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…. hate the thought of slaughter houses.

You just have to turn off that hate. Turn that frown upside down and think positive.

Like that they aren’t “slaughtering” animals… they are creating bacon! They are growing brisket! Converting nasty smelly chickens into delicious wholesome wings. Transforming ordinary cows with mundane lives into amazing tomahawk steaks. It’s all in the language you use!

Always use positive self talk when faced with something hard-to-reconcile!

After I quit smoking in 2013, my obsession is food, specifically meat. I daydream about smoking briskets, porkbutts, grilling steaks, etc.

But if I could become a vegan without turning into a skinny, sunken-eyed zombie with no energy or will to fight I would. I like cows and chickens and hate the thought of slaughter houses.
I tell you what, go visit a few feed lots, some broiler houses and a pig farm or two in the midst of summer and that'll go a long way towards helping you become a vegan.
I tell you what, go visit a few feed lots, some broiler houses and a pig farm or two in the midst of summer and that'll go a long way towards helping you become a vegan.
Like being present for a couple births makes a guy swear off sex? Didn’t work for me. There is this thing called free range if that’s your kink. Same as consensual sex vs the other.
After I quit smoking in 2013, my obsession is food, specifically meat. I daydream about smoking briskets, porkbutts, grilling steaks, etc.

But if I could become a vegan without turning into a skinny, sunken-eyed zombie with no energy or will to fight I would. I like cows and chickens and hate the thought of slaughter houses.
If slaughterhouses upset you go buy the animal and do the deed yourself. It’s not impossibly hard, but it is a learning experience. But that being said, it may bother you but not so much that you quit eating meat out of moral obligation. You words ring hollow.
If slaughterhouses upset you go buy the animal and do the deed yourself. It’s not impossibly hard, but it is a learning experience. But that being said, it may bother you but not so much that you quit eating meat out of moral obligation. You words ring hollow.
I’ve processed my share of wild game over the years, but it was harder than expected to load my son’s show goat into the trailer destined for the slaughterhouse (maybe more so because he jumped into the trailer without being the least bit contrarian- as he was trained). You could have floated a boat on the tears from the kids in that barn. And, these are country kids who know the score and had multiple seasons in FFA…

But yeah, still not a vegan.
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Like being present for a couple births makes a guy swear off sex? Didn’t work for me. There is this thing called free range if that’s your kink. Same as consensual sex vs the other.
Dude, if feed lots, broiler houses and pig farms make you think of sex then you must be banging some nasty ass skanks.
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If slaughterhouses upset you go buy the animal and do the deed yourself. It’s not impossibly hard, but it is a learning experience. But that being said, it may bother you but not so much that you quit eating meat out of moral obligation. You words ring hollow.
The animal would become a pet.

I worked on a cattle ranch in 2006. I was the only human out there. It was just me, the wildlife and the cows. They got to know me, I'd eat lunch under the same oak trees. Cows have a relaxing effect on a man. I learned their hierarchy, who was the herd leader, which wasn't the bull but an old matriarch cow. They're smarter than people realize.

It's not the slaughterhouse that upsets me, it's the whole process. They know and smell what awaits them.

I've thought of raising my own beef but when the time comes to slaughter one I'd do it long range like a buffalo hunter.

Sorry, for whatever reason, my words ring hollow. Not sorry.
So was I.
I'm not the squeamish type.
I can sit down right beside a loader bucket of dead rotten chickens and enjoy a fried chicken box for lunch, but I do know of people that have been around them and it put them off of eating beef, chicken and/or pork or what have you.

Worked on a Pepsi truck one summer Drank Coke for several years after.
I tell you what, go visit a few feed lots, some broiler houses and a pig farm or two in the midst of summer and that'll go a long way towards helping you become a vegan.

Not a fucking chance.
Feedlots and slaughterhouses are just staging places for the perfect food.
Not a fucking chance.
Feedlots and slaughterhouses are just staging places for the perfect food.

As a kid growing up on a farm we raised, killed, and processed our own meat. After a day of doing it I was put off eating meat----until the next day. :D Not so for hunting and fishing. Kill it and cook it.
I’ve processed my share of wild game over the years, but it was harder than expected to load my son’s show goat into the trailer destined for the slaughterhouse (maybe more so because he jumped into the trailer without being the least bit contrarian- as he was trained). You could have floated a boat on the tears from the kids in that barn. And, these are country kids who know the score and had multiple seasons in FFA…

But yeah, still not a vegan.

As kids used to say when we were growing up "All our pets were edible."

Well, not so much the dogs and cats.

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Depends entirely on how hungry you are.

The cats and I will definitely be eating the neighborhood vegans before I turn on my kitties! Now the reverse may not be true... but as long as I keep them plumped up on vegan, it'll all be good! ;-)

Father in Law worked for Armour back in the late 60's up to about the mid 70's. Said he started on what he called the "kill floor".

He made sure I knew that when I started dating his daughter, the man can sharpen a knife like no one else.
My first "real" job except for the farm stuff was working on the kill floor of what at the time was a pretty big slaughter house. When the line was full, and running like it should, they would put a beef in the cooler every 20 seconds...........180 per hour, 1440 was a perfect day. I preformed every job on the kill floor, you do learn to keep a knife sharp.

Once I got a little seniority, I bid into the maintenance department.........
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As kids used to say when we were growing up "All our pets were edible."

Well, not so much the dogs and cats.

They say not to name them. Just use tag numbers. When I was growing up, calves destined to slaughter got names like “freezer bait” and “hamburger.”

Truth, I was kinda looking forward to show-goat loin chops- we all put the work in. But, I’m also glad I only had to load him into the trailer.
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