good read


Banned !
Nov 22, 2012
Kicking Ass Somewhere

3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter 1/4 MARCH 18, 2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too Kurt Schlichter 3/12/2018 12:01:00 AM - Kurt Schlichter It’s obvious that the central tenet of the Democrat Party platform is now hatred and contempt for Normal Americans. Taking their cue from the elites in Europe and Canada who are stripping dissenters of their free speech rights and religious freedoms, the leftist elite is moving to solidify its hold on power here with the eager assistance of tech companies and the moral support of the Fredocons who yearn to return to pseudo-relevance as the ruling class’s slobberingly loyal opposition. In California, the leftist government is practically firing on Fort Sumter. And nationally, these aspiring fascists are especially eager to disarm Normal Americans – doing so would be an object lesson in who’s the boss, as well as solving that frustrating problem of the Normals having the ability to resist. Probably because I’ve spent time where they actually had a civil war, many people ask me – people whose names you know – whether I think this turmoil will all end in a Second Civil War. They are seriously concerned, and not without cause – the left’s hatred for Normal Americans and its dedication to totally stripping the people who are the backbone of this country of their ability to participate in their own governance is threatening to rip the country apart. Do I think there will be a civil war? No, but there could be. This is the Age of Black Swans, and anything is possible – we could easily see the country split into red and blue. Civil war is unlikely, but never underestimate Democrat stupidity and hatred. The Schlichter family learned that lesson a century and half ago, the last time the Democrats decided to try to impose their hatred of basic human rights on the rest of the country, when an army of Democrats burned our family hometown. Oh, they paid for it. And they would pay again. Democrats are 0-1 in insurrections, and if they went for another round, they would be 0-2. It’s a matter of terrain, numbers, and morale. Democrats, who think history began when Obama was elected, don’t understand the dangerous game they are playing when they talk about how they want to impose their brown shirt vision upon red America. The keyboard commandos of the left seek to hand wave away the massive strategic challenge of imposing control by force upon a well-armed, decentralized citizenry occupying the vast majority of the territory, so they babble about drones and tanks as counterinsurgency trump cards. But there are no trump cards in war. There are men, with rifles, standing on patches of dirt, killing the people trying to push them off. That’s the ugly reality of war. And multiply the usual brutality of war by ten when it’s a civil war. 3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter 2/4 There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is poorly positioned to prevail in either one. The first scenario is that the Democrats take power and violate the Constitution in order to use the apparatus of the federal government to suppress and oppress Normal Americans. In that scenario, red Americans are the insurgents. In the second scenario, which we can even now see the stirrings of in California’s campaign to nullify federal immigration law, it is the blue states that are the insurgents. The Democrats lose both wars. Big time. Let’s talk terrain and numbers. Remember the famous red v. blue voting map? There is a lot of red, and in the interior the few blue splotches are all cities like Las Vegas or Denver. That is a lot of territory for a counter-insurgent force to control, and this is critical. The red is where the food is grown, the oil pumped, and through which everything is transported. And that red space is filled with millions of American citizens with small arms, a fairly large percentage of whom have military training. Remember what two untrained idiots did in Boston with a couple of pistols? They shut a city down. Now multiply that by several million, with better weapons and training. Let’s look at the counter-insurgent forces in the Democrat oppression scenario should they attempt to misuse our law enforcement and military in an unconstitutional manner to take the rights of American citizens. There are a lot of civilian law enforcement officers, but the vast majority of the agencies are local – sheriffs, small town police departments. They will not be reliable allies in supporting unlawful oppression of their friends and neighbors. The major cities’ police departments are run by Democrat appointees, so the commands would be loyal. But the rank-and-file? A small percentage would be ideologically loyal. More would be loyal because that’s their paycheck – they could be swayed or intimidated to support the rebels. Others would be actively sympathetic to the insurgents. This is true of federal law enforcement agencies as well. And the military? Well, wouldn’t the military just crush any resistance? Not so fast. The military would have the combat power to win any major engagement, but insurgents don’t get into major engagements with forces that have more combat power. They instead leverage their decentralized ability to strike at the counter-insurgents’ weak points to eliminate the government’s firepower advantage. In other words, hit and run, and no stand-up fights. For example, how do a bunch of hunters in Wisconsin defeat a company of M1A2 Abrams tanks? They ambush the fuel and ammo trucks. Oh, and they wait until the gunner pops the hatch to take a leak and put a .30-06 round in his back from 300 meters. Then they disappear. What do the tanks do then? Go level the nearest town? Great. Now they just moved the needle in favor of the insurgents among the population. Pretty soon, they can’t be outside of their armored vehicles in public. Their forces are spending 90% of their efforts not on actual counter-insurgency operations but on force protection. Sure, they own their forward operating bases, and they own a few hundred meters around them wherever they happen to be standing at the moment, but the rest of the territory is bright red. As my recent novel illustrates, American guerillas with small arms are a deadly threat to the forces of a dictatorship. But the military is so big it would overwhelm any rebels, right? Well, how big do you think the military is? And, more importantly, how many actual boots on the ground can it deploy? Let’s put it in terms of brigade combat teams, which total about 4,500 troops each. There are about 60 brigades in the Army, active and reserve, here and abroad, and let’s give the Marines another 10 brigades, for about 70 brigades. Sounds impressive. But that’s deceptive. 