Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Grandfather was an iron worker/rigger in NYC and hung iron on the Chrysler Building in the background. Still have his union card and pass for working at the Brooklyn Naval Yard during WWII. Died as a result of injuries sustained while working there.
May have worked with my grandfather who was a crane operator*. Lived in Syracuse but traveled often for big jobs. IIRC, he worked on the Washington tunnel. But worked on a bunch of the nuclear plants as they were being built throughout NY and Pennsylvania. Uncles too.

*He was well known and my cousin says people still ask him about him since they have the same name. He got pissed off one time and drove the crane home. Drunk. We're Irish. 🍺
Grooming the runs the old fashioned way...
May have worked with my grandfather who was a crane operator*. Lived in Syracuse but traveled often for big jobs. IIRC, he worked on the Washington tunnel. But worked on a bunch of the nuclear plants as they were being built throughout NY and Pennsylvania. Uncles too.

*He was well known and my cousin says people still ask him about him since they have the same name. He got pissed off one time and drove the crane home. Drunk. We're Irish. 🍺
That's funny. O'Brien's Dillon's, Ahearn's and Mahoney's on my side of the family and if they weren't in the trades they were FDNY.
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“Skis Breck on 166 planks while the men are dropping cliffs off Pali chair on 183 Volkls”.

Just razzin ya Jefe.
My daily rippers at 177 Mantras.
My deep day sticks 183 Katanas. They really like bottomless powder and about 30-35 mph. 😍
Shortys are better for the trees and bumps. :p

But really I just have weak knees, note the Knee bindings, and the less torsional rotation forces, the better. My knee socket allows moving both fore and aft, like normal people, and side to side. I used to dislocate my right knee just kicking a hacky sack with an inside side kick. Goes back in the same way but is not not painful.
Shortys are better for the trees and bumps. :p

But really I just have weak knees, note the Knee bindings, and the less torsional rotation forces, the better. My knee socket allows moving both fore and aft, like normal people, and side to side. I used to dislocate my right knee just kicking a hacky sack with an inside side kick. Goes back in the same way but is not not painful.
Hacky Sack???

Dirty Hippy! :LOL:

Honestly, If I skied a lot these days, I would probably be on something around 170.
My 177 Mantras are the bomb in the bumps and trees though.
Damn I love grapefruit. Peel that shit like an orange and go to town.
We used to eat if for breakfast when we were kids. Cut it in half, put of bunch of sugar on top of the cut, scoop out a slice with a spoon leaving the membrane in the peel. Haven't had one like that in a long, long time.
Got any friends or relatives that live in Florida? They send them every year for Christmas. I have yet to figure that out.
We used to eat if for breakfast when we were kids. Cut it in half, put of bunch of sugar on top of the cut, scoop out a slice with a spoon leaving the membrane in the peel. Haven't had one like that in a long, long time.
We used to eat if for breakfast when we were kids. Cut it in half, put of bunch of sugar on top of the cut, scoop out a slice with a spoon leaving the membrane in the peel. Haven't had one like that in a long, long time.
I used to when I was a kid. My tastes changed and now just eat them raw with nothing, membrane and all. One of life’s simple pleasures. Odd how that happens, things you used to not like you get a taste for.
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Got any friends or relatives that live in Florida? They send them every year for Christmas. I have yet to figure that out.
Not that I know of. Our main fund raiser when I was in high school FFA was selling fruit; apples, oranges, grapefruit by the case or half case. Would spend a few evenings on the phone calling the neighbors (South Dakota "neighbor" could be anyone within 20 miles). We'd get a semi load delivered to the high school shop, unload it, go though all of it to get rid of bad/spoiled, and re-box...then load it in our vehicles, and deliver to to everyones' door that placed an order. A 1973 Pontiac Grande Ville will hold 23 cases of fruit in the trunk and back seat...maybe more, but that was the most I put in it at one time.