Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

I was helping an instructor set up a demo on the DIT range at Hurlburt and he told me, "Watch out for Joe. He lives under and in the target house. We leave him alone because he keeps the rats under control. " I asked what "Joe" was. "Oh, just your common black snake. Sure enough, Joe was coiled up under the back corner of the shed. Looked a lot like this guy.

When word got around about Joe's true identity, they called Jackson Guard to relocate him.
Friends did rattlesnake training for their dogs

Dog gets an oversized shock collar

they pen off an area
Take rattlesnakes from a bag and tape their mouths shut

snakes get released in the pen

Dogs get added into the pen

when the dog sniffs the snake- they get a shock

each time they get near a snake - zap

Dogs quickly learn- that smell = pain.

It’s expensive but cheap if you live in snake country. Especially for LEO dogs that have a $50k price tag.

Ditto, but not on Hurlburt Field or Eglin reservation. Couple decades ago, a guy killed a rattler on one of the ranges. Word got out, the federal game boys paid him a visit and he wasn't smart enough to "never talk to the cops." Don't recall exactly, but lawyer and fines cost him multi-thousands. I believe he was banned from the installations. as well.

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I like him too. To learn more about how whips work check out this video.
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Can you tell I like Smarter Every Day?
Y’all, my grandson needs prayer. He has had about 20 hours of diarrhea and temp as high as 102. At the pedo urgent care last night they tested him for C19 and Strep and the doc said that it was probably strep. Makes no sense with the diarrhea.

Her regular doc told her today to take him to Wake Med Hospital. He’s not drinking and at times he’s been writhing with stomach pain. I was almost beside myself.

Pray for Liam. I can’t go due to hospital rules about the stupid virus and I’m freaking out a little here.
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Lawless, prayers for the little guy. it's heartbreaking when children suffer....i truly hope whatever it is he gets better quick and easy. Glad he's going to the hospital. Heard Wake Med is a great place....Pediatric specialists in a Level 1 trauma center so you know they're awesome.
And people laugh at those that talk about New World Order, Global police state Etc... LOL. Only the true sheeple are turning a blind eye and ignoring what's going on laughing and pointing fingers it people calling them conspiracy nut jobs.
No room for stupid shit that has no basis in fact! If you are a liberal and don't want your feelings hurt don't post here! We know how to find facts that represent the truth not BS opinions and media lies! Sorry!
@Jigstick - you must be a smart feller. I would venture down those thoughts too.
or we is both extruh speshuul.😁

the writhing pain is what is most suspect to me.
as long as he can stay hydrated, they should be able to sort him out in short order, get some treatment going.

prayers sent.