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I bought my first snake BECAUSE I was afraid of snakes. Turned out, afterwards, I made a successful business raising snakes and selling them at Reptile Shows.

Christmas, about eight-years-old, I got a book about snakes. I read it until it fell apart. To this day, I'm fascinated by snakes and enjoy shows on Discovery, Animal Planet, etc. I've seen every Steve Irwin episode about snakes at least twice...but I do not want one anywhere close to striking distance, venomous or not unless in a cage.

Could have something to do with an encounter I had when I was five. Still have vivid memories.
Christmas, about eight-years-old, I got a book about snakes. I read it until it fell apart. To this day, I'm fascinated by snakes and enjoy shows on Discovery, Animal Planet, etc. I've seen every Steve Irwin episode about snakes at least twice...but I do not want one anywhere close to striking distance, venomous or not unless in a cage.

Could have something to do with an encounter I had when I was five. Still have vivid memories.

Usually if a snake were to strike at you, it's going to snap and then recoil. Now if you have a mean snake (I've owned a few) or if you have a hungry snake, they may strike and latch on. Either way, the strike is what scares you. The bite usually isn't all that bad unless you 're talking about an Reticulating Python, Rock Python and a few other large snakes. A fully grown rat snakes will not hurt at all. But if you want to start out with a snake that can't bite you, start with a Kenyan Sand Boa. Their mouth is on the bottom of their head and spend most of their time burrowing in sand.
Biten once (non-venomous). At 63, I'll stick with watching them on TV.

I understand. It is a mindset. I was tired of being afraid and thought the best way to beat my fear is to own a snake. Sure, I got bit. Once the excitement of the first few bites wore off, getting bit was just something else that happens in my life. Yeah, that's weird, but like I said it's a mindset.
A strong pole, or spar, was was used to set blocks high above the surrounding logged area to achieve better rigging angles and provide a central location to drag the logs to. There are some great books about the old loggers, definitely a tough and hard working bunch. I presume that they topped the spar pole so they could keep a better eye on the rigging but probably more to it than that.
I helped rig and worked under a spar tree out of elma Washington when I was a young buck.They top it so the top doesn’t bust off when it’s pulling in a turn of logs. They look like they’re doing the hula dance. Any spar tree over 80’ (or 90, can’t remember for sure) has to have buckle guys to help it from buckling from the stress.