Sidearms & Scatterguns ghost trigger kits for glocks? worth it?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2011
Roundup, MT
Im considering a ghost glock trigger kit for my glock 17.
as far as the parts go. I dont think I would use all of the parts that come in some of the kits. I do want to lighten the pull a bit but I dont want to reduce the reliability of the striker hitting primers. so the whole Idea of reducing the weight of the striker spring bothers me. Unless I dont know anything and I am getting the premise of the kit all wrong. can someone give me their quick 2cents... I am sure this has been talked about and I am sorry to waste anyones time. I have looked for info here and didnt find anything recent. just some info on polishing parts to make triggers smoother.. thanks for any advice you can give. I appreciate your time.
Re: ghost trigger kits for glocks? worth it?

Don't bother with the Ghost kit, if you want a better Glock trigger first do the .25 cent trigger job, add a 3.5 disconnector, then add a Lone Wolf ejector housing with over travel stop, then if you want to further reduce trigger pull WITHOUT any reliability issues what so ever add a Jager light weight steel striker with a comp spring kit, I did all these things to my G35 and my trigger breaks at 2.75lbs without any mushiness and a nice shorter reset, 100% reliable for the last 10k rounds.
Re: ghost trigger kits for glocks? worth it?

then add a Lone Wolf ejector housing with over travel stop

where is a good place to get this? - direct from lone wolf. I know I can get the 3.5 disconnector on ebay for cheap - but I havent seen the ejector housing thing?