Greatest Genocide since Hitler.....


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
So the left is accusing Israel of Genocide... In fact, the greatest Genocide since Hitler.

Let's do a bit of fact-checking here.

First, Chairman Mao (you know... who created the dreamy ChiComs) killed at least 100 million. And IMHO, a lot more. Was prepared to kill off >300 million to achieve his "Shining Path." So our butt buddies in China are pretty much 10X "Austrian Painter" numbers... when it comes to Genocide.

Then we have Pol Pot. About 3 million in the Killing Fields. Maybe as few as 2 million. But as far as "worst since Shickelgruber" goes... Yeah, that whack job is up there.

And let's not forget Saddam and a million or so Kurds. Or the folks in former Yugo. Or the usual cast of African Meat Cleaver Glitterati (I stole that line)... and Israel is still not even close to the killings in Chicago since Obama took office and turned the South Side into a shooting gallery.

Oh and let's talk about the 'real' Genocidal maniacs 'Since Der Fuhrer"... And that is Gates, Faucii, The Cuomos, and the rest of the murderers who used the Covid Hoax to inject hundreds of millions with poison. The numbers are, IMHO, going to ultimately measure into the 10's of millions. Worldwide. And millions in the USA. You know... child athletes. Young actors. Doctors, Nurses and health workers... who are dying at rates FAR over and above the norms. Oh and all those elderly they killed off in NY. And the hundreds of thousands of "Died Suddenly" cases that never make the news because they weren't on MTV or Facebook influencer faggots.

Greatest Genocide since "Mein Fuhrer!!!" (Peter Sellers, not me)... is a fucking retarded headline. IMHO, the greatest genocide worldwide is going to end up being Covid Vaccines. But the MSM is not going to report any of it.

Bill Gates and Fauci will go down as two of the greatest mass-murderers in history.. unless the Commies take over. In which case they will be heroes.

Fucking Commie mass-murderers and their goddamned Omlettes!

I’ll pay attention to the left whenever they grow a set of balls and crack a shot off towards me.

Probably not the attention they are after though.
You are correct, the biggest genocide in the history of the world, and it is STILL being advertised, is the Jab.

Brought to you by DARPA and the CDC.
Not sure I'll agree with DARPA...

But CDC and Gates and WHO and USAAMRID and a shit-ton of leftist Democrat Governors and mayors...

DARPA... I worked a lot with DARPA. This is not on them.

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Don't forget the 64+ million mostly foetus' of color killed in the US since 1973.

FIFY.... because most of the 'aborted' are (in line with the eugenics movement) 'of color.'

But isn't that what Margaret Sanger was all about?

She is such a dreamy hero... to Democrats!

So the left is accusing Israel of Genocide... In fact, the greatest Genocide since Hitler.

Let's do a bit of fact-checking here.

First, Chairman Mao (you know... who created the dreamy ChiComs) killed at least 100 million. And IMHO, a lot more. Was prepared to kill off >300 million to achieve his "Shining Path." So our butt buddies in China are pretty much 10X "Austrian Painter" numbers... when it comes to Genocide.

Then we have Pol Pot. About 3 million in the Killing Fields. Maybe as few as 2 million. But as far as "worst since Shickelgruber" goes... Yeah, that whack job is up there.

And let's not forget Saddam and a million or so Kurds. Or the folks in former Yugo. Or the usual cast of African Meat Cleaver Glitterati (I stole that line)... and Israel is still not even close to the killings in Chicago since Obama took office and turned the South Side into a shooting gallery.

Oh and let's talk about the 'real' Genocidal maniacs 'Since Der Fuhrer"... And that is Gates, Faucii, The Cuomos, and the rest of the murderers who used the Covid Hoax to inject hundreds of millions with poison. The numbers are, IMHO, going to ultimately measure into the 10's of millions. Worldwide. And millions in the USA. You know... child athletes. Young actors. Doctors, Nurses and health workers... who are dying at rates FAR over and above the norms. Oh and all those elderly they killed off in NY. And the hundreds of thousands of "Died Suddenly" cases that never make the news because they weren't on MTV or Facebook influencer faggots.

