Here's the thing: Bullshit gets exposed on the internet in ten seconds of thousands or tens of thousands of people seeing it. The MSM lies can go for weeks, months, or even years before they are debunked, and then it takes even longer for it to become the zeitgeist.
You are way better off getting your information directly, and simply taking it with a grain of salt and seeing how it ages. The media has killed itself by being a stooge of the government and pretending they're some sort of unbiased arbiters. They've been exposed and are dying slowly. Deciding what is and isn't the truth is never going away because people lie. Where you get twisted is once you start believing the source rather than the information.
I say it all the time, but in business you have to tell the truth every single time without fail, and if you don't know you have to say you don't know, because you can tell the truth a hundred times, but once you tell one single lie then you are a liar, and it's that simple.
Our country really isn't divided between the right and left. Only about ten percent on the left and right are truly guided only by ideology. For the other 80% they probably agree more than they disagree, and the divide are between the ones who believe the media, and the ones who think they are compulsive liars. That really defines the difference between Democrats and Republicans, and is also why people think January 6th was the worst day in American history, and Donald Trump is the agent of Vladimir Putin.