Germany is waking up, slowly, but steadily

I don't know about all of Europe, or even that I'm fully accurate with regards to Germany, but as it was explained to me by numerous people; "free" college is only for the kids that do well in school and show an aptitude for learning. They also have to take multiple tests throughout their high school career that actually matter and will determine if they get "free" college. There are even tiers for the different levels of high school. It's a much better way of sorting the wheat from the chaff, if you will scholastically. As you can imagine, it wouldn't go over here in the U.S. because people would whine that everyone should get free college, not just the ones smart enough to actually get something out of it; other than a gender studies degree.
Many Germans, maybe most of them, are fed up with capitalism, because we pay over 56% of our income in taxes (in average).
The rents went through the roof, other living costs raised as well, but the incomes didn´t and we have a 0% interest since over ten years now, so the middle class is shifting faster and faster to the south, wealth moves more and more to less super-rich people.

So Socialism or even Communism becomes more and more attractive for the younger generation, which sees no fututre perspective in Capitalism.
Besides of knowing, that this is cancer itself, I can understand why they do - just fear.

The problem is that you don't actually have Capitalism.
What you have is the full on European version of Socialism, where state takes more of your paycheck then you get, to give handouts to everyone else.
That's NOT Capitalism, that's the Socialist plan.

Then just like in most other systems, (including the totally corrupted version of Capitalism currently in play in the USA), the crony government makes sure their rich buddies keep getting richer, while tossing enough free stuff to those that don't work, to keep themselves in power, and totally robbing the hard working middle class blind from every angle, both corporate, government and financial.

What you are seeing happen in the entire western world is a race back to the middle ages where the ruling noble class owned everything and everybody else was serfs, they had to rent everything from the dirt they worked, to the houses they lived in. Elites keep the king in power, and the king uses the army to keep the peasants in line.

Everybody is too busy looking at their new phones and apps and social media and getting stuff from Amazon to understand the middle class is being purposely eliminated so we have only the rich elite rulers and the serfs.

The young generation are totally ignorant and blind to what this new "rent" and "own nothing" society is going to mean for them... Lifelong wage slavery with NO chance to ever get off the treadmill, and harsh poverty when they are forced to "retire".

Of course they want to push "Socialist" and "Communist" policies as the goal. Because then they can push through the final batch of getting rid of any ownership stake by the middle class.

Just like your 0% interest or sometimes even negative interest, I'll bet if you want to go get a loan from the bank for a house or car or credit card, you are NOT offered the loan for 0%.... Big Banks get rich, you get poor.
The problem is that you don't actually have Capitalism.
What you have is the full on European version of Socialism, where state takes more of your paycheck then you get, to give handouts to everyone else.
That's NOT Capitalism, that's the Socialist plan.

Then just like in most other systems, (including the totally corrupted version of Capitalism currently in play in the USA), the crony government makes sure their rich buddies keep getting richer, while tossing enough free stuff to those that don't work, to keep themselves in power, and totally robbing the hard working middle class blind from every angle, both corporate, government and financial.

What you are seeing happen in the entire western world is a race back to the middle ages where the ruling noble class owned everything and everybody else was serfs, they had to rent everything from the dirt they worked, to the houses they lived in. Elites keep the king in power, and the king uses the army to keep the peasants in line.

Everybody is too busy looking at their new phones and apps and social media and getting stuff from Amazon to understand the middle class is being purposely eliminated so we have only the rich elite rulers and the serfs.

The young generation are totally ignorant and blind to what this new "rent" and "own nothing" society is going to mean for them... Lifelong wage slavery with NO chance to ever get off the treadmill, and harsh poverty when they are forced to "retire".

Of course they want to push "Socialist" and "Communist" policies as the goal. Because then they can push through the final batch of getting rid of any ownership stake by the middle class.

Just like your 0% interest or sometimes even negative interest, I'll bet if you want to go get a loan from the bank for a house or car or credit card, you are NOT offered the loan for 0%.... Big Banks get rich, you get poor.