3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter 3/4 Let’s put aside a big consideration – the existence of red states that would provide for an insurgent government structure and possibly attract the loyalty of some National Guard and even federal brigades. For example, if President Hillary Clinton put down her chardonnay long enough to sign a ban on privately owned guns, it’s not unreasonable to expect the governor of Texas to reject federal authority – after all, California just taught us that this is totally cool. But in this case, look for several brigades located there to hoist the Lone Star flag. So, now the blue states are facing unconventional and conventional forces. Let’s ignore that problem and focus on a different challenge. Even a normal unit has about 10% nondeployable members. Now, if these troops were assigned to combat operations against other Americans, you would have significant additional losses through desertion. Many of the senior leaders would participate – the Obama generation – and there is a certain type of junior officer only too happy to curry favor by sucking up in defiance of their oath (which is to the Constitution, not to some leftist president). You can identify them because they usually have “strategist” in their Twitter bios. But a lot of key, capable officer and NCO leaders, and enlisted troops, would vanish. That is proper. It is a violation of their oath to unconstitutionally oppress fellow Americans; their duty would be to refuse such unlawful orders. So, you have significantly understrength units going in. Now, how many of the troops in a brigade are actually even front line combat troops? About a third – the rest are support. So a brigade is really about 1500 riflemen tops before you count losses. Cut those in half for sleep, training, and refitting at any one time (which is very generous) and your brigade is really 750 troops on your best day with everyone showing up. Realistically, it’s 300. That holds one mid-sized town. And there are hundreds of mid-sized towns. Plus there are millions of Normal Americans who would fight back. Nothing would move without their permission – a few guys shooting up big rigs along the interstate would shut down the entire trucking industry. Bottom line: there simply are not enough military forces to clear and hold red America. What about drones and bombers? Both are useful. But the minute a bombing strike kills some red civilians the families of counter-insurgent drone operators and pilots will be knocking at the base gates to be let inside. Now you’ll need many of those brigades to protect the civilians you now need to protect from retribution. Civil wars are harsh. That’s why you avoid them. How about the blue insurgency scenario? That goes even worse for the Democrats. You have the federal government apparatus in the hands of red America, and the insurgents are the opposite of decentralized and armed. They are conveniently centered in gun-unfriendly blue cities. In other words, the blue civilian population is much less of a threat. A red counter-insurgency avoids the problem of a decentralized insurgency and insecure logistical lines. In the case of California, whose secessionist antics are approaching the point where President Trump could legitimately employ his power to crush insurrections, the tactical problem is relatively simple. For example, San Francisco is a hotbed of treason, but the populace is largely unarmed and is trapped in a confined area. You put a brigade on securing the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges, then put a brigade on the San Francisco Peninsula to cut off the I-280 and US-101 corridors. Next you go to the Crystal Springs Dam and cut off the water. Then you watch and wait as the tech hipsters run out of artisanal sushi rice and kombucha. 3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter 4/4 After about a week, they surrender. After all, you can’t eat and drink smugness. LA is just bigger in scope – more corridors to cut off, but in the end the population concentrations in large liberal urban areas that are their strength also make them extremely vulnerable to logistical pressure. Then there’s another factor, an intangible but a crucial one. It’s commitment. The Democrat threat to peace is based on its policies designed to deprive Normal Americans of their right to speak freely, to worship freely, and to defend themselves and their rights with firearms. Make no mistake – millions of Normal Americans are willing to risk death to defend those rights. In fact, many swore to do so when they entered our military and law enforcement. But who is the leftist big talker willing to die to impose the fascist dream of censorship, religious oppression, and disarmament on Normal American citizens? Is the screeching SJW at Yale going to suit up in Kevlar? Is the Vox columnist going to grab a M4? Is the Hollywood poser going to switch her gyno-beanie for a helmet? No. Hell, we just heard our liberal opponents explaining why a cop shouldn’t be expected to go fight a scumbag murdering kids because it’s scary. America might split apart, but it’s highly unlikely Team Kale n’ Vinyl would fight should their big talk finally push Normal America too f
God bless the author of this article for his wonderful optimism. The unfortunate truth is that the left will be careful not to go past the point of no return unless/until they have determined that they have an advantage.

