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Fuck the trolls


Lead Slinger
Full Member
Feb 4, 2014
This isn’t an attack on Frank or the podcast, obviously it’s his (and Mikes) show and they say what ever they damn well please. I’ll still listen, and either enjoy it, or I won’t. Maybe I’m the only one, but i give zero fucks what the trolls are doing. Stop feeding them and giving them air time on the podcast. They don’t have fundamentals. We get it, they don’t. Shit these guys can’t even come up with a meme that is original. Ha..ha..ha Frank is short, yeh no shit sherlock no one has ever noticed that. Long story short more talking about guns and shooting, less about fuck wad drama queens. Side note, 100% on board with hearing from Mr. Fuzz. Hope he has a speedy recovery.
That is the plan, to put them on pay no mind, but it's annoying because they created a dedicated page to troll me.

All on FB, and I'm just gonna walk away from that place beyond posting my own propaganda.

when this stuff has 100s of responses, it's hard to ignore, especially when you realize how many people tag or link me to this stuff. I get hit up a lot, so it's not just the Trolls it's the friends who want to bring it to my attention.
That is the plan, to put them on pay no mind, but it's annoying because they created a dedicated page to troll me.

All on FB, and I'm just gonna walk away from that place beyond posting my own propaganda.

when this stuff has 100s of responses, it's hard to ignore, especially when you realize how many people tag or link me to this stuff. I get hit up a lot, so it's not just the Trolls it's the friends who want to bring it to my attention.

Huh, I guess I didn't know the ARS was essentially created "in your honor." I guess you could consider it flattery in a way. If you're catching that much crap, you must be doing something right, eh?

I'll admit I find the page funny, but only because of how ridiculously extreme the view being portrayed is. But eh, trolls will be trolls.

As they say, the best revenge is living well. I think you're doing alright there.
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The main thing is the cheap dishonesty,

Associating things to me I never said or eluded too, they spin, twist and make up a lot of generalized BS.

If they quoted me straight up, I would drive on, but the lies and spin being perpetrated by some of these Trolls had to be addressed. Guys thought this was a Real Site and a Real Series. When people ask them, Why are you doing that, thinking it real, they invoke my name.

If everyone knew it was a fake page, no harm no foul, but not everyone is aware this is fake.
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The main thing is the cheap dishonesty,

Associating things to me I never said or eluded too, they spin, twist and make up a lot of generalized BS.

If they quoted me straight up, I would drive on, but the lies and spin being perpetrated by some of these Trolls had to be addressed. Guys thought this was a Real Site and a Real Series. When people ask them, Why are you doing that, thinking it real, they invoke my name.

If everyone knew it was a fake page, no harm no foul, but not everyone is aware this is fake.

Ah, fair enough. I guess I didn't realize anyone was taking it seriously. Sad that that's happening, and I can definitely see how it could cause issues when you get roped in unaware.
If drama gets you more views, then continue that route. You will, however retain fewer listeners that are looking for content with practical value. Your style is cool and unscripted. Just stay focused on what matters. I really have no interest in an everyday soap opera podcast. ?.
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If drama gets you more views, then continue that route. You will, however retain fewer listeners that are looking for content with practical value. Your style is cool and unscripted. Just stay focused on what matters. I really have no interest in an everyday soap opera podcast. ?.

To be clear. I don't know anyone including myself that listens to the podcast for the drama.

I listen for the great content and I find Frank and Mike very entertaining in the way they deliver the content.

The "drama" makes up an incredibly small percentage of the podcast and Frank (and anyone else who is called out) has every right to set the record straight. I sure as hell don't always agree with Frank but I like to hear different opinions and then make decisions for myself. I don't take it personally and then attack him or anyone else.
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No and don't be a fool,

But they did specifically call me out on more than one occasion, they made a Bullshit meme about ME after I was reply number 99 out of 200, which had nothing to do what I was saying, etc.

I never said it was made TO Troll me, I said they were using it to troll me

You had fuck sticks on there, invoking my name, like Ethan C, he mentioned ME at least 6 times in one post, so go ahead and label me VAIN, etc, when i replied to him, they deleted it.

In fact, when people initially asked, How come the rules say A, B, and C, they said, Frank.... fact.

The internet has a long memory and even though they deleted a few of the Frank Memes, there is still some up.

