Germany is waking up, slowly, but steadily

Media just making the Kennedys look good....

His nephew is still going to lose to a guy that his last private sector job was ice cream truck operator though.

Yeah, and that´s what the corrupt media is making out of it.
Some idiots are using the event for their creepy ideology, and that´s the only thing they report.
Nothing about over 100,000 people protest peacefully for their freedom to live their lifes like they want to, and not how the government aka neoliberalists want them to do.

But I think and hope, that the movement will grow and grow.

You know what you need to do.......restore the Kaiser. The rightful heir is right there:

Der Apfel fiel nicht weit vom Baum
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Guys voice/brain is shot by his own self prescribed meds.


Ich bin ein Berliner

Think what you like about him and his family but he's dead on in this speech. Best 12 minutes Ive spent in a while. And American craft beer is as good as any.
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And @Jayjay1 before I forget, bring back real Prussian uniforms for the Heer.

Chile can teach you how, if you forgot.

Is it "All Germans are Nazis.", or what is your statement in posting from the Kaiser and so on?

I know that there are still some people in the USA who think, that every German must be a Nazi.
Those who do, have never been to Germany after WW II or don´t know any Germans today.
Because of our history, there are less Nazis in Germany than in any other country I bet.
Ask anyone, really anyone, who has been to Germany lately or go on u-tube and watch hundreds of US-citizens talk about their visit or stay in Germany - and find only one, who says Germany is a Nazi-state, or even only one who says that Germans have been racist or even unfriendly - show me one.

I´m a countryboy of over 50 yo and I know some people.
Those who I would call extremly right are less than five, actually I only know one who says he is.

The people in Germany are beginning to stand up against the deep state and against the upcoming dictatorship in Europe.
Democracy, you know?
We have learned this from the USA, and we won´t let go.
Is this a bad thing for you, or what is your point?
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Is it "All Germans are Nazis.", or what is your statement in posting from the Kaiser and so on?

I know that there are still some people in the USA who think, that every German must be a Nazi.
Those who do, have never been to Germany after WW II or don´t know any Germans today.
Because of our history, there are less Nazis in Germany than in any other country I bet.
Ask anyone, really anyone, who has been to Germany lately or go on u-tube and watch hundreds of US-citizens talk about their visit or stay in Germany - and find only one, who says Germany is a Nazi-state, or even only one who says that Germans have been racist or even unfriendly - show me one.

I´m a countryboy of over 50 yo and I know some people.
Those who I would call extremly right are less than five, actually I only know one who says he is.

The people in Germany are beginning to stand up against the deep state and against the upcoming dictatorship in Europe.
Democracy, you know?
We have learned this from the USA, and we won´t let go.
Is this a bad thing for you, or what is your point?

It's not the people who are nazi's, its the german govt still wanting to own everything. The people are beginning to learn how to relate the current being in line with the old.
Merkl is a Communist.

Well, actually she is not only chancellor, she is the leader of the conservative party called CDU as well.
Former conservative party will fit better.

In my opinion no one knows actually what she is, or what she thinks or wants, she is hiding it perfectly.

Many Germans, maybe most of them, are fed up with capitalism, because we pay over 56% of our income in taxes (in average).
The rents went through the roof, other living costs raised as well, but the incomes didn´t and we have a 0% interest since over ten years now, so the middle class is shifting faster and faster to the south, wealth moves more and more to less super-rich people.

So Socialism or even Communism becomes more and more attractive for the younger generation, which sees no fututre perspective in Capitalism.
Besides of knowing, that this is cancer itself, I can understand why they do - just fear.

But I think, Merkel is much worse than a Communist, I think she is a Neoliberalist belonging to the worldwide elite movement, aka "The war of the rich against the poor." (according to Warren Buffet).
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Yeah, and that´s what the corrupt media is making out of it.
Some idiots are using the event for their creepy ideology, and that´s the only thing they report.
Nothing about over 100,000 people protest peacefully for their freedom to live their lifes like they want to, and not how the government aka neoliberalists want them to do.

But I think and hope, that the movement will grow and grow.

