The car is absolutely fun to drive. Honestly, if you live in a city environment, it’s a way better option than having a gas car.
The issue is when you want to take a trip you need to drive more than 85 miles an hour on average, which means you need to charge the damn car every 275 miles - in order to come close to making up for the lost time due to all of the charging.
Once solid state, batteries become a reality, that problem will be largely solved.
Until then, you’re either buying a hybrid or a classic gasoline powered vehicle, maybe a diesel if you are hauling.
Honestly, I know why your Tesla stock is splitting... those guys have thought the EV thing through, even if uncle sam is fucking it up. They have cradle to grave thinking and are covering all of the bullshit people like to use against EVs: Including that pesky little recycling of the batteries issue.
Musk, et. .al, did a great job separating (mostly) leftists from their cash in order to fund innovation and get us to the desired end state: a practical EV that will have the range of gas powered car. Then he sticks it to the State of Nazifornia when they start screwing with his ability to make them lots of cash in taxes.