So I went into our local Field & Stream this afternoon for two reasons one I wanted to see for myself if it was true that they no longer sell AR15s or AR15 related stuff and the other was to buy some Hornady 6.5 CM Match ammo if they had it. For me I was willing to look past them not selling ARs or AR stuff at Dicks because ok its primarily a athletic sporting goods store with a half ass hunting department and as long as the Field & Stream side of them keep selling ARs and AR related stuff I was ok with it. Well they saved me over $300 today because I was going to buy all 10 boxes they had, but when I realized they pulled all ARs and everything else related to ARs off the shelves I just couldn't do it. The manger who has seen me in there plenty of times in the past buying ammo asked me what was wrong when he saw me putting the ammo back.....I politely told him how I felt about there decision to cave to political correctness and not 100% support the 2nd amendment and that I would not be spending another dime in there store unless they reversed there decision. He apologized and said I agree with you and if it were up to him they would be selling more ARs not less, but that decision was way up the corporate ladder. I said I realize that, but to please pass along my message.