They even tried aligning me to cheating and Dawson, because we took a "Group Photo" at the SHC 2 years ago and Dawson was in the image cuz he shot for Prime

So @Killswitch Engage spare me your projections, they invoked my name, they added me to the group, I had no choice to be respond.
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No and don't be a fool,

But they did specifically call me out on more than one occasion, they made a Bullshit meme about ME after I was reply number 99 out of 200, which had nothing to do what I was saying, etc.

I never said it was made TO Troll me, I said they were using it to troll me

You had fuck sticks on there, invoking my name, like Ethan C, he mentioned ME at least 6 times in one post, so go ahead and label me VEIN, etc, when i replied to him, they deleted it.

In fact, when people initially asked, How come the rules say A, B, and C, they said, Frank.... fact.

The internet has a long memory and even though they deleted a few of the Frank Memes, there is still some up.

They even tried aligning me to cheating and Dawson, because we took a "Group Photo" at the SHC 2 years ago and Dawson was in the image cuz he shot for Prime

So @Killswitch Engage spare me your projections, they invoked my name, they added me to the group, I had no choice to be respond.

man frank...i dont need to give you any projections. certainly the ARS thing is trolling you and they certainly knew you would predictably respond given your nature. but.....as i think you can tell they are trolling everything and all the dogma of prs, nrl, snipershide, you and everyone else. if for one second some dumb fuck cant figure out the whole thing is satire....those are exaclty the ones that its directed at. im having some pretty good laughs from and so should you.
It's turned because a few people they won't troll said something ...

I have zero issue when they leave me off, but you cannot deny they started out with several Frank Memes before they expanded the current direction. You can make all the private groups you want and attack me all day long it makes you feel like a man, you can downplay my contributions, you can talk shit about my opinions, have at it. Just dont tag me because when I do it back to you, none of you can handle it.

You all think you have some enlightened clue, but we all know better. Trolls.

Yes, I was added without my knowledge and started to get hit with messages about it.

I am done with it, and have no interest in participating in their BS, comedy or otherwise as I dont find even the funny stuff, very funny, it's pretty lame from a comedy standpoint. Saying a bunch of random match shit is hardly special.

My question to you, @KillswitchEngage why the fuck are you here at all if I am such a bad guy ?
My question to you, @KillswitchEngage why the fuck are you here at all if I am such a bad guy ?

I am a newb to the precision shooting world, I got into for the competition aspect moving from 3 gun and before USPSA. I found this site and it seemed cool, lots of good info. Then you started your podcast and man your funny, I laughed at the alien stuff, I appreciated the knowledge and the shooting topics. The guys at Mile High seemed cool and very knowledgable. It was weird that you shit on alot of competition shooters, claiming that you were a purist (paraphrasing) and that they were doing it wrong. It was kinda like an ex-real estate broker bitching that people arent playing Monopoly according to best business practices and regulations. That was your thing though, and I went along with it. But you kept attacking the competitions, the shooters, the matches all the while claiming you were the victim and you had the answers (but they wouldnt listen to you). You've lost me now though with this last podcast. Im sure you wont care, you can claim a newb shooter was a troll or that I wanted the easy way. But man that "poor me, Im the victim of the bad people" has gotten real old.

Im sure your a good dude, but like every other person thats wants to be the perpetual victim, it gets old. Hopefully your podcast gets back to the shooting.
... but it's annoying because they created a dedicated page to troll me.

I never said it was made TO Troll me, I said they were using it to troll me

Really Frank? Maybe you need to step back from the keyboard, and realize that the ARS was meant as a joke to poke fun at everybody and all the drama that is organized sports, and not about "everybody [agreeing] let's attack Frank." But, in what has become your typical fashion as of the past few years, rather than seeing the humor, you jumped up on your soapbox. Had you not turned it into some Days of Franks Life soap opera, then it would have moved on to someone else. As it is now, they're just digging at you because you're acting like an ass. Hell, you're so bent about something that in FACT is not about you, that you can't even see when you contradict yourself like above. But hey, go ahead and ban guys like me and whoever else you think are irrelevant for disagreeing with you. You're just proving some of this shit to be more on par than on parody. And the reason you don't see memes about Phil, is because he doesn't do podcasts and posts everywhere that shit talk competition shooters and hypocritically accusing anyone who disagrees with him as attacking him, which newsflash Frank... you do it all the fucking time. He doesn't go to matches in high heel shoes, or do other shenanigans for the singular purpose of creating controversy, but he acts as like an ambassador to shooting, something you apparently forgot how to do years ago, unless it gives you some kind of public relations cookie. Go ahead Frank, ban me. It's what you do. A lot of us have quit expecting anything less from you awhile ago.
Holy cow! I heard about ARS on the Precision Shooting Podcast. Those aussies had a bunch of fun with it. I didn’t realize it was aimed at @Lowlight until I read this and found the page on Facebook.

