Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)
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Had an incident like that once on a carrier. Guy pulled out a knife and started cutting people on the liberty boat while it was heading back to the ship. They brought the guy down to medical and while he was sitting out in the passage way, the XO shows up and the guy starts screaming FU XO. A few of his Marine guards along with the XO walk the guy into our aviation medicine room and close the door. About a minute later, the door opens and this guy is beat to a pulp. XO walks out with the Marines and looks at me and says, doc can you see to this young Sailer, it appears as though he fell off the chair. That was old Navy, no way you could get away with that today.
Had an incident like that once on a carrier. Guy pulled out a knife and started cutting people on the liberty boat while it was heading back to the ship. They brought the guy down to medical and while he was sitting out in the passage way, the XO shows up and the guy starts screaming FU XO. A few of his Marine guards along with the XO walk the guy into our aviation medicine room and close the door. About a minute later, the door opens and this guy is beat to a pulp. XO walks out with the Marines and looks at me and says, doc can you see to this young Sailer, it appears as though he fell off the chair. That was old Navy, no way you could get away with that today.
Ha ha ha. Once when I was shore patrol a young marine passed out on the libo bus back to the ship. I was fireman carrying him across the parking lot to the gangplank when he woke up and got “slappy”. I shoulder pressed him , walked out, and dropped him on his face from 7’ in the air. His buddies quickly collected him and I went back to the busses. I guess I’m getting old. That was some time ago.
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People are just so stupid, we actually had issues with people about cows having sex. Guess what you buy your little subdivision house "out in the country" and it just happens to back up next to a working farm you are going to see things you might have to explain to your 3yr old.
Took our son to the Oakland zoo when he was 3 or 4. They have a gondola that goes over the elk paddock. While we’re riding over, he looks down and says

“look dad, the elk are hugging.”

“Yes son, yes they are…”
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Had an incident like that once on a carrier. Guy pulled out a knife and started cutting people on the liberty boat while it was heading back to the ship. They brought the guy down to medical and while he was sitting out in the passage way, the XO shows up and the guy starts screaming FU XO. A few of his Marine guards along with the XO walk the guy into our aviation medicine room and close the door. About a minute later, the door opens and this guy is beat to a pulp. XO walks out with the Marines and looks at me and says, doc can you see to this young Sailer, it appears as though he fell off the chair. That was old Navy, no way you could get away with that today.
Just like under Carter... when the leadership goes tits-up, the force goes hollow.

Late '70's there were places on ships officers dare not go... and in places like Bragg, the drug culture made Haight-Ashbury look like an AA meeting.

Gee... you think that's what Potato wants? Methinks Me Not Wrong....