You are aware that the CURRENT government in Germany is the Christian Conservative party right?

Know it’s a lot of stuff going on over on your end and the US is in a important fight right now but a lot of yal are just throwing out words like socialism, Liberalism, Marxism, communism etc as just random gibberish... there is actually words that are defined and they mean something specific..
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Many Germans, maybe most of them, are fed up with capitalism, because we pay over 56% of our income in taxes (in average). The rents went through the roof, other living costs raised as well, but the incomes didn´t and we have a 0% interest since over ten years now, so the middle class is shifting faster and faster to the south, wealth moves more and more to less super-rich people
Then you're doing capitalism wrong. If the average German thinks the answer is more socialism and more government control of your economy then your country is well and truly fucked.
Is it "All Germans are Nazis.", or what is your statement in posting from the Kaiser and so on?

I know that there are still some people in the USA who think, that every German must be a Nazi.
Those who do, have never been to Germany after WW II or don´t know any Germans today.
Because of our history, there are less Nazis in Germany than in any other country I bet.
Ask anyone, really anyone, who has been to Germany lately or go on u-tube and watch hundreds of US-citizens talk about their visit or stay in Germany - and find only one, who says Germany is a Nazi-state, or even only one who says that Germans have been racist or even unfriendly - show me one.

I´m a countryboy of over 50 yo and I know some people.
Those who I would call extremly right are less than five, actually I only know one who says he is.

The people in Germany are beginning to stand up against the deep state and against the upcoming dictatorship in Europe.
Democracy, you know?
We have learned this from the USA, and we won´t let go.
Is this a bad thing for you, or what is your point?
I'm not one of those idiots who thinks Germans are all Nazis.

How on earth did you assume that from a post that encourages Germany to restore the Monarchy (something hated by Hitler) and to take pride in its military by re-issuing traditional PRUSSIAN (not Nazi) uniforms for the army?

The Army of Chile, by the way, looks like that because Prussian generals went there to train them in the late 19th century. Long before Nazis ever existed. Chile is a thriving democratic republic with no hint of Nazism (outside of a few nutjobs), despite how their professional army looks. Because those are not Nazi uniforms.

You CAN have a monarchy co-exist with democratic institutions. The UK is an imperfect example of that. Maybe you guys can do it better.

I actually happen to know more about German history than the period between 1933 and 1945. My next door neighbor is from there. And I have actually visited your country.
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I'm not one of those idiots who thinks Germans are all Nazis.

Well, sorry for my missunderstanding, I was interpreting your posts wrongly.

Reinstalling the monrachy, well, not that the Kaiser was a genius at all.

Finally, where is the difference?
There are the people, and then there is a small elite which sits on top and benefits from the poorness of the crowd.
And even when the Socialists and Communists tell the opposite, that´s exactly how it ends.

So by any means, Democracy will never be perfect, there will always be a upper and a lower class and you might have to fight for it once in a while, but in a functional democracy there is a middle class.
I can´t see any advantage in Monarchy or any other form of government.
Sadly but true.
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You are aware that the CURRENT government in Germany is the Christian Conservative party right?

No, actually not.
There are more than two parties in Germany, and current government is a coalition of the (so called) Christian Conservatives and the Social Democrats.

Federal elections are next year, but under the current circumstances I fear that it might even get worse.
If the shifting holds on, the Left, the SD and the Green could get a majority.
Maybe the Euro implodes, maybe we get tensions like you or anything else happens what might turn the coin.

My best bet would be this freedom-movement.
I thought i read that Dr. Merkel was not going to run for reelection

That´s what the media tells us, but who does trust the media?

There is still a sleeping majority, dazed by the media and politicians, which has no clue what´s going on.
And everybody who has a own opinion, which isn´t mainstream, get´s the Nazi-hammer to be silented.
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Well, actually she is not only chancellor, she is the leader of the conservative party called CDU as well.
Former conservative party will fit better.

In my opinion no one knows actually what she is, or what she thinks or wants, she is hiding it perfectly.