I laughed my ass off at their shitty punctuation and spelling. If you’re going to troll, you should get your/you’re and their/they’re down, and learn how to use punctuation. I don’t care how you type if you’re being nice, but once you start trolling, I will mock you if you don’t get that shit right. You may say you don’t care, but in the end you’ll hear your 3rd grade teacher when you read my words.
Holy cow! I heard about ARS on the Precision Shooting Podcast. Those aussies had a bunch of fun with it. I didn’t realize it was aimed at @Lowlight until I read this and found the page on Facebook.

I laughed my ass off at their shitty punctuation and spelling. If you’re going to troll, you should get your/you’re and their/they’re down, and learn how to use punctuation. I don’t care how you type if you’re being nice, but once you start trolling, I will mock you if you don’t get that shit right. You may say you don’t care, but in the end you’ll hear your 3rd grade teacher when you read my words.

That's the point. It's entirely satire, and mocking trolls and pros alike. And it's not aimed at Frank, despite his best intentions to make it so.
So it's out in the open:

1. I am not behind or have anything to do with the ARS. I've only had close to 30 people call me, text, message, PM, DM, and send smoke signals asking. I have my guesses to who, but I still don't know. Even I was fooled at first, but finally realized it was complete satire.

2. No one is safe. They have trolled almost every aspect of the sport and this community. Easy targets are easy targets. And people making themselves easy targets will continue to be...dramatic pause... EASY TARGETS. Subjects like prize tables, Typer Snipers and basement dwelling experts, scoring/gaming, and even influential/notable/high profile people like Frank have been targeted. I have trolled and have been trolled on here and over on FB and IG for years. Welcome to Thunderdome.

3. Satire. It's all satire. Laugh, be happy and have fun with it. Choose to ignore it. Or choose to let it get under your skin.
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Gents, as one of the token Aussies present, I can confirm the ARS is one gigantic piss-take. As I am Australian - and can spell, this is bankable information.

Some of it is also fucking hilarious.
well frank...i was gonna reply to you about why i am here but some guys above put it to words more succinct then i probably could. i've been on this forum with you for over 10yrs. i made rather large contributions with optics tracking tests to which you even took off with your own "scope humbler" to alaska and started testing and proving optics before your classes. your forum gained tons of traffic from my work.

i regularly try to contribute to peoples questions or topics about reloading, gunsmithing, night vision etc as these are things in my wheel house. i tend to steer clear of the drama of your podcast, fundamentals, purists and all this other laughable shit .

you are just not coming through well to people other than the ones so stuck to your nuts they can't see anything else. your comments continually paint so many with a broad brush negatively about things like jersey shooters, tourists, wannabe professionals yada yada and yet you hardly know any of us sans a few you pound on in your rants yet we all get lumped together as prize table cry babies that slap shit in your sale pages on monday. that we are all wannabes, that we are all self centered pricks only looking out for ourselves... that shit all rubs me the wrong way yet i dont say much to you about it.

you have no idea the things that myself or many others do to give to this sport. the things i have personally done for the scout sniper community, recon sniper foundation, new shooters, old shooters etc etc etc. you dont know jack shit other than what you think you know from those you choose as your examples that the rest of us have to fall under.

maybe take a step back and realize everything aint always about you. none of us are getting out of this alive so relax.

It started out with images of me, and now they are deleted, so clearly people realized that just bashing me was the direction it started.

Also, I reached to a guy on there who went and attacked me personally, there is a difference between trolling a situation and directly attacking someone. If that was wasn't the case why delete the Frank Memes?

I know a lot more than you realize, the fact is the guy standing next to you who is laughing alongside you is also contacting me... fact.

If what I said does not pertain to you, why do you care, clearly everyone sees it. And after all the explanations if you don't realize I was ASKED to make the Jersey letter and ASKED to make it Sting, you are not as deep on the inside as you think. Things move around the board all the time, and it always swings my way.

