Another creep crawls out, I see.The gulf of Tonkin happened.
The USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity.
Saddams sent his guards to throw babies out of incubators
OBL planned 911 from a cave in Afghanistan (lol)
The Talibans have anthrax and are sending it to US politicians
Saddam has Nuke/WMDs
Gaddafi used WMDs on his own people
Al Assad used WMDs on his own people
Russia stole the 2016 elections
Russia is blocking the Ukraine export of food and causing inflation and disrupting the chain of supply.
——> You are here.
Yeah just trust the news and the security state. Why would they ever lie to you ? They have such a good track record.
Please look at the track record of Russian news.
There is an old saying in Russia:
"Nothing is confirmed to have actually happened until it has been denied to have happened by the Kreml."
I do not know and I figure someone would like to pick your brain to see how on earth you drew the conclusion from the fact that Western media is untrustable to trusting RUSSIAN news? It really takes a special kind. Maybe you have a heavy dose of lead in your system?