I just started my first ghillie build today. I'm doing it the hard way, glueing a grid with string instead of a net (went everywhere and couldnt find one) and dyeing my own burlap, i feel I will meet the colors of my AO much better doing this. now I already know you will only be able to help me out a little until I can go out and take pics of my AO. but where I will be opperating is in the woodlands of Northern Ohio. my suit will be used probably year round, but mostly in the fall. My educated guess is a lot of Tan and brown, with a little green maybe 50% tan 30% brown, and 20% green? or maybe more tan and less brown? Imput will be much appreciated.
here's my bdu so far, ran outa shoe goo so it's not complete
here's my bdu so far, ran outa shoe goo so it's not complete