Greatest Genocide since "Mein Fuhrer!!!" (Peter Sellers, not me)... is a fucking retarded headline. IMHO, the greatest genocide worldwide is going to end up being Covid Vaccines. But the MSM is not going to report any of it.

Bill Gates and Fauci will go down as two of the greatest mass-murderers in history.. unless the Commies take over. In which case they will be heroes.

Fucking Commie mass-murderers and their goddamned Omlettes!

What these ignorant morons don’t know…and seem to not want to learn, is that Hamas launched 2,000 rockets from civilian location into….wait for it…Israeli civilian neighborhood in 2023 and aside from their butchery on 7 Oct. fuck Hamas and the lousy fucking Arabs (no such thing as a Palestinian) that elected them and harbor them in their schools, hospitals, etc.

Hezbollah has launched over 2,700 rockets into northern Israel in 2024 alone. Fuck them and the fucking Lebanese Muslims that harbor them.

Of course when Israel strikes back, far more effectively than theses Arab POS, the lamestream liberal press all start crying about genocide and war crimes.

I have read about the events of 1948. I remember 1968 and 1973.

If a person doesn’t recognize these dates, then that person should keep their fucking mouth shut about Israel.
Would that be the my body my decision aka baby killers ?
Every pro choice argument is just a recycled pro slavery argument.
My body my choice.
My property my choice.
How can you compare aborting a fetus to school children being shot?
How can you compare the hanging of a n-word to the killing of a good decent Christian white man?
Some people just need killing.
The good news in all this is that we can quit having to listen to the Jews talk about how horrible Hitler was and demanding everyone feel sorry for them and wanting more money out of Germany and Europe and such.

Folks can just say, yep that was bad, but hey you did the same thing...

And let the arguments begin HA!
Yes, gov’t and its “employees” are responsible for unimaginable suffering and death. Those at the bottom are just as much if not more responsible than those at the top in every case including the covid tyranny and murders.
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So the left is accusing Israel of Genocide... In fact, the greatest Genocide since Hitler.

Let's do a bit of fact-checking here.

First, Chairman Mao (you know... who created the dreamy ChiComs) killed at least 100 million. And IMHO, a lot more. Was prepared to kill off >300 million to achieve his "Shining Path." So our butt buddies in China are pretty much 10X "Austrian Painter" numbers... when it comes to Genocide.

Then we have Pol Pot. About 3 million in the Killing Fields. Maybe as few as 2 million. But as far as "worst since Shickelgruber" goes... Yeah, that whack job is up there.

And let's not forget Saddam and a million or so Kurds. Or the folks in former Yugo. Or the usual cast of African Meat Cleaver Glitterati (I stole that line)... and Israel is still not even close to the killings in Chicago since Obama took office and turned the South Side into a shooting gallery.

Oh and let's talk about the 'real' Genocidal maniacs 'Since Der Fuhrer"... And that is Gates, Faucii, The Cuomos, and the rest of the murderers who used the Covid Hoax to inject hundreds of millions with poison. The numbers are, IMHO, going to ultimately measure into the 10's of millions. Worldwide. And millions in the USA. You know... child athletes. Young actors. Doctors, Nurses and health workers... who are dying at rates FAR over and above the norms. Oh and all those elderly they killed off in NY. And the hundreds of thousands of "Died Suddenly" cases that never make the news because they weren't on MTV or Facebook influencer faggots.

Greatest Genocide since "Mein Fuhrer!!!" (Peter Sellers, not me)... is a fucking retarded headline. IMHO, the greatest genocide worldwide is going to end up being Covid Vaccines. But the MSM is not going to report any of it.

Bill Gates and Fauci will go down as two of the greatest mass-murderers in history.. unless the Commies take over. In which case they will be heroes.

Fucking Commie mass-murderers and their goddamned Omlettes!