Not saying you are wrong, but just a little confused as you kind of describing the current state of the problem as the essence of “class struggle” between the Bourgeois and Proletarians...

Kind of mixing it up there?
Not saying you are wrong, but just a little confused as you kind of describing the current state of the problem as the essence of “class struggle” between the Bourgeois and Proletarians...

Kind of mixing it up there?

Don't get tripped up in Marxist lingo and ideas.

Throughout history there has usually been 3 main classes:


When you have a large thriving Middle and the government keeps both the elites and the serfs from stealing too much from the middle and also make sure they get a fair shake, generally you have a thriving prosperous economy & society.

But the elites are never happy with having what they have and want anything the middles have, while the serfs want what the middles have and the elites have, and usually the elites have the power to take from the middle and toss to the serfs.

Once you get away from the balance of the three, It eventually matters little in practicality if the Elites rule and everyone else is a serf, or if if the Serfs rule and proclaim that everybody is an equal serf, in the end a small group of elites gets to run the show and get all the good stuff for them and their buddies and everybody else is a slave (as shown in just about every communist country ever).

If you want a stable, prosperous society, you can't peg the meter all the way to one dogma or another, you have to find a good middle ground that doesn't expect people at any level to be altruistic or do the right thing by others, but rather understands the need to make sure it doesn't turn into the law of the jungle.
German politicians shat themselves now , again,they want a 150mio $ security upgrade to Reichstag,fortifying the whole thing including a 10m wide moat supposedly to protect against 'moslems' in VBIEDs

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That´s the first picture I see of that, I thought it will go all the way around it.

Where did you get the info, that it is to protect from islamic terrorists?
I can´t imagine, that someone would say that / blame them.

On the demonstration some "useful idiots" (around 200) with the Reichskriegsflagge and other symbols stormed the stairs in front.
All other protests were peaceful and the protesters came from the whole spectrum of society.

But because of this incident, the media almost only reported from that.
And they said also, who marches with Nazis is a Nazi himself.
They also used this incident to show, that the moat is highly needed and that they want to push this project now.

Normally there are fences and a lot of police, but there were only three policemen, although the protest was running and they had 3,000 extra police forces from all over the country for support.
It is also said, that the "onslaught" was pushed from a small group.

The media was full of this "horrific assault".
The number of the members of the peaceful protest were downplayed, as they were at the protest from August 1st.
Now they discuss not only building a moat, they want a tunnel for visitors as well.

On the next day, our great president Steinmeier honored the three policemen which defended the Reichstag heroically.
He didn´t honor the policemen who stood their ground and really risked their life at G20 in Hamburg.
This man is as hypocrite as hypocrite can be, my puke-bucket was full several times this weekend.

90% of the people in Germany still believe this shit from the media and politicians.
Numbers turn very slowly.
I´m sure, the liars have planed two or three steps ahead.
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conservative germans were dealt a setback when one of their right leaning parties was smeared and had to dissolve. it only came to light recently that they were framed and not guilty of any of the accusations that caused the controversy. too late as they gave up their piece of the governing coalition, which lost control of the government as a result.
when one of their right leaning parties was smeared and had to dissolve.

Which party do you mean, the Republikaner?

Do you have a clue, how much tons of shit they spread out over the AfD every day?

And have you ever heard about an election in a democratic country, which had to be "corrected" because the head of the government said so?
There was an election in Thüringen last year, where a candidate with the votes of the AfD was legally elected.
This candidate from the FDP and his family got a lot of death threats, all parties made an uproar, the media was spiting shit for several days.
Merkel said in the news, that this election "must be corrected".
The winner of the election and legal president of Thüringen, Thomas Kemmerich, abdicated after only a few days.

And the people in Germany?
They just watched their evening news and nothing happend.
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That´s the first picture I see of that, I thought it will go all the way around it.

Where did you get the info, that it is to protect from islamic terrorists?
I can´t imagine, that someone would say that / blame them.

They say its for against attacks with trucks, let's just say only vehicular attacks in Germany are the ones with jihadis at the wheel.

