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Going to call this the "Unpopular Opinion" thread and I have some thoughts...

Probably not unpopular

3rd group in my unpopular opinion bucket- ex/former smokers. Holy fuck have you ever met a more condescending group than them? I finally quit the cancer sticks several years ago and did that for my own reasons. But god damn, there are some of these "ex-smokers" that would make even a Jehovah Witness missionary blush.


Reformed sluts are the worst.
People that ride "e-bikes", "e-scooters", "e-skateboards" are the laziest cunts ever. I work downtown in a major city and the amount of adult men I see zooming down the sidewalk on their e-Razor skooooter is too damn high.

I actually don't know what's worse, adults or children riding them. Adults should know better, but children --especially these days-- need all the physical activity they can get.

It also completely drives me crazy how these dick heads with their e-scooters and e-bikes are allowed to bring them on the commuter trains and stow them in the "priority and disabled" seating area. Yesterday there was 7 seats, 6 of them priority, taken up by 1 bicycle, one scooter and 2 adult males.

For one, you're taking up the PRIORITY and DISABLED seating for your secondary method of transportation, where according to signage bicycles are only allowed on non-peak hours trains. For two, you've now taken up 3 to 4 seats, yet paid only for one? And then these dickheads will have the gall to ask, or worse, tell, you to move so they can put their bike or scooter there. How about....no?

TL;DR: e-bike/scooter/skateboard/whatever people can get fucked.
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3rd group in my unpopular opinion bucket- ex/former smokers. Holy fuck have you ever met a more condescending group than them? I finally quit the cancer sticks several years ago and did that for my own reasons. But god damn, there are some of these "ex-smokers" that would make even a Jehovah Witness missionary blush.


I quit 17 APR 81. No patches, gum or other pansy crutches. Sheer willpower.

#10, and this isn't exactly original but I'll say it and end my tantrum with an even number. Unpopular opinion #10 is it's beyond ridiculous how folks cheer on their "team". On the professional sports level, most seem to gravitate to their geographical location, on the collegiate level, it's frankly a "free for all" on schools that they might have went to, to schools they wish they went to, schools that are in their area, and schools that align with their nationality.

BUT- there's no consistency with "having a team", the players change yearly and even Jerry Seinfeld had a joke about cheering for clothes (which was funny then and is funny now because it's true, you're rooting for a uniform). And nobody that's a big "sports fellow" can offer one single data point in where their lives were enriched by following their sport's team.

For some reason the sports ball fans piss me off to an insane degree. I can't explain it but when I hear two grown men go back and forth about sportsball my blood almost literally comes to a boil.

We are being invaded by literal millions of savages yet these dumb motherfuckers will argue and focus on fucking sports? It enrages me like nothing else.

This country deserves whats coming for its citizens utter lack of conviction.
Your comment, while you likely consider to be clever is why you'll never achieve greatness. You're stuck thinking "inside a box".

Think about this...

When the Soviets were greatly out producing our tank production, somebody had to sit there in a meeting and say- hey, why don't we develop a gun that will beat their tanks and build a plane around it? AND THEN, they had to sell that idea.. hence the birth of the A-10.

Or how about when we were faced with Soviet anti-air missiles and someone had to be the contrarian and suggest we build a plane that flew above their missile range?

Or, on the same thread, what if we built a plane (after Gary Powers was shot down) that flew faster than their missiles and led to the birth of the SR-71 Blackbird?

My point is that you're likely shortsighted in your thinking. You seem to get enjoyment out of casting judgement on me because I think differently. There's likely a whole lot of directions I can go with that comment but... hey, I'll just say that I wish you the best and hope you can maintain your superiority of judging contrasting opinions.

Holy F@ck! I’m humbled by the grandiosity of your intellect. How can I, a humble peon expect to bask in the benevolent glow of your philosophical grandeur?

But even a humble peon thinks your ranting about mayonnaise is the stupidest bullshit to be posting about…. Here’s a solution for you, purchase some Dijon mustard for your highly refined palate of fine tastes and leave the philosophy to the prostitutes and meth heads, they’ve got more going on upstairs than you do.

Greatness? I hope I never achieve what you would consider greatness…. Probably the game of switch would blow your mind.
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There is a mayo plant in So Cal and the worst smell comes out of that place when they are making it. Then there is the green colored steam/smoke that can be seen at night. Makes me think there is some highly toxic shit taking place in the production of mayonnaise. I have never liked the stuff and witnessing that just confirmed to me that I was correct in my assessment that it's garbage.

How about those that like to ruin a perfect steak by hosing it down in steak sauce? I think that sauce was developed for well done (I call it sacrificed) poor quality steaks.