“You know you’re getting older when your favorite late-night show is the six o’clock news.”
“Life is a lot like a hot bath. It feels good while you’re in it. But the longer you stay, the more wrinkled you get.”
(and my favorite)
“I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong.”
Now for the rest of the story…
Enter Warpaint. Warpaint is our rescue cat who is now living with our son (and may be coming back home). Warpaint is a little brawler. She hates any and everything that even resembles feline.
However, once upon a time, our neighbor had a very aging cat named, you guessed it, Garfield. Now Garfield was close to 15 years. However, in the brief time that young Warpaint and Garfield lived together, Warpaint loved Garfield. It’s like, when she lost Garfield, she blamed every other cat in the world for her loss. Even at the age shown below, she would fight any and everything regardless of weight class. And at that age, she always won.

Current. Enter Duke. Duke is not ours. He is the neighborhood dog. He patrols the neighborhood every morning and every afternoon. Bothers no one, just a nice friendly dog. We love him and give him treats. Not a replacement for The Bandit. Just a nice fellow who walks with me in the evenings and loves a pet and a treat.