanted to go hog hunting so bad, that I am one that even PAID to hunt them. And as luck (or no luck) would have it, nobody out of our group of 3 saw a single hog.

Even though we didn't get a hog or anything else, we did clear the camp and all our hunting areas of the trash that was there. So, sticking to my belief system, we left the place in BETTER shape than when we arrived.

I said all of that simply to say, there are still some honorable hunters out there. The scumbags that tear up the place or leave all their crap scattered around ARE NOT HUNTERS!! I hate that they have to ruin everything for the rest of us.


<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Searcher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I own a ranch in northern California. The few times I have let strangers hunt my ranch, only problems came from it. We have an orchard, and all of the fallen fruit gets thrown in one area so the deer and other animals can eat it. We had a factory sponsored bow hunter ask for permission to hunt. We let him. He put an arrow through a bucks head. The buck didnt die, instead it ran around the the area with the arrow sticking out of it for a few weeks before succumbing to its injuries. Another time a stranger that was given permission to hunt returned the following weekend with about 20 of his friends in about 5 trucks and jeeps. They tore up the pasture and my neighbors tell me it sounded like a battleground most of their weekend. Unfortunately, I wasnt home, or I would have ended their fun early. I have dozens of similar stories, some of my own and others from neighbors. For many people, you give them an inch and they take a mile. The automatic answer now is not NO, but HELL NO. </div></div>

I'm sorry that you've had some bad experiences with slobs. You have no idea how much I hate slob hunters. But I have many horror stories of farmers/landowners. Should I assume all farmers/landowners are no good pieces of shit too??? I'm smart enough to realize that there are bad apples in any group of people. But the good guys thankfully far outweigh the bad. Unfortunately, the few bad apples can destroy a lot of opportunities for the rest of us.

You don't have to worry about me knocking on your door to hunt, but please, don't be a prick to every hunter that comes knocking. That does no good for hunter/landowner relations. Not all hunters are bad.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Farmers bitch and moan about how the hogs are just eating them out of house and home/farm but for the most part will be damned if they are going to let you hunt and certainly not for free.


It seems to me that hunting hogs/coyotes/other problem animals is a mutually beneficial relationship. Farmers get some free help with pests, and hunters get a place to hunt. Why does it seem that farmers oftentimes don't get this? It seems that they feel like they're not gaining anything.

It seems to me that if hogs/coyotes/other problems animals are REALLY a problem, they would be willing to pay hunters, not insist on it being the other way around. Either you have a problem and want to mitigate it, or you don't. But don't cry about your pest problems then act like a dick when someone comes along willing to help for free.

There are plenty of landowners in TX and other places that do have people out for free to hunt pigs and varmints all the time. More and more it is going to be restricted to fiends that are known and trusted, due to the fact that there are so many that don't respect the ranch owner's request/ wishes and cause more problems than they solve. I have seen it on my family's ranch more than once and have myself gone to only bringing friends that I trust out, otherwise I end up having to baby sit and pick up after them.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: eleaf</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Farmers bitch and moan about how the hogs are just eating them out of house and home/farm but for the most part will be damned if they are going to let you hunt and certainly not for free.


It seems to me that hunting hogs/coyotes/other problem animals is a mutually beneficial relationship. Farmers get some free help with pests, and hunters get a place to hunt. Why does it seem that farmers oftentimes don't get this? It seems that they feel like they're not gaining anything.

It seems to me that if hogs/coyotes/other problems animals are REALLY a problem, they would be willing to pay hunters, not insist on it being the other way around. Either you have a problem and want to mitigate it, or you don't. But don't cry about your pest problems then act like a dick when someone comes along willing to help for free. </div></div>

The answer is simple <span style="font-size: 14pt"><span style="color: #006600">$$$</span></span>
Farmers get to sell a crop, collect federal subsidies and charge us to solve "their problem." Win, Win, Win.

I highly doubt the same farmer's bitching and moaning about the having a problem with pigs are the same one's trying to make money on bringing hunters out. I'm sure the exception is out there, but its just that, an exception.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: coldboremiracle</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50calcruiser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why is it that everyone wants a hog hunting spot handed to them?