Moat is to be 10m wide and 2m deep . But so far the lack the votes for it , but couple more protests later they might just get them.

Hans ,Franz und Uwe see protestors at the steps of Reichstag and get triggered remembering stories from Opa told of when Ivan came to do some 'sightseeing' in Berlin .

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Makes me think of the Reichstag fire, not the reds taking over Berlin. Either way, the problem was the same as it is now, communists.
Well, actually she is not only chancellor, she is the leader of the conservative party called CDU as well.
Former conservative party will fit better.

In my opinion no one knows actually what she is, or what she thinks or wants, she is hiding it perfectly.

Many Germans, maybe most of them, are fed up with capitalism, because we pay over 56% of our income in taxes (in average).
The rents went through the roof, other living costs raised as well, but the incomes didn´t and we have a 0% interest since over ten years now, so the middle class is shifting faster and faster to the south, wealth moves more and more to less super-rich people.

So Socialism or even Communism becomes more and more attractive for the younger generation, which sees no fututre perspective in Capitalism.
Besides of knowing, that this is cancer itself, I can understand why they do - just fear.

But I think, Merkel is much worse than a Communist, I think she is a Neoliberalist belonging to the worldwide elite movement, aka "The war of the rich against the poor." (according to Warren Buffet).

Thanks for your perspective. We constantly get fed worthless horseshit by our media.
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Not saying you are wrong, but just a little confused as you kind of describing the current state of the problem as the essence of “class struggle” between the Bourgeois and Proletarians...

Kind of mixing it up there?
Class struggle is bullshit in Capitalism, which is why they've replaced it with "race struggle".

Read some Marx. He HATED the middle class more than anything. It was the middle class that prevented a communist system wherein only those at the tippy top of the communist power structure own everything, including the lives of all the people.

BLM and Antifa are almost more of a religious cult than a political movement. They've redesigned Marx's class struggle to fit America, and they have started a violent revolution because they have to. They cannot create paradise with all of us in it. We are the ones who have to be eliminated.
Class struggle is bullshit in Capitalism, which is why they've replaced it with "race struggle".

Read some Marx. He HATED the middle class more than anything. It was the middle class that prevented a communist system wherein only those at the tippy top of the communist power structure own everything, including the lives of all the people.

BLM and Antifa are almost more of a religious cult than a political movement. They've redesigned Marx's class struggle to fit America, and they have started a violent revolution because they have to. They cannot create paradise with all of us in it. We are the ones who have to be eliminated.

"Class struggle is bullshit in Capitalism, which is why they've replaced it with "race struggle".

Hadnt seen it that way but you nailed it.
Class struggle is bullshit in Capitalism, which is why they've replaced it with "race struggle".

Read some Marx. He HATED the middle class more than anything. It was the middle class that prevented a communist system wherein only those at the tippy top of the communist power structure own everything, including the lives of all the people.

BLM and Antifa are almost more of a religious cult than a political movement. They've redesigned Marx's class struggle to fit America, and they have started a violent revolution because they have to. They cannot create paradise with all of us in it. We are the ones who have to be eliminated.

Class strugle is always real, have nots vs have gots ,in every society ever throughout history, not only in capitalism, race struggle on the other hand at present is quite fake,is just the latest distraction by the elites to divert focus from the corrupt and rigged system ,while they bail out the donor class with public money. Bread and Circuses ''panem et circenses'' is what Romans called this shit we are already deep in it , consumerism , reality shows, and overpaid athletes.

The middle class, particularly in US, is being wiped out. Ritch get bailed out every decade, poor get checks,food stamps, free healthcare and what not and ever-shrinking middle class pays for it .
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Capitalism is what creates a powerful middle class. Socialism/communism (and Fascism for that matter) destroy the middle class.

“Class” as Marx and the left understand it, barely exists in America. What you’re talking about is wealth and income. Plenty of low class people with both, but they’re washing machine. It doesn’t even last a single generation. If they’re not low class it still doesn’t last in America.