It's such bullshit that the vax depopulation bioweapon ain't even talked about at pretty much any serious level aside from Russell Brand and RFK Jr. And Joe Rogan to an extent... But he's such an empty vessel it's ridiculous. He basically caters himself to whatever guest he has on.
One minute he's all gung ho pro 2A manly man among his hunting buddies. Next minute hes gushing over Bernie Sanders and AOC. Just a 5'2" manlet completely empty vessel and scared to do anything that will potentially offend any viewers. Though he has at least taken a somewhat firm stance against the tranny agenda bull 💩 , and the vax as stated before..
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Excommunicated stand-up comic and actor Owen Benjamin had a great bit about women so gung ho to have on-demand abortion.

(Hypothetically for the bit talking to a young woman who had recently had an abortion for no medical reason of emergency.
"I asked a young woman if, given the chance, she would kill Hitler.

She said no, I could never do that.

Really, are you sure about that.

Well, no, that would be murder.

Yeah, but you just killed someone who was factually and definitely NOT Hitler just so that you could still afford to have and not give up your Netflix account!"
Not sure I'll agree with DARPA...

But CDC and Gates and WHO and USAAMRID and a shit-ton of leftist Democrat Governors and mayors...

DARPA... I worked a lot with DARPA. This is not on them.

DARPA funded the Virus the jabs were supposed to cure. They laundered the money of course. But you have no jab without their bioweapon.

ETA: DARPA funds a lot of gain of function research.

Which by the way, why is does gain of function research even exist anymore? Oh wait, the RINO's in congress didn't do anything but talk about it.
Not even that. Palestinians aren’t an ethnic group. They’re a group of displaced Arabs.
Palestinians are terrorists so extreme, not even Syria or Iran wants them, so they're stuck in a no man's land. That they voted for a terrorist organization to be the defacto government of their country tells you everything you need to know.

100,000 - 500,000 in Uganda out of 10M (1970) or 1% to 5%, and at the end he was teaming up with the PLO ...
One of Idi Amins victims were Ismaili Muslims.

They moved here to Canada. Very rich merchant types.

Calgarys richest man is Ismaili. (Strategic Group).

He is trying to shut down an old Greek restaurant and a shooting range. ( he wants the land).

He has already been shot in the face once. 😆


Largest Autogroup in Canada US Ismaili Muslim.

I see why Amin got pissed off by them.
lol, i think we blew up 20x that many muslims in iraq, afghanistan, libya and syria.
most of them didn't do shit to us and had no intention or ability to do shit anyway (until we went there).
Yeah but, twin towers!!! Weapons of mass destruction!!! Dictator!!! Global war on terrorism!!!
When you control the narrative (Psy op/propaganda) it's not really what it is.

Genocide is total.

This is ethnic displacement.

This is killing armed people who have declared war on you. During that process, civilians get displaced. Refugees have been part of every war. Refugees who supported the armed fighters in the first place… well… tough shit.

This is killing armed people who have declared war on you. During that process, civilians get displaced. Refugees have been part of every war. Refugees who supported the armed fighters in the first place… well… tough shit.

How far back do you want to go on who ‘started’ it? Khazarians never owned that land until it was given to them by the British, because they claimed to be ‘Jewish’.
I think "per capita" Pol Pot was the worst.

30% of population give or take.

Gaza is 2.1 Million.

Israeli's have killed 100k more or less.

That's about 5%.

2000lb JDAMs into dense crowds of women will do that.
Total fucking bullshit even aside from the fact that Hamas and Hezbolah are, and always have, used human shields. Getting your facts and figures from terrorists is always a bad idea. Our leftist media laps up their propaganda and spreads it to our people just reprinting what Hamas Health Ministry says. Like the “Hospital” (parking lot) that their own rocket blew up. Only one side openly makes genocide the party platform. What exactly do you think “From the River to the sea means”? If you haven’t figured out which side targets civilians, and which one doesn’t you are too stupid to post. Total crap, but even so…

Typical urban warfare against Islamic terrorists, like The Battle of Faluga, civilian casualties are three civilians for every terrorist/combatant. Hamas had 40,000 fighters in Gaza, and now they practically have none. