fused neck

Re: fused neck

I think you'll be happy with Narotzky. He literally does this everyday.

I actually watched a fusion with Beer. I can tell you from having it done and watching it that three things help.

1. A good doctor (and you have one)
2. Cutting down on weight. The less fat they have to cut, the faster you heal.
3. Do the rehab! Even if the doctor doesn't tell you to, ASK what you should be doing. It really does make a difference. And this is where a lot of people get lazy and then don't see the results they want.
Re: fused neck

Well my official first post my be of some benefit. I just had the surgery 4 weeks ago on L5S1. I had a completely ruptured and factured disc that I was told needed to be fused.

I got 4 opinions before I met my surgeon. He is a neurosurgeon (national recognized Havard educated)and informed me that I didn't need it fused but did need to get the disc cleaned up and remove the fragments. He indicated that fusing will result eventually blowing the disc above and below. The procedure he preformed cut away some bone, took out the fragements and put the nerves back in place. Then the idea is to strengthen the core muscles to prevent future issues. It is a newer strategy since fusing (as it turns out) is bad.

I am not one that likes getting cut open but I was told if I didn't have it done it would result in permanent nerve damage. Otherwise, he said under normal conditions the disc can heal on its own over time. So make sure it can only be fixed with surgery otherwise try to have it heal naturally.

Anyway, the surgery was a piece of cake. I was in the hospital 2 nights (only because I got snowed in) other wise I could have left the same day. Make sure you stay on top of your pain with the meds. I was off my feet for about 2 weeks before going back to work and am still in PT (8 weeks x2days a week of PT total).

I will say this I am so glad I had the surgery. The pain I was feeling was brutal and now has gone completely away. I have some healing pain but that is a walk in the park compared to before the surgery.

Also, my father had the surgery you may need. They bolted a titanium plate to the discs and placed a piece of cadavor bone in between. He had that surgery about 15 years ago and lost no mobility.

During your research make sure you ask the following questions:
1. Can this heal itself over time and what do I need to help it heal?
2. If you need surgery, can it be done without fusing the discs?

One last item, if they need to use some bone for the fusing use a cadavor bone not your own (sometimes they take part of your hip bone). I have been told that it hurts like a bitch for a long time.

Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line.

Good luck.