If the left were to win we go to the camps. Even if they mistime it the left will expect the worst that will happen is a return to the status quo while they rebuild their strength. You don't think so? Show me a Republican leader who would burn Chicago and San Fransisco to the ground while machine gunning anyone who tried to escape.

If the left wins, they get everything including our freedom and our lives. If we win we get the job of rebuilding the country untill they are ready to try again. The Author cites the first Democrat Civil war as an example of how Democrats loose wars, let me cite the time after that evil war as an example of how Republicans loose the peace.
Hmmm...yeah I don’t see the scenario near as simple as this author makes it out to be. We are in a very complex position and are unlikely to mobilize any resistance to the dems who are seeking all the things he mentions. What’s worse is that, like it was pointed out above, the dems are smart enough to not push too hard too quick. They have learned to be slow and disciplined to the cause going one small slice at a time so that it largely goes unnoticed. I don’t think they are that stupid. One could hope that they would be dumb enough to push too far and get it all in the open so we would unify against them but I am not going to hold my breath on them pushing that far.

No, I don’t think they are that stupid at all, quite the contrary. They have infiltrated deep within the ranks of the education system, both gov and private, have taken prominent positions within the media and pretty much own the media and most sources information, placed themselves well among the tech giants to even spy on your everyday life. No, we face a very cunning and well positioned enemy, one that frankly becomes more powerful everyday and going all crazy patriot-like on them actually just plays into their hands. I don’t know what the answer is other than using their tactics to regain areas that they have infiltrated but that could take years and it may already be too late for that. Our rights may very well be gone before the nice resistance ever even gets started and by that point there may be no other position than to face off on the field with them. The right has been backed into a corner which is why you see so many of them caving and joining their cause. They don’t feel as if they have any other choice at this point. I fear that now that we have noticed the back room goings on that it may very well be too late. If it ever blatantly kicks off tho, I feel like there is a chance to right the ship.
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3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter
1/4 MARCH 18, 2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too Kurt Schlichter 3/12/2018 12:01:00 AM - Kurt Schlichter It’s obvious that the central tenet of the Democrat Party platform is now hatred and contempt for Normal Americans. Taking their cue from the elites in Europe and Canada who are stripping dissenters of their free speech rights and religious freedoms, the leftist elite is moving to solidify its hold on power here with the eager assistance of tech companies and the moral support of the Fredocons who yearn to return to pseudo-relevance as the ruling class’s slobberingly loyal opposition.

