

Full Member
Apr 21, 2007
in yooperland
So, after a discussion on here, the topic of an FSR-89 came up in it. Most of us did not know what it was. After a little research we thought, KOOL!!, but, we’ll never see one. Ha ha, one came up on Gunbroker, and I bought it. As @sirhrmechanic would say, you didn’t pay too much, you just bought too soon.

Gotta mention @Forgetful Coyote as he was the one who brought it up
Very neat and unusual. What year is the action? I have a CG-63 that is dated 1920, with the conversion to CG-63 in 1969.
The FSR-89s are of course much more rare in the USA.
That's gorgeous!!! And you didn't buy too soon! You get to shoot it now!


Waiting on brass to reload for it.

I’m two floors up in my house so not going down to see it. But, I do believe it is a 1904 or 1906. It was a converted CG-63 from 1978 (second go-round?).
I found a deal on GB for 100 rds. of Norma brass. Went to pay and it said “credit card failed”. Strike one. Thinking I did it wrong I checked the numbers and punched ‘go’ again. Strike two. I then used my debit and it “failed” as well. Strike three, no use credit card.

Called the card security and they say, “Oh yeah, it looked suspicious so we blocked your cards. WTF!?!? I just bought off the site less than a week ago. Now waiting for snail mail to get USPS m.o. to seller. It’ll happen, I just wanted it now. First world problems??

Added: Schultz & Larsen barrel?
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So, like any new rifle on this board, one needs to provide groups for validity.

One would not want to be remiss among his friends here for not providing such substantiation of not only his new (to him) rifle, but his prowess of marksmanship, and all the accompanying lies, I mean explanations,
of how he got it done!
Since it is a 300m rifle, and I wanted to zero it at 100 yds. first I set up a 400 yd. target @ 100.

The first shots were low acrooss the bottom. Actually the first shots (both me and my friend) were over the top of the target because we didn’t get down to the peep sight. We both shot through the gap over it. On adjustment, I shot again (this time through the peep sight) at the bottom of the target. Where I made five distinctive holes in the snow directly UNDER the target! That is some purty good shootin!

Anyhow, suffice it to say, we was a-shootin’ under the target while lookin’ through the peep sight, and not over it, so we adjusted up. Gradually of course, as we didn’t want to send bullets a-flyin’ high again.

Eventually, I got settled in to shootin’ X’s like I’m accustomed to. As you see by the posted pic!
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I believe the FSR's, according to the internet research I did, all had Schultz & Larson Barrels.

Congratulations on acquiring the CG-63. I really liked the one I had and wish I had just said no, when I sold it. Other things could've gone down the road, and I would've been happier.
Thanks, SW!

I'll post a thread on my CG 63. I have one with a normal CG 63 barrel profile and the new one that I recently obtained. I checked my CG 80 and it also has a Schultz and Larsen barrel. I also have a FM 23-36 trials rifle that has a heavy profile target barrel, but is unmarked.
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So, today I had to try and find out how this would do @300. The first group I tried only clipped the right upper edge of the paper. Not visible through spotting scope. Not knowing what the actual increments are of the rear sight, I shot a group on the 100 while dialed up to the “3” on the elevation. I was slightly right and 6.5” high. One “click” left and a slight turn to under three and this is the group I got. The bullet in the lower left was also a sighter previous to the group.

I gotta tighten my groups, but I think this rifle can hold tens if someone is dedicated enough.

Added: Because this is a 300 yd. F-Class target, the "blue" would be a ten point hit. The "blue" would also extend out to the 7 ring and there would be a white 6 point ring around that. This thing at 300 is a tiny dot. Not like the bigger open sight targets that are used.
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I believe the FSR's, according to the internet research I did, all had Schultz & Larson Barrels.

Congratulations on acquiring the CG-63. I really liked the one I had and wish I had just said no, when I sold it. Other things could've gone down the road, and I would've been happier.
that is INCORRECT, as a matter of fact there was a number of manufacturers for the barrels (and triggers, for that matter we know of 4 at least). I own one with a VERY heavy KRUPP barrel which is not only nearly 25% larger in diameter but is also nearly 2" longer than what most are....
Norwegian KV barrels are also found on a number of these.
that is INCORRECT, as a matter of fact there was a number of manufacturers for the barrels (and triggers, for that matter we know of 4 at least). I own one with a VERY heavy KRUPP barrel which is not only nearly 25% larger in diameter but is also nearly 2" longer than what most are....
Norwegian KV barrels are also found on a number of these.
Well, I guess you can't always believe the internet....

Added: You got any pictures of that specific barrel and the rifles set-up?
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that is INCORRECT, as a matter of fact there was a number of manufacturers for the barrels (and triggers, for that matter we know of 4 at least). I own one with a VERY heavy KRUPP barrel which is not only nearly 25% larger in diameter but is also nearly 2" longer than what most are....
Norwegian KV barrels are also found on a number of these.
What's the KV stand for? I tried googling it and came up with a bunch of destroyer type naval vessels.

Also, I was wanting to take my FSR-89 apart and get an idea of what is underneath. The "pin" in the bottom of the underside wood 'hatch' doesn't move. Neither does the 'hatch'. Any suggestions on how to get it to move, i.e. do what, and push what direction?
What's the KV stand for? I tried googling it and came up with a bunch of destroyer type naval vessels.

Also, I was wanting to take my FSR-89 apart and get an idea of what is underneath. The "pin" in the bottom of the underside wood 'hatch' doesn't move. Neither does the 'hatch'. Any suggestions on how to get it to move, i.e. do what, and push what direction?
KV=made by Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk (currently Kongsberg Small Arms) of Norway.
For a floor plate to drop free- you have to press on a plunger. Because these are RARELY removed (basically to replace a followe and/or follower spring), there might be so much muck (or even bedding compound) which prevent spring compression. Remove triggerguard, drift a cross pin out (one limiting plunger/floorplate release), remove plunger and spring. Clean good(replace spring if needed(rare), reassemble- you should be able to operate floorplate by pressing on a plunger, small angle movement (while pressing) of the punch pressing towards tang/triggerguard- it (floorplate) should slide few mm and come out of triggerguard assembly
KV=made by Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk (currently Kongsberg Small Arms) of Norway.
For a floor plate to drop free- you have to press on a plunger. Because these are RARELY removed (basically to replace a followe and/or follower spring), there might be so much muck (or even bedding compound) which prevent spring compression. Remove triggerguard, drift a cross pin out (one limiting plunger/floorplate release), remove plunger and spring. Clean good(replace spring if needed(rare), reassemble- you should be able to operate floorplate by pressing on a plunger, small angle movement (while pressing) of the punch pressing towards tang/triggerguard- it (floorplate) should slide few mm and come out of triggerguard assembly
Thank you, I'll see what I can do.