I love the replies I get when I reach out, I agree with the message but hate the delivery is the same thing every time. Happened yesterday when I sent a PM to a guy who attacked me personally on ARS Page. Emotional weaklings

We (me) did a lot for many people over the years, the loyalty still exists despite what the hurt feelings crowd has to say. You say I am the issue, but yet here you are crying about a letter 2 years ago that addressed a SPECIFIC class of people and most importantly to the cowards who wrote the anonymous letter to Jacob at Rifles Only. If you were not at Rifles Only and you did not write the letter my response has no bearing on you except to say, Don't let this be an issue, unfortunately, you did. You all failed, fact.

you guys act like without me there is no drama, clearly not the case. Very little of the organic BS found at these events have anything to do with me. I am simply the mirror reflecting back at you. I get it though, you hate what you see.

You honestly believe the 300 or so guys who compete and got their feelings hurt is affecting anything big ?

I can easily remove your accounts, 10yr history or otherwise, as I don't want your negative BS and if I am such a problem you have no business being here.

When I moved to scout, many jumped ship to FB, guys who used the site for years, took advantage of its reach. They all said I was done. Yet here I am with a new group of shooters who have replaced all who have left. My server logs, my stats, are stronger than ever. I know I watched it grow. Meanwhile here is FB blocking stuff, kicking groups off, limiting your ability to communicate about the sport. Hell Instagram booted the NRL site this week. So when the music stops, well see where people sit.

Just say the word all you haters are gone.
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If I was looking to make it all about I would be there using it... posting shit. I walked away except for two responses when I attacked personally.

I just pointed out it started out with some BS memes about me, and it avoided the guys who started the conversations in the first place. Then people got personal and attacked me so I responded to those individuals. I sent Private Messages, doesn't sound very drama filled to me.

The whole, hate the messenger and ignore the message has me confused. Everyone agrees changes have to be made, but instead of forcing those much-needed changes to happen, I become the boogeyman LOL Emotional Ameobas

If FB was working, I would post a screenshot and prove my point.

Here is my honest feelings, my emotion, you are all so angry you got scammed paying into a system that was designed to see you fail that you are lashing out me for not pointing it out sooner and more forceful. You're the wife beater who gets excuses made for it by their wives.

I dont care what you do, if you dont' like me or this place, leave. But the reality is, it has the reach and you need it. The idea that prizes are not sold in the parking lot or on Monday is funny. Never seen that happen. I forced Jon Pynch to make his statements in the Kifaru podcast that pissed people, it was all because of me. Hell, I even sat back in the MHSA response and bit my tongue. Forget the fact that unlike your emotional people I reached out and called Jon Pynch, we spoke more than once, the last time for 2 hours. We agree on a lot of stuff.

Keep making up excuses to hate me, I have no problem with it, you'll be removed from here, and someone else will replace you. I don't need the negativity you all invoke. Your liberal playbook is pretty clear. Spin, lie, make up stuff I never said or did, and attack me personally.

I mention a situation, you all attack personally. I have never called out a single individual by name. And I have names. As soon as one of you fools does something anyone doesn't like, instead of addressing it, they call me, and send pictures. Look to your own ranks before coming after me.

Ask me how I know

Oh, and SPARE ME About the Podcast, I have 114 Episode maybe 5 Mention the Competition Drama, so clearly who is making a mountain out of a mole hill.

The attack on me over the high heels was funny. That was Maxine Nix's idea and I went along, but some people get it. Still came in 12th in heels with an AR15, LOL.
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dude you are fucking insane. never fucking one time have i said i hate you, i have never said i dislike you, i have never been as psycho defensive about any of this shit. i do agree with some things you say and take a stance on. i damn sure dont agree with them all and certainly not the way you continually paint with your broad brush.

i could give two shits about prs, nrl, ars or any of the other crap. i was shooting sniper/tac matches....wait for it.....just like you frank, long before any of this stuff was even an idea. it could go back that way tomorrow and i wouldnt have a fucking care in the world. i enjoy the opportunity i have to shoot for the company/s i do. i really dont give a fuck about any letter, anything at rifles only or much else about the drama. yet here again you are lumping us all together as your arch enemy. youre fucked up dude... i think youre getting to the point of feeding off this shit and i dont think you realize it.

as i have said...ive been a contributor to YOUR site for over a decade. Ive helped YOU one way or another becuase i like the community. I HAVE PASSION FOR IT....cant say i get much for payout. so...if it is your will to ban someone like me who just isnt going to sit idly by and agree with everything your saying while casting your huge net. well brother do what ya gotta do.

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Then why can't you see the nuances?

Are you trying to say I am not PASSIONATE about the sport?

Are you trying to say I am not DEDICATED to seeing these things progress in a positive way?