Anderson Cooper was a penniless Vanderbuilt. He is where he is because of who his family is and because he’s gay, but to think that kind of blatant classism is the rule is insane.

I only work with wealthy people. They either made/are making it, or they’re 2nd generation maintaining, or they’re third generation blowing it/returning to poverty. By the 4th generation they’re generally back to middle or more likely lower income.

There are VERY few real upper class dynasties. They fuck it up, because that’s what wealth does.

I think you’re motivated by pure jealousy, and just assume no one with money earned it. This is offensive to 99% of the wealthy, and we welcome you to join with your Antifa brethren. The reckoning you want is exactly the same one we want. Those rioting cowards are your intellectual reality. Your opinions based on human failings and vice are what drive the Democrat party.
You and i are not living in real capitalism, what you have at present its heavily rigged and regulated pseudo capitalism,powerful and large middle class only arose with regulation, breaking up monopolies and market manipulation, parallel law, that made wealthy, uberwealthy, large or strong middle class did not exist in pure capitalism, i don't know if you are blind you have just slept over the past couple of months seen a case study in how you wreck the middle class while propping up the upper couple % and the poor. We have seen similar in 2008/9 total wipeout off already dented the middle class twice in 2 decades.

5trillion bailout i guess is the invisible hand of the markets.

You would be wise to study your history to see how fortunes were made in the Gilded Age.

I am really amused on American fixation with communism, i don't think anyone even in communist China or North Korea talks about Marx and communism as much as you do. For rest of the world its something that went of scrapheap of history. Marx and his works are the product of its time.

I am not jealous as i am what you term as second-gen maybe not 1% but definelty2% and most of the folks i know and work with are wealthy, but i am not brainwashed into thinking that with enough effort >every one has a chance for social mobility, i understand how heavily rigged the system is and who you know has much more value than wealthy like to admit.
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You and i are not living in real capitalism, what you have at present its heavily rigged and regulated pseudo capitalism,powerful and large middle class only arose with regulation, breaking up monopolies and market manipulation, parallel law, that made wealthy, uberwealthy, large or strong middle class did not exist in pure capitalism, i don't know if you are blind you have just slept over the past couple of months seen a case study in how you wreck the middle class while propping up the upper couple % and the poor. We have seen similar in 2008/9 total wipeout off the middle class .

You would be wise to study about your history to see how fortunes were made in the Gilded age.

I am really amused on American fixation with communism, i don't think anyone even in communist China or North Korea talks about Marx and communism as much as you do. For rest of the world its something that went of scrapheap of history. Marx and his works are the product of its time.

I am not jealous as i am what you term as second-gen maybe not 1% but definelty2% and most of the folks i know and work with are wealthy, but i am not brainwashed into thinking that with enough effort >every one has a chance for social mobility, i understand how heavily rigged the system is and who you know has much more value than wealthy like to admit.

Wouldn't it make sense that we discuss communists? It's murdered more people in the last century than any other ideology. Most of us here grew up at a time when WWIII could kick off at any time with a bright flash. Many of us lost family members, some that we never met, fighting communists. On the bright side, communism made a great vacation possible for my mother when she was a kid. Vacations rentals in FL were dirt cheap for a while because some commies were positioning ballistic missiles ~90 mi off FL, so demand was down...

Oh, and commies are currently do a pretty good job of taking over this country, currently. Like right now. So there's that.
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You and i are not living in real capitalism, what you have at present its heavily rigged and regulated pseudo capitalism,powerful and large middle class only arose with regulation, breaking up monopolies and market manipulation, parallel law, that made wealthy, uberwealthy, large or strong middle class did not exist in pure capitalism, i don't know if you are blind you have just slept over the past couple of months seen a case study in how you wreck the middle class while propping up the upper couple % and the poor. We have seen similar in 2008/9 total wipeout off already dented the middle class twice in 2 decades.

5trillion bailout i guess is the invisible hand of the markets.

You would be wise to study your history to see how fortunes were made in the Gilded Age.

