Did a partial Round 1 of all Eley ammo testing today, this is the first half of the Eley testing. I had with me:
and in the next few days will have some Eley pistol Standard and Eley Team.
Here is how we did today:
Cleaned the bore thoroughly before going out as I was shooting mainly Wolf the last few times out, so the barrel was cleaned out. Knowing this would probably have some negative impact on initial accuracy, I shot the Eley Club first and then circled back to it after shooting everything else once. All courses off fire were at 100 yards, with 5 5 shot groups, 104 degrees at 5500 feet with an average 2-3 MPH wind and the occasional 10-12 gust. (in order of rounds shot):
Eley Club - Initial string of 5 held at right over 1 inch to 1.25. Was a little sporatic as I would shoot a .8 group and then a 1.3 group the next 5. I didn't bother keeping the results for this first set of strings as I would shoot it again later.
Eley Edge - Winner for the day by far; 1.290 first group due to a cold bore (let sit 15 minutes as I got a phone call) that opened it up. The next 4 consecutive groups were .630, .984, .964, .875 for an overall average .948. The CB group really increased this average; toss that group and the average is .86
Eley Match - Not impressed at all. There were 2 fliers that I noticed right off as the reticle was somewhere completely different than where the round flew when the shot broke. 1.269, .920, 1.635, 1.409, 1.80 for an overall average of 1.40.
Eley Tenex - This surprised me, as I was thinking this would be the best or very close. Turned out I shoot Wolf Match better. 1.14, 1.39, 1.19, 1.23, .987 for an average of 1.18
Eley Club Round 2 - Much better. Obviously the bore being fouled helped this out as the initial groups were not too bad but nothing special. .988, .891, 1.12, 1.19, 1.07 for an average of 1.05.
More Eley testing coming soon and I will re-run a few groups of each just to see if anything changes now that I have some good data.
After Eley I have RWS R50, FGMM 922A, Aguila Match (forgot the name, the 'premium' stuff) that I am firing together, and then finally Wolf Match Target, Wolf Match Extra, SK Standard Plus and Lapua Midas.