Do I not Routinely Offer Solutions to my complaints? Or do I just bitch and leave it at that?

Are you not aware of the dozen times I have approached people hoping to find a solution, of course not, much of it is never talked about. The fact the powers that be ignore a lot of this stuff should be your first clue.

I have asked over and over what changes are made for the better? More matches is not a positive change if they fail to address fundamental issues with growth.

Sorry, If all you do is personally attack me while the same time you give veiled agreement to my position.

Who have I attacked personally vs how am I addressed? The generalizations exist for a reason because it's spread out among the entire country. None are immune, look at the guy at the CD Event who cheated with an erasable pen, was that my fault or a general change in approach? CD is not known for gaming, yet this year we hit a milestone. That comes from the accepted practice of bending the rules as far as possible. It's encouraged so of course, someone takes it too far. That is MY Point.

Stop being emotional and start looking at what is actually being said. I address a situation, not a person.
Oh, and just a piece of insight

My one major competitor is Facebook, it was one of the reasons I looked to Scout at the time. I saw FB coming on strong and guys were creating groups so I was hoping to align myself with a Sports Site to increase exposure and bring shooting closer to the mainstream sports.

When I go to FB, a lot of time I will be bombastic because it's funny watching shit blow up. Cue ARS Page.

So what I say, I say in the absolutely most negative way, then I walk away and laugh at the outcry. What in turn has happened is guys have taken my words on there for the gospel, despite the fact I try to even and measured approached when looking a problem or solution. Emotion has gotten the better of you all.

Just like the last Podcast Episode, I rant, then I sip coffee loud into the mic. If you cannot see me smirking, its because you dont' want to.

I have a social media site, why would I feed Facebook with a positive contribution?
if you think what i am saying is youre not passionate and dedicated i feel like you are missing the point. we just arent on the same page.

if you think i feel the prs and any of these sanctioned events arent broken and in need of fixing...were not on the same page

if you think that I am emotional about ANY of this and you are not? we are not on the same page.

if you feel i am "attacking" you while having thinly veiled agreement with you....well again we arent on the same page. i dont think i attacked you ever. i made my viewpoints and opinion on some matters....just like you do. as i said, i agree with you on some things. the direction and current situation with the prs would be one of them. what i dont agree with is that all prs shooters fit your label. that everyone is out it get you, that everyone that doesnt do it frank, phillips, caylon or even your buddy todds way is wrong. improvise-adapt-overcome is what it used to be.
Do I need to post all the personal attacks in just your previous 3 posts?

Your complaint about me is my generalizations about the sport, my broad brush approach lumping everyone into the same category.

Yet, every response to me a personal attack, read your post, Nick, etc.

Again would you like me to list the personal attacks, which was also my complaints on the page? They went personal, it was by people who are clearly not "friends of mine" when people who are not your friends, play this BS, it's not a joke. I get jokes, I am as self-deprecating as they come. But you all have no concept of comedy, and clearly are just looking to paint me in a negative light because you feel aggrieved by me.

if you bothered to look past your own nose and hear what I say, I talk about the 10% all the time. I never say ALL PRS shooters, not once. More projection. Applying things I never said to the situation.

I have shot a PRS Match this year when I was asked to attend because of lack of attendance, I responded. Same with Guardian, I was asked if I would attend, yes. so clearly I am not against ALL.

The guy who attacked me personally invoking my name over and over on the ARS Page I emailed. I asked if we ever met, he said no but we shot the same match and he did not approach me because I am hostile to shooters. Complete LIE, I am never hostile, clearly because Pynch who approached me and went off on me, ended up talking and agreeing more times than not. We spoke, vs the guys who spread BS about me to make themselves feel important.

The personal attacks are real, however, there is only one side getting personal, and has been demonstrated here in living color. Now prove me wrong, or "fucked" as you called me.
well lets have some beers over it someday. i think we wouldnt be as hostile about all of it much like anything else when people can debate in person.

for the record i am not attacking you and i am sorry if you feel that way. i dont hate you or dislike you etc. i can walk away from it and dont have any negative feelings about it. i will work to better myself. probably do us both some good
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The more people talk openly and outright about this, the more common ground we find. However very few are interested in this path.

I do want to point out, everyone said I was making this all about me, but people are taking what I said about a Specific Situation or instance and making it all about them and what they are doing. Saying I am lumping all the shooters together is clearly not true, as every example I have cited goes back to a specific situation. If you were not at that match if you were not guilty of playing fast and loose with the rules, why is suddenly about YOU?