I am really amused on American fixation with communism, i don't think anyone even in communist China or North Korea talks about Marx and communism as much as you do. For rest of the world its something that went of scrapheap of history. Marx and his works are the product of its time.

I am not jealous as i am what you term as second-gen maybe not 1% but definelty2% and most of the folks i know and work with are wealthy, but i am not brainwashed into thinking that with enough effort >every one has a chance for social mobility, i understand how heavily rigged the system is and who you know has much more value than wealthy like to admit.
I do not disagree with a lot of that. But utopian Capitalism, or utopian libertarianism, or any kind of Utopianism is evil in and of itself, because humans are inherently imperfect and flawed.

Over regulation strangles small business first. Your European view is very stultified. Europe really does still have classes, though they’re fading fast.
Europe really does still have classes, though they’re fading fast.

Well, the middle class is melting like butter in a fire.
Rising costs of living with no or low wage increase in relation with a 0% interest policy over the last 15 years, makes the middle class poorer every day.

And because that happens lingering, most people don´t realize it.
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I am not talking Europe , greatest rise of middle class in US came on wings of hard regulation of the excesses of the Gilded age. much of the wealth in the gilded age was made stealing,cheating ,stock manipulation insider trading ,misuse of public funds. Kind of shit that is going on now like its no ones bussines.
In much of Europe the middle class is larger than in US but its also shrinking. Low-interest rates are burning middle-class savings while boosting wealthy and poor that have little in savings but lots of credit. Wealth runs on credit , most billionaires have billions in debt to service, that is easy when your capital only needs to generate 1.5-2% to service a bank loan rest is money in the Caymans Bank

And when it comes to Commies the head sits at the FED until you put them against the wall.You are steamroling from pseudo capitalism into pseudo-feudalism.
And it seems that folks are getting hooked on easy money.
Finally Something Most Agree On: 70% Of Americans Demand More Stimulus

This is a bit old but every cycle of bailouts by the FED and EU Central bank that also result in 0% or even negative rates decimated middle class , and triggered explosion of wealth of top 10%.

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Oh, and commies are currently do a pretty good job of taking over this country, currently. Like right now. So there's that.

Well, because of the fearmongering over here (illegal migration, climate crisis, metoo, BLM, Corona, ...) people are always to worried, confused and split to take a rest and think for a while, what really might be going on.

I saw a crack in 2008 when we had the finance crisis and I thought there, that things will go south rapidly, but they didn´t, because the money printing machines were started up and cheap money fled the markets, so that the economy rotated.

But then, 2015, something really shifted sideways somehow over here.
I sat in front of my TV and saw those masses of migrants marching into the country and couldn´t believe what I saw.
Nothing happens without a cause, and I tried to wrap my head around what´s going on and who would have a benefit of this (Qui bono)?
It took me really a long time to actually get only an idea of it.

I think that the elites have messed it up and when they realized it, they thought about how to deal with it.
They know since 2008 that the finance system will collapse, but they gained time with drowning the whole shit with mountains of money.
But instead to heal the system or maybe drive it against the wall, because it had to, and reset it, they´ve builded up huge bubbles and even aggravated the situation, knowing that the whole thing will fall on their feet later on.

Maybe the plan of neoliberalism or globalism was there before, and the idea of wiping out the middle class existed, but at some time, they thought that this might be the solution and that time is becoming scarce, so they speeded it up.

Mass migration:
There is a book "Weapons of Mass Migration" from an US author, which describes how societies can be destroyed with little effort, just through letting in masses of foreign people with other languages, cultures and mindset.
It is the ancient method of "Divide et impera!", divide and rule.
A mixed up and inhomogeneous society is easier to rule, you just keep up the differences, push sometimes the existing conflicts, so that the people are to busy to fight each other, instead of fighting a corrupt government, for example.

The other stuff, like feminism, gender insanity, metoo, climate crisis, BLM and so on, is just to keep the people in fear, anger, distracted and confused, divided.
There is almost every year a new issue spread out by the media, so that society never comes to a rest.

Antifa, Karl Marx called those kind of people "the useful idiots" are mislead and used as well in my opinion.

