"fully registered member?"


Full Member
Jul 20, 2014
College Station, Tx.
Requirements: over 100 posts or 40 days.
It also says you must fill out your profile with a city, state, and show a valid email address in your profile, and to do this, your city and state information goes in the "Geography" line.

The email we need to see is in the "Public Email Address" box.

The problem is when I go to edit my profile, there is no "geography" line, and I cannot find anywhere to put my email address. I meet all the requirements and the system is supposed to upgrade automatically. Can someone please explain what I need to do?
Full Membership means, 100 CONTRIBUTING posts or 45 Days Registered on the Site.

Not sure that going through and posting "looks good", "I like it" on threads from 2 or 3 years ago is going to cut it. You obviously have something you are wanting to sell and are trying to avoid paying the new member fee to do so. I've seen post from you all day on old threads that contribute nothing.