I did not label the Kifaru podcast, airing of the grievance, yet that grievance was what I have been saying is how many think, someone else just finally said it out loud. Some people call that a clue, others called it a win for their team. Rather than saying we spoke, at length and our common ground was X, Y, but we disagreed on Z, which is WHAT I DID after the gunwerks match. it was, Ya he has sour grapes.

We all shoot these matches, I shot 6 events this year, so clearly I was not talking about everyone who attends these events. The idea I am lumping everyone together was a tactic, a tactic designed to discredit the specific observations I spoke about. What they were doing was called damage control, so the plan was to discredit Frank every time he speaks. Not hard to see. Hell, they even stacked matches on top of mine to try and suppress attendance. All this was a tactic.

Every single person who actually talks to me about it, angry or otherwise will say exactly this:

just like you do. as I said, i agree with you on some things. the direction and current situation with the prs would be one of them.

I never once lumped everyone together or said all prs shooters are the same. I am not that absolute, I never speak in absolutes.

Do me a favor, go back and listen to my podcasts that have any mention of competitions, I routinely say the NRL is doing a better job, I might not agree with everything they do, but I clearly speak in positive tones about them, as I see a real desire to improve there, vs the business as usual approach the PRS takes. I promote local matches constantly and praise the local guys for stepping up. All this is on the record.

The reason dialog, talking this stuff out together works is, people cannot pick and choose their talking points, then slink away with a narrative which can be passed on to others. I have said over and over, I respect those who actually confront me vs the ones who hide behind a keyboard and make up shit or frame my criticism as something directed to ALL SHOOTER ENGAGED IN PRS SHOOTING.

I religiously tell people to shoot matches and participate, I will, however, the caveat that I always say is, don't pay the series, that is my crime in all this. I was affecting their bottom line. evidence by the last guy dropping it for a loss after 1 year.
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So in my perspective a lot of this was started over a pod cast that quoted an extremely successful shooter. The original question was presented at a match in the heat of the moment in a way that was disarming and thought provoking. I am paraphrasing so please if I don't get the quotes right cut me some slack. "what did you think of the AI rifle being given away to the 70th place shooter?" The answer was simple. "I don't agree with that because I rely on the prize table in order to afford to go to the next match" I love this sport and its the only way I can afford to do it". Knowing who was asking the question I side stepped with I'm here for the trophies and snacks reply. I know everything we say in public can be used. I also know that the shooter in question is not familiar with the SH or it's media reach at all. Now lets flash back to 2012 I only had a few years in the competition world under my belt. There were a total of 13 matches or so nation wide I had been a SH member since 2007 but didn't know all of the players and the back side story. It seemed that we were all at a match in Fl then K&M now Core were I witnessed a screaming match between our host and another guy that had started up a web sight called tactical matches which was in direct competition with SH at the time. Since then there has been a continuous campaign to discredit competition shooters for reasons that only allow us to speculate. Sniper Hide has done more for our sport and community of shooters Sport, Hunting Military and LE then any other media network than any other. I bought ads sold more stuff on here than I can count. I got some of the best advice from the likes of Zak Smith, George Gardner etc etc etc etc. Used to stay up til 0200 squawking on the shout box with buddies all over the country. We all don't have a media giant to feed our passion or serve the country via Mil or LE, but we all love the sport and love to compete. I may be totally wrong in my opinion it happens often but it seems like tearing down a facet of our shooting community is not helping attendance at matches, gun shows, positive feedback in other forums or our sponsors. Attack campaigns either way are bullshit.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw
There was some behind the scenes stuff over that argument between me and Berry

I had just left Rifles Only and it was not a positive departure at the time. Jacob and I got a Divorce and like all divorces, it turned heated. The part that people didn't see was,

Not knowing where I might go in the discussion of the split, one side went proactive and it included help from Tactical Matches. Berry and I did not get along prior, but it turned ugly. Lots of sniping taking place, it went into overdrive when FB hit the scene because now they had a platform with just as much reach within the community as I did.

Fast Forward to 2014 at CORE and I actually apologized to Rich Emmons at Core and Buried the hatchet so to speak at their match that year. Tried working together with the PRS but it all fell apart due to the obvious differences of opinion. That stemmed my trip to Bartlein with George Gardner, we drove from here to WI and spoke about settling this with the PRS because George was obviously fully invested. Much of it was put to rest in 2014 after that trip. Then it sparked up again because of disagreements in things like the Barricades, the matches, etc. They saw me vulnerable with my move to Scout and they were hoping to put a nail in my coffin so the attacks ramped up.