In California, the leftist government is practically firing on Fort Sumter. And nationally, these aspiring fascists are especially eager to disarm Normal Americans – doing so would be an object lesson in who’s the boss, as well as solving that frustrating problem of the Normals having the ability to resist. Probably because I’ve spent time where they actually had a civil war, many people ask me – people whose names you know – whether I think this turmoil will all end in a Second Civil War. They are seriously concerned, and not without cause – the left’s hatred for Normal Americans and its dedication to totally stripping the people who are the backbone of this country of their ability to participate in their own governance is threatening to rip the country apart.

Do I think there will be a civil war? No, but there could be. This is the Age of Black Swans, and anything is possible – we could easily see the country split into red and blue. Civil war is unlikely, but never underestimate Democrat stupidity and hatred. The Schlichter family learned that lesson a century and half ago, the last time the Democrats decided to try to impose their hatred of basic human rights on the rest of the country, when an army of Democrats burned our family hometown. Oh, they paid for it. And they would pay again. Democrats are 0-1 in insurrections, and if they went for another round, they would be 0-2. It’s a matter of terrain, numbers, and morale. Democrats, who think history began when Obama was elected, don’t understand the dangerous game they are playing when they talk about how they want to impose their brown shirt vision upon red America. The keyboard commandos of the left seek to hand wave away the massive strategic challenge of imposing control by force upon a well-armed, decentralized citizenry occupying the vast majority of the territory, so they babble about drones and tanks as counterinsurgency trump cards.

But there are no trump cards in war. There are men, with rifles, standing on patches of dirt, killing the people trying to push them off. That’s the ugly reality of war. And multiply the usual brutality of war by ten when it’s a civil war. 3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter
2/4 There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is poorly positioned to prevail in either one.

The first scenario is that the Democrats take power and violate the Constitution in order to use the apparatus of the federal government to suppress and oppress Normal Americans. In that scenario, red Americans are the insurgents. In the second scenario, which we can even now see the stirrings of in California’s campaign to nullify federal immigration law, it is the blue states that are the insurgents. The Democrats lose both wars. Big time. Let’s talk terrain and numbers. Remember the famous red v. blue voting map? There is a lot of red, and in the interior the few blue splotches are all cities like Las Vegas or Denver. That is a lot of territory for a counter-insurgent force to control, and this is critical. The red is where the food is grown, the oil pumped, and through which everything is transported. And that red space is filled with millions of American citizens with small arms, a fairly large percentage of whom have military training. Remember what two untrained idiots did in Boston with a couple of pistols? They shut a city down. Now multiply that by several million, with better weapons and training. Let’s look at the counter-insurgent forces in the Democrat oppression scenario should they attempt to misuse our law enforcement and military in an unconstitutional manner to take the rights of American citizens.