And gentlemen, I hear you calling me a lot of bad words, but YOU MIGHT BE MISLEAD TOO.
Of course I can be wrong, but maybe I´m not.

If I´m not, the whole thing is played and it is not about left against right, Democrats against Republicans and Antifa against Conservatives, then it is the Elite against the people, and you all are tricked and cheated.

I´ve read about an interview, I think it was from the Forbes magazine, with Warren Buffet.
In this interview Mr. Buffet was asked, what the biggest conflict in modern times in his eyes would be.
And he answered (analogous):
"Isn´t that obvious?
It is the war of the rich against the poor.
The rich, my class, started this war and they will win it."

Globalism or Neoliberalism isn´t about making the world better, it is about taking the wealth from the middle class and give it to the elite, all of it.
The result will be the middle age again, where there are only nobles, dispossessing peasants and bailiffs to keep them quiet.
But instead that the people are standing together and fight the elites, they get tricked, fighting each other and the third party - which isn´t directly involved - will be the winner.

And that´s what the protest in Germany is about.
There are right and left, middle class and poors, enterpreneurs and esotherics walking, speaking, singing and dancing together in a peaceful protest, hundred thousands now, hopefully millions tomorrow.
And all what the media and the politicians are talking about, is 200 idiots with Reichs-flags storming the stairs of the Reichstag - what do you think why?

So, there you have it.
It took me a long way - years actually - to research and think this out, but that´s what I came up with.

Now you can make your own thoughts about it and maybe you will mock or curse me for this.
Anyhow I wish you a boring and peaceful life.

Jayjay1 out.
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This not a group of any kind, this is a cross-section of the whole society.

And they want a change.

Ordinary people from all over Germany and Europe.

Nazis less then 0.1%.

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Jayjay1, i just wanted to say how impressed i am with your command and facility with the English language. It's both impressive and humbling.

I have quite a few friends and colleague from Germany and they too freely converse in several languages with little apparent effort. I've found this to be true of many of my friends and their children from several other European, Asian and Middle Eastern countries. I'm embarrassed to admit that i'm only fluent in one and dabble in 3 others. I must take some time to further my education and proficiency.
All European nations have“free” healthcare and education, nothing wrong in your statement there. I myself are a Norwegian living in Norway and we have it all but calling it free is some misleading given the amount of taxes we pay.

Bingo on the taxes you pay.

And how is the care?

In a country of 7 million, homogeneous people with a common shoulder on the yoke probably the care is fantastic.

In a country of 350M with 50% living off the govt we will be lucky to get an aspirin. Our dueling political parties will provide care to the non payers as payment for their vote.
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Bingo on the taxes you pay.

And how is the care?

In a country of 7 million, homogeneous people with a common shoulder on the yoke probably the care is fantastic.

In a country of 350M with 50% living off the govt we will be lucky to get an aspirin. Our dueling political parties will provide care to the non payers as payment for their vote.

absolutely,that’s why it’s called the Nordic model. It works for us up in the North. I am not complaining or looking for any major changes at home, we are 7 years in under a current conservative government and they are still popular and it looks good going into next years election.

always something that can improve but in general no reason to make a big fuzz. :)
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absolutely,that’s why it’s called the Nordic model. It works for us up in the North. I am not complaining or looking for any major changes at home, we are 7 years in under a current conservative government and they are still popular and it looks good going into next years election.

always something that can improve but in general no reason to make a big fuzz. :)

We will see how it continues to work in Sweden as they continue to import people beyond their ability (desire) to assimilate.........
single payer healthcare is not free but works for most, one thing we see is even tough the government is inefficient when it comes to the cost of healthcare 'non profit insurance that is typically state-owned as are many of the Hospitals. way out preforms commercial insurance companies

As you see its all semantics when donors call politicians they can pull 5 trillion and suddenly no one debates or objects same for 1 trillion defense budget

In the end of the day what is important is you getting the best healthcare for your moneys worth and in that respect what you have is marginally efficient.Its really hard to argue in favor of it when others tend to have much more favorable outcomes.