Regardless if people want to admit it, the PRS Series started on SH. There were issues early on and I spoke up about them, probably far too bombastic, and it blew up nasty. Since this was an Okie / TX creation with the PRS (2012), and I had just left TX in bad Divorce, TX Rebelled against me a bit and I fought back using the platform. The campaign was to shut me out.

Sniper's Hide Cup was a PRS Event, Not a PRS Event, a PRS Event, etc, it went back and forth for several years.

At Core, words were exchanged that I was gonna be swept under the rug, my site would fold like Sniper Paradise did when I arrived on the scene, and the new site, (Which was actually a direct copy of SH, software and all) was home to the main PRS types of the time.

Today, Jacob and I speak, no issues, in fact, he called me last night, very pleasant, all good.

My main personal problem was when I saw things I didn't like and tried to address them, I was told straight up to shut the fuck up and just let it go. (Behind the scenes) They wanted ZERO negative press, and frankly speaking, that is not me. I see something, I say it, I have always been this way. Never once can someone who has been on SH for any period of time, knows I speak my mind and you are not gonna tell me to shut up.

I call balls and strike in public for a lot of stuff and it offends people. Now they had their own platform to rebuff me, so here we are today. If I called foul, they jump on FB and call foul back. So we had battling opinions taking place across both platforms. FB and their User Groups, Me and SH. Of course, it got worse and nothing was settled. That brings us full circle.

There were other things, and to be honest, I was warned, I have been chastised, and told, if I shut up and went away, things would settle down. In every instance it was said, Just be quiet and let us do our thing, but at the same time the campaign to silence my opinion continued, and predictably I fought back. The behind the scenes is actually really interesting, but so long and detailed it would take its own book.
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And once again, poor Frank is the innocent victim and the savior of the sport, Frank did it all. Yes Frank, I made it personal because you make it personal all the fucking time with numerous people when you try to drag them into drama to drive traffic, and you do like the drama. Then you want to try and argue semantics, or point fingers to who you think started it first. It's like a revolving door. Second, and let me make this extremely clear... Your success with Sniper's Hide was NOT because of you, but because of the support you had from countless others in the industry, countless other shooters who enjoyed the idea of what was at the time the only real online forum for long range shooting, and countless professionals and influencers who promoted Sniper's Hide and contributed information to the community that made it attractive. That's not to say you weren't instrumental and vital to it's development, but you are not what made the Hide. No one was constantly saying "Go the the Hide, and Frank Galli can answer it." It's referred to as the Hide for a reason, not Frank's forum. Sniper's Hide would not have been what it was (depending on who you ask) or is today were it not for a lot of the very people you continue to talk shit to if you think for a minute they'll challenge whatever relevancy you think you still have. You also do NOT give two shits about improving the community and being some charitable giver. You want to make money, plain and simple. You weren't giving away advertising to anyone other than influencers who brought in traffic, because people wanted to hear what they had to say. You sold ads Frank. You banned anyone commercially selling that wasn't paying to do it. When challengers to the Sniper's Hide platform showed up, we started seeing your attitude change. You started immediately looking to discredit them. Same goes for when the sport began organizing. 99% of the things you have to save about the PRS, NRL, jersey shooters, etc. are criticisms of who, what, or how they do things, and your 2 cents about why you would've done it differently... but you didn't do it, did you Frank. You're not really competing anymore, are you Frank. You've become more poisonous than positive, and you can't see it because you've become that guy Frank. As for your assertions that we're trying to discredit you every time you speak... really? Maybe you need to look up the primary definition of discredit, then read the first lines of a lot of your comments, like the one on Phil's thread, "The amount of responses with no clue what the fundamentals are and how they apply is staggering." I'm done after this Frank. It's your site, and I wouldn't want to see the negativity about myself on my own. I, however, would maybe ask why I was seeing it in the first place, before jumping to action, but hey, you do you, and it is you now. You want to believe we're all attacking you because of whatever, and it doesn't matter what we say, because you never believe you're wrong. You don't even want to consider that maybe you've let the success of the Hide go to your head, and you are NOT the same guy you were 10 years ago. And BTW... I saw your comment about hiding behind keyboards. I'm not hiding. If you want to have a conversation in person, I'll be back shooting again in January, as I've been absent the last 4 years for personal reasons, and I may even be at SHOT. By all means, let's talk and have a beer. Maybe in person you'll have an ounce of humility and openness to considering that we don't hate you, we just hate how you've been acting over the past few years.

