Hey all,
I don't know why I stopped getting notifications for this thread. My finances have finally started to settle, so spending ~$1k+on a scope is more realistic again. I re-read through this thread again and I do appreciate everyone's responses for sure.
I really like the Mk4HD except for the reticle which seems like it'd be all but useless at lower mags and there is no tree for quick adjustments or spotting shots. Why does Leupold keep doing this? (It also has the same disadvantage as the Credo 2-10 in having no parallax adjustment.)
Credo 2-10 is still on the board, but the lack of locking turrets and parallax along with the smaller objective lens just make it a hard sell. I really want to find one to look through, but I can't seem to find one locally, which is disappointing, to say the least.
I've since been able to look through a few LPVOs: G3 1-10, Credo 1-8, Vudu 1-10. Both 1-10s fall apart above 8x with the G3 seeming to be a better compromise and maintaining the ability to see mirage. The Credo 1-8 actually looks pretty good all the way through its range but it's just so heavy for an LPVO and the reticle is meh. The eye box is also terrible on both 1-10 compared to the Credo, so those are basically just out at this point.
As a note, I was also able to look through the NF 2.5-20 and will likely be buying one for a Gredal later down the road. It looks amazing but is simply too heavy and the turrets are too tall for a "GPR/SPR" application using a dot.
I would love to look through the PA options, but I can't find those locally either. The 1-8 is still of interest because it seems to solve all of the Credo 1-8 issues (except for the eye box and objective size), but I keep reading that it is heavily biased to the 1X range, which is the opposite of what I am looking for since I am planning to rely on the piggyback for up close. The GLx 2.5-10 then rises to the top of the list, but they stopped selling them a few weeks ago.

I've come across rumors that they are going to replace it with something similar in 2025 that potentially replaces the oh-so-dispised chevron, but who knows? I can find them here and there online still, but it's a bit of a crapshoot and I obviously don't like making snap decisions when spending this much money. At the same time, I'm thinking I might just grab one and push it to my 22 or sell it if something else better comes along.