Because, we don't live in pig infested states, but occasionally pass through them with just barely enough time to stop and shoot for a short time. And since we constantly hear about the huge pig problem down south, it just makes sense to want to help out and have some fun at the same time. But since we have zero local resources/contacts, we have no way to even know were to start this fine procedure you describe, nor the time.(thats where fellas like yourself come in) I have knocked on some doors in OK, and the first one I tried let me in, his words were; "shoot everything you see but the deer, and if you dont shoot the armadillas ya caint come back!" Of course my luck preceded me and I saw nothing but some fine OK whitetale bucks.
I guess what those of us wanting this info are getting at is this, IF ya'll want help killing pigs, we'd love to help. But if not, that's okay, there's other things to do too. </div></div>

I could not agree with you more. Farmers (and it seems like Texas is notorious for this. BUT clearly the problem is not isolated to the lone star state. I love Texas, don't get me wrong) bitch and moan about how the hogs are just eating them out of house and home/farm but for the most part will be damned if they are going to let you hunt and certainly not for free.

I would be more than happy to draw a map for anyone who needs help regarding hunting public land in OK. And you really do stand a good chance of harvesting at the aforementioned WMAs, among others. </div></div>

Well next time I get down to Ok I will be lookin you up!!!!

I have no problems doing the leg work, but where is teh best place to start out with in trying to locate some land I can do some serious varmint hunting on?

Ive been able to do some hunting, but nothing on a regular basis. It's always been a "friend of this friend, knows this guy that his neighbor lives next door to a guy that has some land...."

So, where do I even start? I joined another website, called Texas Predator Posse, and trying to find some places through contacts there...but where else can I, or should I try?

I don't want to have to pay an outfitter every time I want to hunt, or try try and arrange a day with the "friend of a friend of his neighbor, etc..." type of thing either.

Would ne nice to be able to say, hey, I want to go kill some hogs this weekend, let me make a phone call, or drive out, and do it!

So, where is best place to start (Im in south east TX, in a suburb of Houston, city called Pearland)

Thanks guys

BTW 50cal, that IS a great video...

Honestly, the best thing to do is go driving. Find a farm house out in the country and start knocking. Make it clear you have no intentions of deer hunting. I don't push anything but pigs, most of the time farmers and ranchers ask us to kill the coyotes too. I wouldn't go asking someone on Friday if you could hunt that Saturday either, put it off a weekend or so. It's really hard to just start talking to someone you don't know. It's even harder to ask for something when you are bringing little to the table. You just have to find your own technique.
Try watching the futures market and after you feel like you know enough to talk grain prices go sit down for a cup of coffee at a co-op/feed store/rural gas station first thing in the morning. Sooner or later you will sense a good place to enter a conversation, make friends first. Then steer the talk to pigs. You will be amazed at how quickly people will offer you an invite.
This does, of course, need to be in a pig rich area.

Let me share a true story,
One day h4everything and I were driving west bound on I-40, you know the big highway that splits Oklahoma in half, on our way to go exterminate some pigs, what else? Well, we are cruising along at 85mph and out of the corner of H's eye he sees a rancher trying to herd 20+ cows through a small gate in a large field and he is having hell. So we put on the brakes, crossed the median and drove back. We didn't ask him if he needed help, we just jumped the fence and started walking the cattle towards the open gate. We spent 15 minutes helping that guy before we even talked to him. When we got the cows through the gate the guy came over shook our hands and thanked us. We explained that we saw he was having trouble and it looked like he could use a hand. He asked us where we were going, we told him pig hunting. He replied he didn't have anywhere for us to hunt but, he did have an excellent crappie pond we were more than welcome to fish.

We didn't ask him for anything, He jumped in. It did help that h4everything and I knew enough about cattle that we felt confident to jump the fence and lend a hand.

Edit: Oh and when someone does invite you be sure to go! I have found people who think it rude when they offer an invite then the people never show.