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Lefty's greatest enemy is a printed dictionary.
An online source of the 1828 Webster's, download it and save it while you still can:

This was the first publication date and still old enough to be contemporary with our founding and before the rot started with the war between the states.
I know reality is a foreign language to leftys, but maybe even you might get this one.
How is something that doesn't prevent you from catching or spreading a disease called a vaccine?

That’s not what a vaccine does. It gives your immune system a head start so you don’t lose the race. I fully support anti-vaxxers right to die gasping for air as long as they don’t pretend science is on their side.
That’s not what a vaccine does. It gives your immune system a head start so you don’t lose the race. I fully support anti-vaxxers right to die gasping for air as long as they don’t pretend science is on their side.

The absolute stupidity of someone who thinks men can give birth, women can have cocks, or that the earth is running out of water speaking about science.
That’s not what a vaccine does. It gives your immune system a head start so you don’t lose the race. I fully support anti-vaxxers right to die gasping for air as long as they don’t pretend science is on their side.
Lets not spend five pages debating this stupidity. Just ignore itand move on. He's just trolling for fun, and try to ruin this thread. He will just laugh at your responses, because its fun for him.
Or we would solve our overpopulation problem. Sounds like a win/win, let’s do it.
Removing warning labels would be a better way to solve overpopulation. If a person really needs a warning label not to lean an aluminum ladder against high voltage lines, do we really want their genetic line to continue?
Same with hot warnings on cups of coffee.

Better still we could stop paying welfare whores for squirting out bastard kids like a t-shirt cannon at a ball game.

But those measures would disproportionately affect leftys wouldn't it.
I just ripped a huge fart.

It has more IQ points than MrBlond

Anyone who quotes JAMA as a source of fact is a low information person parading around pretending genius. .
I do not care the position they support or if I agree with them.
JAMA and other med associations are little more than political orgs for med folks.

Trust me. Being a member of 3 of them is written in my job description.
And paid for by work.
My work doesnt push vaccines (except for those post splenectomy) and some of these groups understanding of the Constitution is appalling.
Dont worry, I interrupted a national conference to let them know they were using propaganda and not facts a couple years ago.
An online source of the 1828 Webster's, download it and save it while you still can:

This was the first publication date and still old enough to be contemporary with our founding and before the rot started with the war between the states.
I tell people to find a dictionary published prior to 1980ish. Should be mostly unaffected by the woke movement. Maybe my recommendation is too late but I feel 1980 is good.
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In the interest of accuracy, the wooden "bomb" shown at 0:43 is actually an AN-MK-4 Aircraft Float Light - just like the one in my collection.

I also noted that it is not anywhere close in appearance to the one the good LTC is holding at 0:51.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet (including this post?). Of course, if you want photos, give me a little time and I can produce a photo of Hitler and Patton holding the one in my collection. I can even be looking over their shoulders, if you want. :p
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‘Reasonably accurate. Sounds like you don’t know how the immune system works.
Surprise surprise, wrong again. Vaccines get the body to produce T cells that will attack the vector being vaccinated against. The immune system takes time to recognize the vector and create unique T cells to fight it. Vaccination eliminates that time gap.
So along with not knowing about the water cycle, the first law of thermodynamics, we've yet again found another area you have no clue what you're talking about.
Surprise surprise, wrong again. Vaccines get the body to produce T cells that will attack the vector being vaccinated against. The immune system takes time to recognize the vector and create unique T cells to fight it. Vaccination eliminates potentially shortens that time gap.
So along with not knowing about the water cycle, the first law of thermodynamics, we've yet again found another area you have no clue what you're talking about.
Improved it for you

I'm really surprised how many of you haven't used the "ignore" option on the fool y'all keep replying to...but reading just the replies is still entertaining.