'' The medical journal, The Lancet, is one of the world’s Big Three scientific journals of medicine; that’s the triumvirate of authorities for physicians worldwide, and the other two are the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the New England Journal of Medicine. On August 27th The Lancet published “Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories”. Here is the visual that’s in it, which shows the United States as having, by far, the world’s costliest medical care, at around $9,000 per person per year, and yet as having lower quality of health care than virtually all other industrialized nations do: ''

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single payer healthcare is not free but works for most, one thing we see is even tough the government is inefficient when it comes to the cost of healthcare 'non profit insurance that is typically state-owned as are many of the Hospitals. way out preforms commercial insurance companies

As you see its all semantics when donors call politicians they can pull 5 trillion and suddenly no one debates or objects same for 1 trillion defense budget

In the end of the day what is important is you getting the best healthcare for your moneys worth and in that respect what you have is marginally efficient.Its really hard to argue in favor of it when others tend to have much more favorable outcomes.

'' The medical journal, The Lancet, is one of the world’s Big Three scientific journals of medicine; that’s the triumvirate of authorities for physicians worldwide, and the other two are the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the New England Journal of Medicine. On August 27th The Lancet published “Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories”. Here is the visual that’s in it, which shows the United States as having, by far, the world’s costliest medical care, at around $9,000 per person per year, and yet as having lower quality of health care than virtually all other industrialized nations do: ''


These other countries.....they have unionized govt workers?

Our govt managed health care will have higher cost management fees and be less efficient.

Our system requires tort reform in regards to patient lawsuits, damages awarded.

If wanton negligence is determined than yes shoot for the moon but if your 80 year old granny goes in for a valve and dies from an infection she caught despite best practices being used you dont get a multi million dollar payout.
I don't think unions are a great factor here, but yes most have unions and not just for govt workers. Remember when VW and BMW set up factories in US , they both and wanted to have worker unions, and politicians went bananas over it , over here unions are common in all large businesses.

I agree you would need a multi-level to revamp of not just insurance but also law . What you have in terms of civil lawsuits for damages is unheard of in any of these countries, courts don't give much in terms of payouts so among other things ambulance-chasing lawyers are not going to strike it rich. In many countries, lawyers have limitations on advertising, in our case they can only advertise their name address ,bussines hours and specialisations nothing else and most chose not to advertise at all. And still, it seems like suing each other is a national sport. Mostly for really petty shit.

But even just, the public insurance option could slash costs when nonprofit. And the you would need to tackle the pharma industry pricing practices like Trump suggested.

Even over here there is a great waste of resource on overpriced meds. Couple of my friends have own pharma retail businesses and both relatively small businesses less than dozen employes and its seems like they own a fucking mint. Money is growing out of their ears. Meds are just so lucrative and overpaid and we pay a fraction of what you do in US.
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I didnt watch the video but saw it was about protestors and AFD.

Let me guess, there are a shit ton of protestors backing the AFD and now there is feigned surprise by the government as well as an instant association that this means the Nazi's are coming back? Am I close?

The problem since like forever is that Germany has a ton of political parties. Some are basically the same damn thing and then you have the total weirdos like the Green party. Most of the larger parties make deals with the smallers ones so that regardless of the voting outcome, they stay in power due to how their seats will vote. It's a giant scam and the only reason Merkel is around.

The AFD showed up a bit before Trump ran the first time and in their staggered election (not all 'states' vote at the same time/same year) the AFD got some gigantic portion of the vote out of literally nowhere. The feigned surprise and calls of nazimism came within 10 minutes of the results. Instead, its the German people who are sick as fuck of socialism and the net negative that they receive from it as well as the flow of immigrants and your government basically talking down to you about you not wanting to be raped, murdered and stolen from.

This is the result. I'm finally glad they got their heads out of their asses somewhat as when I left in 2003, I had noticed a huge shift in the overall German citizen and that their will to fight had been trumped by wanting 'safety' and free shit.