Many Germans, maybe most of them, are fed up with capitalism, because we pay over 56% of our income in taxes (in average).
The rents went through the roof, other living costs raised as well, but the incomes didn´t and we have a 0% interest since over ten years now, so the middle class is shifting faster and faster to the south, wealth moves more and more to less super-rich people.

So Socialism or even Communism becomes more and more attractive for the younger generation, which sees no fututre perspective in Capitalism.
Besides of knowing, that this is cancer itself, I can understand why they do - just fear.

But I think, Merkel is much worse than a Communist, I think she is a Neoliberalist belonging to the worldwide elite movement, aka "The war of the rich against the poor." (according to Warren Buffet).

What was her upbringing in East Germany?
That´s what the media tells us, but who does trust the media?

There is still a sleeping majority, dazed by the media and politicians, which has no clue what´s going on.
And everybody who has a own opinion, which isn´t mainstream, get´s the Nazi-hammer to be silented.

Germany suffers imposing a feeling of guilt on those that are not guilty.

Trying to do same in USA now.
in a functional democracy there is a middle class.
I agree, which is why any democracy that tries to redistribute wealth will always fail because it destroys the prosperous middle class.

The other hallmark of a functioning democratic republic is that people have the ability to make something better of themselves and not through handouts from government.

I think a monarch, with roles defined in your Constitution, could serve as a check against populist nonsense.

A pure democracy does not work. That is the same thing as mob rule without reason. A republican system with limited powers for each branch of government and with layers of representation for the people are best to keep things from descending into everyone voting themselves other people's money.
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What was her upbringing in East Germany?

She wasn´t anywhere up in the GDR.
She was a scientist, a Physician.

Well, of course you had to be in the party somehow in the GDR, otherwise you would have no chance to study anything.
So, born 1954 in Hamburg, her father, a pastor, moved the family to Templin / GDR in 1957.
She joined the FDJ (Free German Youth) in 1968, aged 14, but never joined the SED party.

Officially political she went 1989 with the DA (Democratic Uprise), an oppositional party in the GDR, close in front of the downbreak of the GDR.
In 1990 she joined the CDU and got soon a mentor in Helmut Kohl, the German chancellor at this time.
No, actually not.
There are more than two parties in Germany, and current government is a coalition of the (so called) Christian Conservatives and the Social Democrats.

Federal elections are next year, but under the current circumstances I fear that it might even get worse.
If the shifting holds on, the Left, the SD and the Green could get a majority.
Maybe the Euro implodes, maybe we get tensions like you or anything else happens what might turn the coin.

My best bet would be this freedom-movement.

Our two party system has its problems but I am glad that we only have to deal with two assholes unlike Parliamentary systems that have to cater to every asshole that can get a word in edgewise.
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She wasn´t anywhere up in the GDR.
She was a scientist, a Physician.

Well, of course you had to be in the party somehow in the GDR, otherwise you would have no chance to study anything.
So, born 1954 in Hamburg, her father, a pastor, moved the family to Templin / GDR in 1957.
She joined the FDJ (Free German Youth) in 1968, aged 14, but never joined the SED party.

Officially political she went 1989 with the DA (Democratic Uprise), an oppositional party in the GDR, close in front of the downbreak of the GDR.
In 1990 she joined the CDU and got soon a mentor in Helmut Kohl, the German chancellor at this time.

Exactly she grew up in the Communist education system and is thoroughly indoctrinated.

Unlike refugees from commie countries that come here and than are "galvinized" to love their newly adopted Republic commie Merkle is still trying to make her home country, now united, more commie.

Once a machine gun, always a machine gun.

Once a commie at home, always a commie at home.

Our country suffers from a mere 40 years of Communist education via subversion and look at the power it has exerted.
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But I think, Merkel is much worse than a Communist, I think she is a Neoliberalist belonging to the worldwide elite movement, aka "The war of the rich against the poor." (according to Warren Buffet).

As part of the globalist plot "planning" of the economy is required.

They will not allow a free market.

They will pick winners and losers so as to create an equal amount of misery across the globe.

You can not have the prosperity of the United States and expect Globalism.

