Hi all,
My wife is doing a walkathon this weekend to provide a donation to the AIDS Orphan Care organization. They are a NP that works to provide food, water, education and shelter for children in Lesotho, Africa. I have done some preliminary research on the organization and it appears very legitimate.
They and their partners take no salaries and have minimal overhead and waste to really maximize everyone's donation to fulfilling their mission. The founder has an interesting story and sacrificed her time and energy to make the children's lives there as livable as possible.
If you would like to donate something...anything to help my wife reach her goal of $500, it would be great. Her donation page is at
Donation Page
If you would like to learn more about this organization, please read the following
AIDS Orphan Care
Thanks for any help you can provide
Bringing this back up in current topics for those that have not seen and want to play. Only a short amount of sheckels needed to fund. Looks like McKenzie may be perplexed by who Good Guys with Guns are.