Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

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I had three real bad close calls in two days. Parked it and eventually gave the last one away.
You don't quit riding because you get old.... You get old because you quit riding.... 68 yr old..riding for 52 years continuously.. And yeah those close calls still pucker my ass, but I can't stop.
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On the subject of ducks.


I’ve gotten a few ducks. If folks want to do it.. have fun. I still always wave at Jeeps when in a Jeep. Same on bikes. These days, though, amazed how few bike riders wave. HD riders are the worst. What, if I happen to be on a Bimmer or a Honda I am not worthy? Bite me. We are
All in this together. Including scooters and mopeds. But not Can Am’s. Let their fellow snow mobilers wave at them ;-). OK… In truth I return Can Am waves because I don’t want to be a Dick…. But they have to wave first ;-).

nods are easier. never wave. for the past 6+ yrs it hasnt been anything. been saying i have to sell my bike for the last 4 yrs. this year i have to. my fucked back cant ride super sport anymore, plus the unsealed road at our property is no place for a super sport. doubt i'll be getting another bike due to the back and shoulder issues. miss it badly.
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i dont see a firearm...weenie...

It’s Canada… they don’t even allow Nerf balls there. And, no, I am not going to “sneak” a firearm into a foreign country. But, rather than be unarmed entirely… Note the Viking axe on my belt in the picture… no firearm? Fine, go old school. A nice ‘Hawk is the next best thing! And it’s really just a camping tool.



Upside down under arm carry. Deploys rather quickly, too! Just ‘sayin!

Hey, we 1980 men are still getting it done 43 years later... Fuck you Manbuns and Soy Boys... Go back to sucking each other off!

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PS... so are our bikes!!! Not a single electric car north of Halifax. Fuck you greenies!

I keep telling you guys it‘s because it’s fast, not the environment.

…and yeah, I’m an 80s guy too.

Aside from cigars, guns, and booze… what else am I going to spend my money on?
It’s Canada… they don’t even allow Nerf balls there. And, no, I am not going to “sneak” a firearm into a foreign country. But, rather than be unarmed entirely… Note the Viking axe on my belt in the picture… no firearm? Fine, go old school. A nice ‘Hawk is the next best thing! And it’s really just a camping tool.

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Upside down under arm carry. Deploys rather quickly, too! Just ‘sayin!

Hey, what band do you have on that watch?
Hey, what band do you have on that watch?

I don’t know! Wish I knew the maker because I’ order another. This one is falling apart after much hard use. It’s waxed canvas on deployment buckle and is the most comfortable strap I own… but got it on a watch I bought and moved it to this one…

I’ll post more pix in Timepiece’s thread and maybe someone will know who made it.

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As I ride a HD with a sidecar... I don't totally diss the three wheelers. Though trikes are a bit... not me.

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Pardon the flat Tire on the ‘10. I don’t get it out enough.


Eh, sidecars are on 2 wheelers. Definitely not the same as a tricycle. Nice collection!
I lost a friend in 2011, riding down the highway nice and easy in the right lane. A guy came from the far left lane, across and hit my friend, blind sided him. Car never saw him, he never saw the car. Sent him over the guard rail and into a retaining wall. So it really doesn't matter what you do.

Him on an interesting day, one of if not the last time I saw him.
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Its been pretty bad lately, I went down twice last year, and this year we've lost several friends/acquaintances on bikes.
Last year I think we lost 2.

Hammer out the bends, tape up the cracks, and ride on.
When I see things like this. This clip pops into my mind. The time setting for this TV show (early 60's) I would have been the same age as the girl in the cleaning bag.

I loved this show, it was such the flash back for me. This was more or less my life growing up, but I would have been the 9yr old of the divorced woman moving in.

nods are easier. never wave. for the past 6+ yrs it hasnt been anything. been saying i have to sell my bike for the last 4 yrs. this year i have to. my fucked back cant ride super sport anymore, plus the unsealed road at our property is no place for a super sport. doubt i'll be getting another bike due to the back and shoulder issues. miss it badly.

I sold my bike after my first back surgery. I bought the next one roughly 6-7 years later. Different bike "sit" differently. Wind protection also makes a HUGE difference. I still can't go as far as I once did, and at times my left are just flat will not stay on the grip and I have to rest it in my lap. But I can still do it.

This year for me has been real bad, I was really looking forward to riding this year, got her all ready.....and rode it three times this year. Kind of stupid to have a brand new 2017 motorcycle sitting on a battery tender, but I don't want to sell it. I am just not ready yet. I think if this current trend continues for another few years I will start to look forward.

At the height of the "woe is me" I am old and can't move anymore, the wife said, well what about a dune buggy. We bought a rail buggy, got it 100% legal in MO with the special construction VIN and everything. I have been in it a bit more, but due to stupid MO laws I can't have a windshield unless I have a window wiper. I am going to put a sheet of lexan on and figure how to glue something there that looks like a fucking window wiper.

I still have the rail as well. That is kind of fun also, but really harder to get in and out of, toyed with the idea of cutting the bars and making a "door" so I can get in and out of the stupid thing more easy and with less cringe. Then there is also little old sports cars and those slingshot things.
It’s Canada… they don’t even allow Nerf balls there. And, no, I am not going to “sneak” a firearm into a foreign country. But, rather than be unarmed entirely… Note the Viking axe on my belt in the picture… no firearm? Fine, go old school. A nice ‘Hawk is the next best thing! And it’s really just a camping tool.

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Upside down under arm carry. Deploys rather quickly, too! Just ‘sayin!

I saw an interesting youtube vid. If you're in a foreign country and need a weapon, it's as easy as going to the grocery store and purchasing a knife. Boom, you have a weapon for self defense.
I recall hearing thats a common practice among knife in a duct tape, disposable, readily available, and doesn't raise any questions....

Back in the day... you could buy some very realistic toy guns in the Eastern Bloc. Taking the toy gun out of the box and putting a real one in, then wrapping it in a bow with a card for your 'son's' birthday was one way of keeping a weapon stealthy. "Little Klaus wants to join the VOPO's when he grows up... I got him this." ;-) Just something I read.