The United States succeeds from competing in the free market and doing well. This generates "Nationalistic Feelings".

"Nationalist" is not a dirty word if it is based on pride in country.

It only becomes an issue if used as an excuse to crush other nations sovereignty through a sense of "superiority".
So by any means, Democracy will never be perfect, there will always be a upper and a lower class and you might have to fight for it once in a while, but in a functional democracy there is a middle class.
I can´t see any advantage in Monarchy or any other form of government.
Sadly but true.

Democracy sucks because the majority will just vote to fuck the minority.

In a Republic there are laws to protect the minority. In our Republic specifically the rules are there to protect the ultimate minority - the individual citizen.

Yes a middle class is the foundation of a free society.

China is experiencing trouble as its middle class grows.

Obama worked to destroy the US middle class as a means to gain power.

Given time the former Soviet Union will lose its Oligarchic system as their middle class grows.
"Nationalist" is not a dirty word if it is based on pride in country.

Oho, Nationalist is a no-no over here, a total no-no.

I think what you mean is a patriot, but on the other hand, both are "Nazi" in Germany today.

No more nations, only one world.
That´s why we have mass migration since Merkel invited the whole world.
Oho, Nationalist is a no-no over here, a total no-no.

I think what you mean is a patriot, but on the other hand, both are "Nazi" in Germany today.

No more nations, only one world.
That´s why we have mass migration since Merkel invited the whole world.

The current German definition of Nationalist is based on imposing that guilt thing. The Ministry of Newspeak has imposed a narrow definition for a specific purpose.

Your political leaders have decided history will be - "changed" or "forgotten" - if you choose national suicide, hence Merkle not seeing the damage her policies have created.

Legal Immigration is a steroid for a countries creativity and health as long as it requires assimilation and respect for the National culture.

Current gov in Germany trying to bring about Hitlers desired Gotterdammerung I guess.
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Only if you want everything, including fine pils to be hoppie.😉
I definitely agree on that, for the most part. Porter...hoppy. Stout...hoppy. I call it the microbrew funk. Now, not all microbrews are bad and prior the microbrew revolution the US had some of the worst beer! Thankfully we had Avery (still going strong), Dogfish Head (I think they basically died in 2010/11 as most of their new stuff I cannot drink), Southern Tier, and a few other big names . Unfortunately, now everybody thinks they can brew beer (true, they can) that is good and iconic (very view).
Your middle class is being burdened by the free college education and health care among other "programs". Capitalism is based on what your willing to pay for, not what can the government give me because they are taking away from someone else. I may be wrong, but what you have is not what I would call working capitalism.
Your middle class is being burdened by the free college education and health care among other "programs".

Your wrong on this.

We had free universities and health care for decades and it was payable.
Nowadays Germany pays for the EU and millions of illegal migrants.
Our money goes to the southern states in the EU, which are close to a financial collapse.
Germany is going into horrific debts.
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Your wrong on this.

We had free universities and health care for decades and it was payable.
Nowadays Germany pays for the EU and millions of illegal migrants.
Our money goes to the southern states in the EU, which are close to a financial collapse.
Germany is going into horrific debts.
Can you tell me what is causing your country to go into debt?
I have a fair amount of time spent in Deutschland, (to be called Germany for the rest of this post) over the last five years or so, and thought I would offer my fully unqualified opinion. I have also had two exchange students from Germany live with my family the last two years and my oldest daughter was an exchange student there and became fluent.

First and most importantly, the best beer in the world comes from Belgium, not the CR or Germany. Sorry if this hurts anyones feelings, but sometimes the truth hurts.

As far as the concept of Nazis in Germany, I'm sure there's like a dozen or so idiots that espouse that they believe the same thing as the former Nazis. Realistically, there are no Nazis anywhere in the world. Just idiots looking for attention or trying to fit in with other idiots. Now please, don't think that I am being a Nazi apologist at all. I, like many, had grandparents that went and fought and relatives that were victims of the Nazi party. I'm just saying that Nazis aren't a threat in Germany, or anywhere else at this time and doubt that they ever will be, because it's socially unacceptable. It's much better to be a fascist, yelling at other people to not be fascist these days. Lastly, I'd just like to remind people that the Nazis were a party of the left and not in the least bit conservative when it came to social policies or governance.