There are a lot of civilian law enforcement officers, but the vast majority of the agencies are local – sheriffs, small town police departments. They will not be reliable allies in supporting unlawful oppression of their friends and neighbors. The major cities’ police departments are run by Democrat appointees, so the commands would be loyal. But the rank-and-file? A small percentage would be ideologically loyal. More would be loyal because that’s their paycheck – they could be swayed or intimidated to support the rebels. Others would be actively sympathetic to the insurgents. This is true of federal law enforcement agencies as well. And the military? Well, wouldn’t the military just crush any resistance? Not so fast. The military would have the combat power to win any major engagement, but insurgents don’t get into major engagements with forces that have more combat power. They instead leverage their decentralized ability to strike at the counter-insurgents’ weak points to eliminate the government’s firepower advantage. In other words, hit and run, and no stand-up fights. For example, how do a bunch of hunters in Wisconsin defeat a company of M1A2 Abrams tanks? They ambush the fuel and ammo trucks. Oh, and they wait until the gunner pops the hatch to take a leak and put a .30-06 round in his back from 300 meters. Then they disappear. What do the tanks do then? Go level the nearest town? Great. Now they just moved the needle in favor of the insurgents among the population. Pretty soon, they can’t be outside of their armored vehicles in public. Their forces are spending 90% of their efforts not on actual counter-insurgency operations but on force protection. Sure, they own their forward operating bases, and they own a few hundred meters around them wherever they happen to be standing at the moment, but the rest of the territory is bright red.

As my recent novel illustrates, American guerillas with small arms are a deadly threat to the forces of a dictatorship. But the military is so big it would overwhelm any rebels, right? Well, how big do you think the military is? And, more importantly, how many actual boots on the ground can it deploy? Let’s put it in terms of brigade combat teams, which total about 4,500 troops each. There are about 60 brigades in the Army, active and reserve, here and abroad, and let’s give the Marines another 10 brigades, for about 70 brigades. Sounds impressive. But that’s deceptive. 3/18/2018 Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too - Kurt Schlichter
3/4 Let’s put aside a big consideration – the existence of red states that would provide for an insurgent government structure and possibly attract the loyalty of some National Guard and even federal brigades. For example, if President Hillary Clinton put down her chardonnay long enough to sign a ban on privately owned guns, it’s not unreasonable to expect the governor of Texas to reject federal authority – after all, California just taught us that this is totally cool. But in this case, look for several brigades located there to hoist the Lone Star flag. So, now the blue states are facing unconventional and conventional forces. Let’s ignore that problem and focus on a different challenge. Even a normal unit has about 10% nondeployable members. Now, if these troops were assigned to combat operations against other Americans, you would have significant additional losses through desertion. Many of the senior leaders would participate – the Obama generation – and there is a certain type of junior officer only too happy to curry favor by sucking up in defiance of their oath (which is to the Constitution, not to some leftist president). You can identify them because they usually have “strategist” in their Twitter bios. But a lot of key, capable officer and NCO leaders, and enlisted troops, would vanish. That is proper. It is a violation of their oath to unconstitutionally oppress fellow Americans; their duty would be to refuse such unlawful orders. So, you have significantly understrength units going in.

Now, how many of the troops in a brigade are actually even front line combat troops? About a third – the rest are support. So a brigade is really about 1500 riflemen tops before you count losses. Cut those in half for sleep, training, and refitting at any one time (which is very generous) and your brigade is really 750 troops on your best day with everyone showing up. Realistically, it’s 300. That holds one mid-sized town. And there are hundreds of mid-sized towns. Plus there are millions of Normal Americans who would fight back. Nothing would move without their permission – a few guys shooting up big rigs along the interstate would shut down the entire trucking industry. Bottom line: there simply are not enough military forces to clear and hold red America. What about drones and bombers? Both are useful. But the minute a bombing strike kills some red civilians the families of counter-insurgent drone operators and pilots will be knocking at the base gates to be let inside. Now you’ll need many of those brigades to protect the civilians you now need to protect from retribution. Civil wars are harsh. That’s why you avoid them. How about the blue insurgency scenario? That goes even worse for the Democrats. You have the federal government apparatus in the hands of red America, and the insurgents are the opposite of decentralized and armed. They are conveniently centered in gun-unfriendly blue cities. In other words, the blue civilian population is much less of a threat. A red counter-insurgency avoids the problem of a decentralized insurgency and insecure logistical lines. In the case of California, whose secessionist antics are approaching the point where President Trump could legitimately employ his power to crush insurrections, the tactical problem is relatively simple. For example, San Francisco is a hotbed of treason, but the populace is largely unarmed and is trapped in a confined area. You put a brigade on securing the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges, then put a brigade on the San Francisco Peninsula to cut off the I-280 and US-101 corridors. Next you go to the Crystal Springs Dam and cut off the water. Then you watch and wait as the tech hipsters run out of artisanal sushi rice and kombucha.

