Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

long time lurker first post.

My son shot his first match and NRL ever this weekend. He is 9. Had a pretty good battle for top youth with another kid and edged him on the last day by 1 point!! 90 to 89. Unbelievable. So much stress for me.

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Where I was headed after seeing Phil Saturday. Gun shop, smoked slab bacon. Liquor store. Outfitter…. Singletons Store in VT.


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Was it Honda CRV day?
That's funny right there!

Place is always mobbed by dumbass tourists, usually in Audi's, Bimmers and SUV-trucks with Thule "Look at me I ski" racks in August... trying to get some 'local cred' by shopping there. They all seem to want to chat up the locals and get all 'I fit in here.' No, you don't dumbass. Shut your pie hole, spend your money and leave. We love your money. We barely tolerate your peckerhead presence. When you tourists understand that... we'll all get along.

As I checked out one day with two whole sides of bacon cut into 6" slabs... one woman turns to me and in a thick NYC accent says "That is sure a lot of bacon... "

I said back "I am catering a bar-mitsvah."

All the color drained from her face.

Another time as I'm checking out, some broad (on Christmas eve no less) asked me "Excuse me, but where can I get a tree?"

My response: "The woods."

Then turned my back and paid for my bacon.

Trolling the dumbass tourists is hobby.


Eastern NE. NRL Hunter match. He was top youth and 13th overall. The other kids scope went down (zero shifted mil up mil right) as he got back to back zeros to end day 1. Roog won a scope as top youth and gave it to the other kid. Was so cool. This sport has hope.

Eastern NE. NRL Hunter match. He was top youth and 13th overall. The other kids scope went down (zero shifted mil up mil right) as he got back to back zeros to end day 1. Roog won a scope as top youth and gave it to the other kid. Was so cool. This sport has hope.

now THAT'S sportsmanship!!!
My daughter’s fire chief fiancé strikes again 😂

My daughter has become a volunteer, they are sending her to EMT school 👍🏻

She’s a CNA/Med Tech and lost her job due to not taking the vaccine. She recently found a new job at a Dr. who is Liberty minded and doesn’t take Medicare or Medicaid. She stuck to her guns and I’m very proud of her.

Some good points. Many actually.
Still a fool.
Key proof from that vid is he doesnt think Transgender is a mental illness 🙄

It’s funny you should say that… I’d be curious the statistics about how often somebody who is transgender has other issues.

Honestly I think being gay is just how the dice were rolled and who you are. I suspect transgender is a different story…

We could get into the number of women who were raped and decide later on that they are going to be lesbians. However there are tons of people who just are the way they are and have always been that way.

I had a really good friend from high school and after I got out of the Air Force that told me he need to speak to me one day. I was thinking to myself “Oh crap he’s gonna tell me he’s gay and he’s in love with me… And that’s gonna be fucking awkward.” What actually happened was that he turned around and told me that he was a woman trapped in a man’s body and that he wanted to do everything necessary to become a woman… and that’s when I realized he was wearing a bra… 😳 The problem was that I had known that he had an issue for a long time and he had been medicating himself by drinking. I was unable to figure out what else was going on, because it really wasn’t my place to pass judgment / make decisions about whether or not he was feeling what he was… this was something he had work out for himself. It turned out that he had a serious case schizophrenia and that in this particular case there was more going on than just a gender identity issue. It was also complicated by the fact that his dad was a real asshole and used to beat his mother, and that there was definitely some sort of abusive sexual weirdness going on in the household to begin with when he was a kid. It was complicated by the fact that he was the most intelligent person to date that I had met… With an IQ around 168. (as you get older you realize that people with high IQs aren’t always well grounded individuals…)

Anyway, I’d really be curious as to what the statistics are for mental illness and transgender identities.

P.S. I recall overhearing one time from his wife that even she thinks he’s an asshole with the opinions that he presents on the show, and that he does it primarily to get higher ratings. So there’s no telling what he actually believes…
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It’s funny you should say that… I’d be curious the statistics about how often somebody who is transgender has other issues.

Honestly I think being gay is just how the dice were rolled and who you are. I suspect transgender is a different story…

We could get into the number of women who were raped and decide later on that they are going to be lesbians. However there are tons of people who just are the way they are and have always been that way.

