Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

80 year old Helen Longstreet, widow of Confederate general James Longstreet, building B-29 bomber during World War II. Married James Longstreet when she was 34. He was 76.​

Very cool. Genl Longstreet is Ms Stadium's great great uncle (I think I have that right, but maybe one more great). We recently went to Gettysburg and took pictures of the kids at his statue.

If the story of Moses were written by the revisionists of today, he would be known as:
  • A baby that was discarded by his right-wing mother who was unwilling to care for him.
  • A youth adopted by a kindly high-ranking government official, who gave all the best opportunities the state could offer.
  • A murderer who took the law into his own hands and tried to hide the crime.
  • A fugitive from justice for 40 years before he renewed his crime spree.
  • A madman who claimed that he talked with God.
  • An insurrectionist who didn’t appreciate anything the government gave him and planned a rebellion.
  • A traitor who returned to the country that gave him everything and demanded that the legitimate head of state fire all the government workers and cancel all the building projects.
  • A environmental terrorist who polluted the rivers and lakes with human blood, engaged in biological terrorism and caused the murder of innocent children in the middle of the night.
  • A propagandist who led almost two million government workers in the desert but not before he dried up a wonderful natural body of water.
  • A fiend who committed mass murder by killing the police and military personnel attempting to put down the insurrection by drowning them all in the sea.
  • A sadist who forced his disillusioned followers to eat small birds every evening then pick up scraps of food on the ground in the morning.
  • A tyrant who wrote a list of arbitrary and capricious rules for everyone to follow or face severe punishment.
  • A demagogue who punished the people with death because they wanted to exercise their rights to free speech and religion.
  • An autocratic monarch who destroyed a sacred statue used during a solemn religious ceremony and killed thousands of people that exercised their sexual freedom.
  • An environmental terrorist that polluted the waters with the ground-up statue then forced his unfortunate followers to drink it.
  • A misogynist that refused to let women have a say in the government, serve in the military or own property.
  • A homophobe who tried to destroy the LGBTQ community.
  • A conniving jerk that sent spies into a foreign country then refused to believe the majority report about not invading another people’s land.
  • A coward who let his people down by refusing to go into battle with them and watched them get massacred.
  • An inept, wannabe military leader that brainwashed his followers, forcing them to wander in the desert for 40 years without any change of clothing or transportation when the entire trip should have taken only six months.
  • An old man who finally came to grips with his own cruelty and incompetence when he abandoned the people to finally meet his end on a remote mountain.
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