- Nick Setting

Just wow, so ill-informed and angry ...

First off, SH operated for 8 Years without Ads .... 8 Years this site operated 100% funded by me. 8 Year NICK, at what point would you have labeled me a bigger sellout?

Sniper's Hide is a community and I have always said the forum success is based on its members. However, it still needs rules and has to operate correctly to be successful. We had a lot of competition, Sniper Country, Sniper Paradise, Sniper Central, etc, what separated me from the others. It's members, Certainly not me cause I am the head of something that should defer credit to others.

Make money, well this is a business and I charge far less than most. You have no clue what I give away, what I defer for people, as if you have some special insight into my operation. NICK YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE what I do, how I help people and what I charge. The one place I don't publicly talk about and BANG, Nick has a HARD ON for it.

This place helped more start-up businesses than I can count. Period, End of Discussion. Do some homework.

I shot 6 matches this year NICK, I mainly shoot the local stuff, but I am not competing as I used too. Look at my Training Schedule Dumb ass... I do other things, Holy shit, talk about conceded as if shooting a Competition defines you. Who is delusional here.


My training schedule is from March to Oct, I do several classes a month in this time frame, so I cannot always shoot matches,

just cause I know you will love it:

Not to mention, I am a bit broke, with a busted shoulder neck.

I mainly shoot with kids now,




Have I changed, I am sure I have, but there is also a Cause and Effect to this stuff, attack me, I attack back, pretty simple.

Companies can make a ton of money off this site, I charge $1500 a YEAR for that privilege to sell on here. Making me rich, hell no, and honestly, we get alerts from paying companies all the time. If one pays they all should.

Look at the hypocrisy here, Capitalism is good, EXCEPT if Frank is doing it. I work my ass off on this place and those who pay attention are well aware of what I do.

Maybe a need a page, Charities Frank gives too, Support Frank Provides but doesn't talk about, because it's only the guys who crow about how great and nice and charitable do they get any respect.

Nope, I had nothing to do with it, Nick is Right, I am a fraud.

The mental gymnastics to paint me the most negative light possible is beyond comical. I do appreciate the laugh, also it reinforces what I have been saying. They want to strip me of all credit.

I don't know about the line about not doing anything though, have I done anything, ? Have I helped grow the sport, if you say no, LOL wow Nick you are clearly off your meds? 18 Years of SH and it's been for a selfish reason, it's about me. Who here has Frank Derangement Syndrome ?

IMG_0583 2.JPG

But keep talking Nick, I like where your head is at.... so full of win in every sentence. Maybe stop listening to guys with an agenda, cause they are giving bad Intel. We both know who that is.

PS paragraphs are your friend Nick
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This one I have to agree with. He is self-employed and have known him to maintain the site by himself. What is ungrateful is in using his shit to take his inventory. I have no vested interest either. He has banned me a couple of times, lol. Of course he is talking about himself. You ass hats keep bringing up his shortcomings and ending shit with let's have a beer, it's all good. A little passive aggressive. BTW, it has not gone unnoticed by me that he is travelling a lot related to the sport and sharing the experiences. Truth is nobody really gives a shit about some minority of shooters that get shit off some fucking table. LL is a beach bum. He doesn't really have to go anywhere to surf. So, let's try giving two positives followed by a negative since he is manning up rather than blocking accounts. It is about the rifles, shooting and related equipment. Not this operator as fuck intervention bullshit.

How did you injure your shoulder and neck, LL?
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This all reminds me of why I choose to be a facilitator instead of a leader.
I get to decide who's efforts I support, if the leadership craps out you can just walk.

Seems like the leadership is getting friendly fire.

My own observations: I dont know frank.

With all the shots being taken at gun sports, firearms owners, and patriats in general,
I cant waste any ammo on infighting, just too busy keeping alive.

Appears frank works hard at what he does.
Seems amiable enough but "pointed" at times, who is not?

Maybe time for some to get thier own mess kit and learn how to keep it clean.
It's more like this behind the scenes, hence the anger.

Speaking of behind the scenes stuff, did you happen to ever hear about what went down between Bill Davidson from TacPro in Mingus and Jacob from Rifles Only?

I happened to refer to Rifles Only one time while at TacPro and while no details were mentioned, it was made clear by the instructors that it was a name that best not be spoken.
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