I had a really good friend from high school and after I got out of the Air Force that told me he need to speak to me one day. I was thinking to myself “Oh crap he’s gonna tell me he’s gay and he’s in love with me… And that’s gonna be fucking awkward.” What actually happened was that he turned around and told me that he was a woman trapped in a man’s body and that he wanted to do everything necessary to become a woman… and that’s when I realized he was wearing a bra… 😳 The problem was that I had known that he had an issue for a long time and he had been medicating himself by drinking. I was unable to figure out what else was going on, because it really wasn’t my place to pass judgment / make decisions about whether or not he was feeling what he was… this was something he had work out for himself. It turned out that he had a serious case schizophrenia and that in this particular case there was more going on than just a gender identity issue. It was also complicated by the fact that his dad was a real asshole and used to beat his mother, and that there was definitely some sort of abusive sexual weirdness going on in the household to begin with when he was a kid. It was complicated by the fact that he was the most intelligent person to date that I had met… With an IQ around 168. (as you get older you realize that people with high IQs aren’t always well grounded individuals…)

Anyway, I’d really be curious as to what the statistics are for mental illness and transgender identities.

P.S. I recall overhearing one time from his wife that even she thinks he’s an asshole with the opinions that he presents on the show, and that he does it primarily to get higher ratings. So there’s no telling what he actually believes…
I base my thoughts off the writings of the man recognized by his peers as the leading expert on this.

Ray Blanchard.

Anyone who has spent much time caring for psych patients knows they oft group together. A diagnosis and substance abuse is most common.
Schizo and Trans is one I havent seen in person.
Hard to tell till delusions are under control whats going on…..

Even Blanchard says being homosexual is abnormal.
Though they work overtime to make you believe it is, and that 70% of people are….
It’s funny you should say that… I’d be curious the statistics about how often somebody who is transgender has other issues.

Honestly I think being gay is just how the dice were rolled and who you are. I suspect transgender is a different story…

We could get into the number of women who were raped and decide later on that they are going to be lesbians. However there are tons of people who just are the way they are and have always been that way.

I had a really good friend from high school and after I got out of the Air Force that told me he need to speak to me one day. I was thinking to myself “Oh crap he’s gonna tell me he’s gay and he’s in love with me… And that’s gonna be fucking awkward.” What actually happened was that he turned around and told me that he was a woman trapped in a man’s body and that he wanted to do everything necessary to become a woman… and that’s when I realized he was wearing a bra… 😳 The problem was that I had known that he had an issue for a long time and he had been medicating himself by drinking. I was unable to figure out what else was going on, because it really wasn’t my place to pass judgment / make decisions about whether or not he was feeling what he was… this was something he had work out for himself. It turned out that he had a serious case schizophrenia and that in this particular case there was more going on than just a gender identity issue. It was also complicated by the fact that his dad was a real asshole and used to beat his mother, and that there was definitely some sort of abusive sexual weirdness going on in the household to begin with when he was a kid. It was complicated by the fact that he was the most intelligent person to date that I had met… With an IQ around 168. (as you get older you realize that people with high IQs aren’t always well grounded individuals…)

Anyway, I’d really be curious as to what the statistics are for mental illness and transgender identities.

P.S. I recall overhearing one time from his wife that even she thinks he’s an asshole with the opinions that he presents on the show, and that he does it primarily to get higher ratings. So there’s no telling what he actually believes…
My older sister was Army and it was a career. She has 4 children. The oldest and the youngest, girls, are both involved with trans women who are now “men”. The middle 2 are very normal with normal family dynamics.

The youngest’s love interest has had “top surgery” and honestly you wouldn’t know you were talking to a trans person. Acts, talks and looks like a dude. Seems well adjusted, confident and not militant about the whole business like a lot seem to be. I enjoy talking with “him”. Honestly amazing.

The oldest (who’s previous love interest was a dude who dresses like a woman, poorly, with stubble poking through makeup) is now with a large woman with short green hair that wears flannel and boots. No other real effort is put in. Militant to include constant arguments with my extremely Liberty minded sister about politics and causing scenes at any gathering they come to.

In my mind, the majority of trans people are looking for a place to belong that gives them attention. A tribe of sorts, identity. It gives them a cause, a “righteous fight” for rights. It is RAMPANT in grade school to “come out” and then liberal teachers promote and foster it.

Many times these people realize by young adulthood that they really are not “trans”. The problem comes when they’ve taken hormones and had surgeries that fawked them up so bad that they realize they can’t go back. Regret, depression and in a high %, suicide is the result.

To me, if a person wants to pretend and live as the opposite sex then have at it. The tragedy is that many times the mental stress of it all proves too much and toss in hormone therapy and cutting off body parts and they slide off the cracker.