Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Sure looks like paradise….


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It's not so bad. The school bus driver used to stop and let us shoot sage rats outta the bus windows.

Now this used to be a nice place...Until the Yankees started moving in.

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I would like to know where blacks get off thinking that white people are supposed to be afraid of them. This video of the skinny white cheerleader teaching Miss Fat Ass a lesson never gets old. This one and the one above ought to be a lesson to the blacks who think they can rumble with whites and not suffer any consequences.

That POC was twice her size. The little varsity cheerleader needs some practical classes to work on her skills, but good for her standing up for herself. Smaller people need to learn how use leverage, i.e.throw some good elbows and put her to sleep for a bit.
Why do black kids think that? Because that is being spread in MSM. That they will attack you for no reason, and then face no consequences. The underage girls that car-jacked the Uber eats guy that died why she was worried for her phone comes to mind as to how evil these kids can be.
I would like to know where blacks get off thinking that white people are supposed to be afraid of them. This video of the skinny white cheerleader teaching Miss Fat Ass a lesson never gets old. This one and the one above ought to be a lesson to the blacks who think they can rumble with whites and not suffer any consequences.

Little Bit brought it!

Nice Work,
View attachment 8036022View attachment 8036023I love the cyclones would love to have one that matched my to71 torino cobra

I had one as well, and the only car I really regret selling. Mine was very bright yellow with the shaker hood. Mine also had hood pins. Tail lights went all the way across, and Louvers on the back window. Traded it for a Mach 1. And it is the Torino that I would love to have back.
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I still get a few gun magazines, they are so cheap I figure why not I will get a $1 an issue of enjoyment out of them.

I saw an ad. Laying there in bed and I just said that has to be the single most stupid idea, the worst implimatition ever and the most ugly thing I have ever see. The wife is what.....I show it to her, and she asks, are people really that stupid to buy that thing. Yup, told her I think it is for Kalifornia, and the laws they have there.....has to be, all the stupid things come out of Kali.

On the facing page was an article on the colt python. Handled one of the new versions for the first time last weekend. The thing is more art then revolver. I really want one, but $1600....ouch.
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Dr Oz on TV said that to reach inner peace we should always finish things we start and we all could use more calm in our lives.

I looked around my house to find things I'd started and hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a box a chocletz.

Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Wuv U gies!