As an anecdote for how there are no, or damn few people that still even claim to be Nazis in Germany. I walking to dinner in a small tourist town in Bavaria near the Zugspitze. I heard some loud, live music that was very festive coming from down the street and wondered what was going on. There was a big gathering of people, maybe several hundred and a very carnival atmosphere. A decent amount of people had signs and a good time appeared to be being had by all there. It was difficult to tell, but it became apparent that it was a protest. So I stopped and asked a few different groups of people what was going on and they each said that they were protesting. I asked what they were protesting and they said that they were protesting Nazis. So I asked, why would they protest Nazis when they haven't been around in 70 years? They informed me that the Nazis were there in the town and having a big political meeting right in the building near to us. I was totally confused by this and began to use my Google skills. Turns out that it was a political meeting for the AFD party. They believe crazy things, like that Germany shouldn't have to take in 2 million low skill, culturally incompatible people from majority muslim countries that are going to be wards of the state in Germany. In a country of only 30 million people, 2 million living off the state can make a big difference. But the protesters, which were all completely normal, well behaved people had been told that the AFD party were Nazis. I am sure that is what the media told them and they believe it.

Overall in Germany, one thing you will notice is that there isn't much of a concept of national pride. It has been changed in the culture to be nearly unacceptable. It's OK to have pride in your city or your state, but not so much with the national pride. The strange thing is that most Germans have an opinion, but they are too polite to tell you about it. The German people are amazingly polite, speak great English, are super friendly and hungry to learn or to practice their English. Quick to buy a round and love to have a good time and few beers. They are also very hard working and industrious. They also expect you and everyone else to follow the rules. Don't expect to J-walk in Germany without someone letting you know that you aren't following the law!

Well this has gone on way too long, but I'll just say that Germany is a great place to visit filled with amazing people!
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Your middle class is being burdened by the free college education and health care among other "programs". Capitalism is based on what your willing to pay for, not what can the government give me because they are taking away from someone else. I may be wrong, but what you have is not what I would call working capitalism.

aha... and US have?
Every time there is a major correction in the stock marked, 1987,1997, 2007 and 2020 the US government and FED have pulled levers and push buttons and feed bunch of money to save private company’s who have made bad bets and in a pure Ayn Rand capitalism should be left to lose and go broke so the stronger company can rise up...

It’s not as black and white as you think it is...

Amazon gets huge tax brakes and benefits/local subsidies as the second largest companies in the world while they are pushing out smaller specialists stores that get non of these supports or subsidies, is that free and fair competition in a capitalist system?
aha... and US have?
Every time there is a major correction in the stock marked, 1987,1997, 2007 and 2020 the US government and FED have pulled levers and push buttons and feed bunch of money to save private company’s who have made bad bets and in a pure Ayn Rand capitalism should be left to lose and go broke so the stronger company can rise up...

It’s not as black and white as you think it is...

Amazon gets huge tax brakes and benefits/local subsidies as the second largest companies in the world while they are pushing out smaller specialists stores that get non of these supports or subsidies, is that free and fair competition in a capitalist system?
I completely agree with everything you said. No argument from me. I would also like to add that we are not far from being like my original statement. I simply wanted to know what I was wrong about. My liberal nephew went to Germany as a foreign exchange student a few years back, and raved about free college and healthcare.
People saying German beers are not the best. Blastfamy! Suppose your drinking the export crap.

Get on a train from town to town or better yet some skies.
I completely agree with everything you said. No argument from me. I would also like to add that we are not far from being like my original statement. I simply wanted to know what I was wrong about. My liberal nephew went to Germany as a foreign exchange student a few years back, and raved about free college and healthcare.

All European nations have“free” healthcare and education, nothing wrong in your statement there. I myself are a Norwegian living in Norway and we have it all but calling it free is some misleading given the amount of taxes we pay.