I have a bunch of brass I've been holding onto for a little while now and have about 300 rounds (Winchester 147g $20 box brass) and I'm looking to stat reloading. But I've seen so many different powders, bullets, primers out there but don't know what I want or should look at. I'm looking to shoot out to 600+ yards with well sub MOA groups. (Hopefully) So I'm coming to you guys who probably know a whole lot more than I do about whats best. I'm looking for a good load for a Remington 700 SPS tactical 1:12" Twist 20" barrel .308.
Strictly target shooting bowling pins, steel and paper out past 600 yards. I've been using the cheap 147g Winchester factory $20 loads for some brass and to get use to my new rifle. I'm getting .75 MOA groups at 200 yards but when i took her out to 675 yards I kept hitting just left and just right of the pin. I had no trouble hitting a pin at 350 yards but the 600 yard mark was just too much for the bullets to handle.
I was told look for a good 168g bullet but other than that I'm in a house of mirrors and have no clue where to turn next. So can anyone give me some good advice and lead me in the right direction I want to go.
Strictly target shooting bowling pins, steel and paper out past 600 yards. I've been using the cheap 147g Winchester factory $20 loads for some brass and to get use to my new rifle. I'm getting .75 MOA groups at 200 yards but when i took her out to 675 yards I kept hitting just left and just right of the pin. I had no trouble hitting a pin at 350 yards but the 600 yard mark was just too much for the bullets to handle.
I was told look for a good 168g bullet but other than that I'm in a house of mirrors and have no clue where to turn next. So can anyone give me some good advice and lead me in the right direction I want to go.