After about a week, they surrender. After all, you can’t eat and drink smugness. LA is just bigger in scope – more corridors to cut off, but in the end the population concentrations in large liberal urban areas that are their strength also make them extremely vulnerable to logistical pressure. Then there’s another factor, an intangible but a crucial one. It’s commitment. The Democrat threat to peace is based on its policies designed to deprive Normal Americans of their right to speak freely, to worship freely, and to defend themselves and their rights with firearms. Make no mistake – millions of Normal Americans are willing to risk death to defend those rights. In fact, many swore to do so when they entered our military and law enforcement. But who is the leftist big talker willing to die to impose the fascist dream of censorship, religious oppression, and disarmament on Normal American citizens? Is the screeching SJW at Yale going to suit up in Kevlar? Is the Vox columnist going to grab a M4? Is the Hollywood poser going to switch her gyno-beanie for a helmet? No. Hell, we just heard our liberal opponents explaining why a cop shouldn’t be expected to go fight a scumbag murdering kids because it’s scary. America might split apart, but it’s highly unlikely Team Kale n’ Vinyl would fight should their big talk finally push Normal America too far.

Broke it up better.
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I always laugh when I hear either threats of a race war or threats of a Dem vs. Rep war, or commie vs. conservative.

1. Conservatives control the food, the oil and the guns.

2. Conservatives control most of the transportation and most of the power generation.

3. Many (not all) law enforcement and military are inclined to side with the conservatives.

4. When the war (if any) is over, .gov will be unable to borrow and will pay on a CASH BASIS ONLY. That means all welfare and pensions will stop. Government functions (and employment) will be cut to the basics only.

The left is welcome to start the war any time they want.
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Extremists? Look in the mirror fuck face, you are the extremist, you and your fellow travellers. Like this extremist,

Yes everyone would lose, the left would cease to exist for a generation or two so they would lose the most and that is all that matters.

You know where the goal post is, read the story, hell I think you would rethink turning in your 22LR and Flee your moms basement to Red America

Why is it that extemists fantasize over Civil War 2.0? It just helps justify their hoarding and parnoia.

There's zero chances of a Civil War happening. And if it were, everyone would lose.

"Red America" isn't going to do jack shit for their AR15s. They're going to move the goalpost because they hate to admit they'd rather be comfortable than anything else.
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Why is it that extemists fantasize over Civil War 2.0? It just helps justify their hoarding and parnoia.
I don’t know. Because, leftists are violent and misanthropic? Because, they cannot be happy unless they’re stealing something they didn’t earn, or imposing their will on someone else? Get out a history book, and you will find progressives behind all the atrocities of the 20th century.

I think the problem is simple ignorance. If you had been taught history instead of activism you probably wouldn’t be a leftist in the first place much less fantasize about using government power to steal and kill your fellow man.
Dont ever forget the writings of men that have suffered such as this one has....

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

He is 100 percent right and his writing provides awareness of the situation.

The people on Flight 93 had the strength of "awareness" and the bravery to choose the manner of their death, only submitting through struggle.

This passage is right up their with the writings of the Founding Fathers when its comes to tyrannical government. Solzhenitsyn was facing a tyranny much more blood thirsty than King George. We should recall that Americans loved their freedom so much they would get pissed at having their tea taxed. What happened to that willingness to not take shit? This would not be a discussion if we threw the gauntlet down as quickly as we used to.

and Shakespeare did okay in fiction...

