I have not looked, that area did not really interest me so I have not looked, don't know.
I am at just 15ac, sold off everything else. So really this will be used for general "yard" stuff, branches, trees stuff l will likely use it for trips to the range, I use a mower and a different wagon now. It would be so much nicer to have a little machine with a bed to do the things I am doing with the lawn mower and all the wagons I have bought/built. Yes it works, but it is one of those things it sure would be nice.
I don't have animals anymore so no worries about anything along these lines, it would really be something I don't "need". But I bet it would be a time saver/quality of life improvement type deal.
I am currently using this setup. There is no way I can carry my books, lead sled, scope, you can't see the chrono, targets and dog knows what else, so I use this setup. The big tarp is to keep stuff from getting messed up in the trip down, about a 5 min mower ride. Speed is not the issue, it is actually a positive, go slow and look around. Just a little nicer way to carry things. And take care of all the damn trees that are always loosing their battle with mother nature in one way or another.
I currently have a HUGE black locust tree (all the damn thorns), I would love a dump bed to dump the cuttings to not have to handle them twice, in the burn pit and done.
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