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Hunting & Fishing ghillie poncho for coyotes?


Full Member
Jan 25, 2008
I hunt coyotes in a few different covers in the same day. I could be in timber or looking over cow pasture or sitting on a ditch dump looking over a soybean or rice field. I have a "paint ball" ghillie suit that I bought before I knew better. I was thinking a mid-length poncho ghillie would work. It would be short enough to not be a hassle to walk in and would be long enough to break up my outline while sitting on the ground. I was also thinking to use a boonie ghillie cover for my head. And too, the poncho might would allow me some material to also lay over the rear part of my rifle or shotgun. What do you guys think about the poncho style ghillies? Thank for any and all help.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

You could use a bdu jacket and a ghilie. The burlap will hang enough to have what you want. I can make you one. PM me.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

I use a ghillie suit for coyote hunting on a regular basis...while a poncho works, I've found that for me a suit using a MOPP suit jacket and BDU pants works better than a poncho - less crap to carry around and doesn't hang up as much, especially when crossing fences. I use a boonie hat for a base for head cover...the brim keeps the burlap out of my eyes.

As far as color is concerned - just remember the the color spectrum a coyote views the world in...
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jayhawker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I use a ghillie suit for coyote hunting on a regular basis...while a poncho works, I've found that for me a suit using a MOPP suit jacket and BDU pants works better than a poncho - less crap to carry around and doesn't hang up as much, especially when crossing fences. I use a boonie hat for a base for head cover...the brim keeps the burlap out of my eyes.

As far as color is concerned - just remember the the color spectrum a coyote views the world in... </div></div>
Color is another place have trouble, I failed the color blind test.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

thats ok you see close to what they do, coyotes are color blind yet still have excellent vision, they detect movement not so much as color. just a broken outline helps. as long as its not blotche your good. you cant make a ghillie and it be uneffective against coyotes i dont think. as long as you stick to light base colors. dont over darken yourself.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BachelorJack</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hold still.

Mind the wind.

You could wear a tu-tu if you did the first two.... </div></div>

+1 camo and cover scents are HIGHLY over rated. I have killed more coyotes in a plaid shirt and carhartts than I can remember !

Don't get me wrong, I do wear camo sometimes, but wind and movement are key elements for sure !

Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

What Jack and Scott said....worry more about setting up in the best possible location...give them time to show up...know when to shoot. After you shoot one dont jump up and start high fiving....there's probably another one on the way in.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

I agree with Sendero_Man, Camo and Sent are there for the Money, I do use camo sometimes but i never use Sent, Its a waste of money. The Game are not gonna get that close to smell you.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Brock62</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> The Game are not gonna get that close to smell you. </div></div>
I had one that did, bounced off my back last Sunday lol and neither of us lost any body fluids haha
I had some Natgear snow cammo on not sure if you really need it but sure looks cool and sure does blend in with the surroundings.
Movement has been my biggest reason for lost shots usually when I'm blowing my hand calls.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

++1 on sendero man, jack, and copper...the only camo I wear is my jacket if it is cold.
I have had yote come to within 15' of me wearing black jeans and a t-shirt....just don't move. The see movement VERY well.

Take care,Stan

PS...my normal yote attire:

Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

Are there sometimes exceptions to the scent aspect of things? Two of my most memorable times deer hunting with my dad (except for my first deer) were two seperate coyote encounters at the same setup. We never have been fancy setup people when we deer hunt. We prefer sitting at the base of a tree. We were hunting about a 10 acre opening in some woods and sitting at a tree when a coyote came out 200 yards away. I asked my dad if it got close enough if I could shoot and his answer shocked me "No, just wait and see what happens. Don't shoot" At the time I was very dissapointed, but did as was told. The coyote came at a light jog all the way across the field directly at us. Never seem to realize that we were there and ended up within 2 feet of the end of my Remington 870. At that point my dad jumped up screaming like crazy. That coyote jumped high spun around and took off like lightning. We laughed so hard at this, and I'll never forget it. A couple days later, same setup and another coyote came out on that same treeling, and did the same thing. Came within a couple feet of my barrel and my dad did the same thing. We were not using any type of cover scents, or anything.
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gunsandcigars88</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Are there sometimes exceptions to the scent aspect of things? Two of my most memorable times deer hunting with my dad (except for my first deer) were two seperate coyote encounters at the same setup. We never have been fancy setup people when we deer hunt. We prefer sitting at the base of a tree. We were hunting about a 10 acre opening in some woods and sitting at a tree when a coyote came out 200 yards away. I asked my dad if it got close enough if I could shoot and his answer shocked me "No, just wait and see what happens. Don't shoot" At the time I was very dissapointed, but did as was told. The coyote came at a light jog all the way across the field directly at us. Never seem to realize that we were there and ended up within 2 feet of the end of my Remington 870. At that point my dad jumped up screaming like crazy. That coyote jumped high spun around and took off like lightning. We laughed so hard at this, and I'll never forget it. A couple days later, same setup and another coyote came out on that same treeling, and did the same thing. Came within a couple feet of my barrel and my dad did the same thing. We were not using any type of cover scents, or anything.
B </div></div>

living in missouri i have come to know that yotes are half tarded, walkin through mom's woods with my german shep/blue heeler we've came right up on a few and scared the living shit out of em, one would think that a dog would hear us comin and jet off
Re: ghillie poncho for coyotes?

Thanks for all of the advice. I will take it all to heart. We tried 6 setups this last weekend, and had a dog coming in from down wind when we got up to move. He was about 800yrds from us out in a cut rice field. Couldn't come up with a plan to re setup on him. We tayed at each set for about 30minutes. These coyotes around here are pretty educated.