“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
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There’s a difference between expecting to be attacked, and fantasizing about attacking.
The first step in a tyranny is NOT the confiscation of the people’s arms. That comes later.
The first step is when the rulers aren’t subject to the same laws as the citizens, and they weaponize the law to attack their political enemies.
Sound familiar? We’re already there.
There’s a difference between expecting to be attacked, and fantasizing about attacking.
The first step in a tyranny is NOT the confiscation of the people’s arms. That comes later.
The first step is when the rulers aren’t subject to the same laws as the citizens, and they weaponize the law to attack their political enemies.
Sound familiar? We’re already there.

Thanks for the refresh.

Dont ever forget the writings of men that have suffered such as this one has....

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

He is 100 percent right and his writing provides awareness of the situation.

The people on Flight 93 had the strength of "awareness" and the bravery to choose the manner of their death, only submitting through struggle.

This passage is right up their with the writings of the Founding Fathers when its comes to tyrannical government. Solzhenitsyn was facing a tyranny much more blood thirsty than King George. We should recall that Americans loved their freedom so much they would get pissed at having their tea taxed. What happened to that willingness to not take shit? Thos would not be a discussion if we threw the gauntlet down as quickly as we used to.

and Shakespeare did okay in fiction...

“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
Everybody talking bullshit about civil war should look at the number of refugees who fled Syria and GO TALK TO THEM. It will be an education.
Talk to anybody from Bosnia or Chechnya and listen very carefully....
Talk to anybody who was in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua.. talk to ANY of 19th or 20th group who were there.... talk to ANY contractor who did uncle Sam's dirty work there...
Shit, talk to ANY Mexican who is fleeing cartel violence...
The left should understand just what can come their way when as few as 100 armed "rightist/sworn to uphold the constitution" people decide to start eliminating problems to their way of life, especially former mil people who have had enough.

Nobody with any sense wants that....... the results of any insurrection in the last 40 years are out there and plainly documented well enough a blind person could see it. And know well enough to avoid it. Just sayin...

Those who follow Solzhenitsyn's thought processes will be better prepared than those who dont.
Avoid for sure, but not at all costs. I am a witness to Centam, yes its brutal but honestly I ain't going anywhere, and really there is no place left to go. These people undermining my Constitution and the rule of law that stems from it best be very careful.
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The left people pissing off people like you should read and heed what I wrote... I remember a big trash dump in a southern place..... just sayin...
you gotta read all his writings, you will be ready for anything to come after reading his works, make no mistake our leftists are the same or even more dangerous than his leftists were.
I know he got the noble prize, and I applaud his courage. I'll say it straight up, in his situation my courage would fail before I did even a tiny fraction of what he did. Yet in tenth grade I read about 60 pages of some guy sitting alone in an apartment listening to footsteps... (at least that is all I remember.) I just like a little more bias toward action in my fiction.
Hmmm...yeah I don’t see the scenario near as simple as this author makes it out to be. We are in a very complex position and are unlikely to mobilize any resistance to the dems who are seeking all the things he mentions. What’s worse is that, like it was pointed out above, the dems are smart enough to not push too hard too quick. They have learned to be slow and disciplined to the cause going one small slice at a time so that it largely goes unnoticed. I don’t think they are that stupid. One could hope that they would be dumb enough to push too far and get it all in the open so we would unify against them but I am not going to hold my breath on them pushing that far.

No, I don’t think they are that stupid at all, quite the contrary. They have infiltrated deep within the ranks of the education system, both gov and private, have taken prominent positions within the media and pretty much own the media and most sources information, placed themselves well among the tech giants to even spy on your everyday life. No, we face a very cunning and well positioned enemy, one that frankly becomes more powerful everyday and going all crazy patriot-like on them actually just plays into their hands. I don’t know what the answer is other than using their tactics to regain areas that they have infiltrated but that could take years and it may already be too late for that. Our rights may very well be gone before the nice resistance ever even gets started and by that point there may be no other position than to face off on the field with them. The right has been backed into a corner which is why you see so many of them caving and joining their cause. They don’t feel as if they have any other choice at this point. I fear that now that we have noticed the back room goings on that it may very well be too late. If it ever blatantly kicks off tho, I feel like there is a chance to right the ship.

