Good Job Savage


Full Member
Sep 14, 2011
panhandle of Oklahoma
Just making convo. I got some 300gr bergers for the 338LM the other day. I have been shooting the SMK. I knew the berger was longer but also know it shoots better than the SMK. So I wanted to try em. I was glad to see that savage did there homework when sizing the throte to the mag or the mag to the throte I should say. Seems like with a lot of magizine rifles, you are not able to seat the bullet close to the lands and still fit in mag. Got mine .020 off and 91.5gr retumbo and bullet run out .0015 and under. guess we see how they do.
Re: Good Job Savage

There was a lot of development between Savage Engineering and Accurate-Mag in developing there current DBM systems; the point was to give the custom shooter lots of options out of the box, including guys that wanted partial bore sliders where the lathe turned bullet would engage .1 past the lands. The 3.850 internals of the box maggive you all that with the Savage out of the box. Find a better rifle for the price point.
Re: Good Job Savage

My 300wsm has a magazine length of 2.990", my Alpha magazines have a similar mag length of 2.985", and almost all of my loads can be mag fed without issue (except for some tangent ogive bullets, some touch the lands, but just barely). At 2.965" OAL, my Bergers are .025" from the lands, at 2.970 my hornadies are the same distance from the lands, which I have found is the sweet spot for my rifle.
Re: Good Job Savage

bootstrap, Do you know whether or not , the bolthead on a 11/111 model .338 longrange hunter , could be changed to a 300 win mag bolt head ? Or does the complete bolt have to be changed ?