Kim dotcom goes on about this a bit. He basically boils it down to 'the MIC needs wars to make money, and the SES members are there to help facilitate that objective.' It's implied that SES duties bleed over to private companies which might include all the media organizations, hollywood, and anything else that will allow them to be more effective at making war so they can keep making shit that makes them tons and tons of money.

Apparently there's a thing called the Senior Executive Services which gives department oversight roles to unelected, unvetted, unaythinged people just because they're high up in some company that may or may not be entirely unrelated to the scope of the department they're overseeing. Apparently they get paid a shitload, too. Get security clearances. Apparently, they also cannot be fired. APPARENTLY, their subordinates vote them raises every year. 9,000 or so of these things running around out there.

Bamby, bless his heart, went so far as to expand their power via an executive order shortly before stepping down.

These guys get rotated throughout all the different departments and are allowed to get balls deep in them without having earned it.

Some are suggesting that the SES may be a major component in the thing people are calling 'the deep state'.

I don't fully understand this clusterfuck yet, but it definitely seems like a bad idea when you've got execs from google, instagram, facebook, twitter, etc holding high ranking positions in the CIA and shit. Obviously communifaggotry is the order of the day.

Bamby went full SES on us.
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I dunno, I just found out about it. I guess now that stupid asses like me know about it, it'll be a news item in a few days or so and Trump will acknowledge it via twitter.

The thing that turned me onto it were two random annoying folks talking about how bad the SES is, how stephen paddock might have been an SES member, how the chick that killed vince foster was an SES member, how podesta is an SES member, and a bunch of others including, mueller, rosenstein, etc etc etc. I figured it was complete space cadet level bullshit, but upon further examination, there's some smoke there.

Taken from here:

By law, the appointment to or removal from any SES position in an independent regulatory commis-

sion shall not be subject, directly or indirectly, to review or approval by an officer or entity within

the Executive Office of the President.

That sounds like a hard person to fire...
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I told you guys, we face a very prepared/difficult adversary! They have planned and instituted their positions well. Some of this has been decades in the making. Some argue it’s happenstance and that it just appears that they have spent prep time, but I don’t believe this stuff just happened to fall in place like this.
None of that is constitutional, Trump can fire the lot of them, Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus the last time democrats acted like this.

I dunno, I just found out about it. I guess now that stupid asses like me know about it, it'll be a news item in a few days or so and Trump will acknowledge it via twitter.

The thing that turned me onto it were two random annoying folks talking about how bad the SES is, how stephen paddock might have been an SES member, how the chick that killed vince foster was an SES member, how podesta is an SES member, and a bunch of others including, mueller, rosenstein, etc etc etc. I figured it was complete space cadet level bullshit, but upon further examination, there's some smoke there.

Taken from here:

That sounds like a hard person to fire...
.The left should understand just what can come their way when as few as 100 armed "rightist/sworn to uphold the constitution" people decide to start eliminating problems to their way of life, especially former mil people who have had enough.
Should those who used their training for export only to date put said to use here, life in this country would change over night to mirror a third world shit hole. Without power or como it would be a dog on dog fight within 72hrs. An for those who say it could not happen I'll remind you, some of the most important (key stone) items in the power generation field have a lead time of Years, yes Years. Then add the power choke points the brain trust built w/o knowing it at the time, an you have a door to open to watch the perfect storm from. The grid in this country would not with stand a 5th grader attack let alone some one with true intentions of prolonging the domino's chain of events there after. Then throw in a few locally generated EMP's at other national choke points an what began as a nice Monday morning drive to work would quickly turn into a drive threw hell, 48hrs later.
Remember as I have always said, confusion there is opportunity!
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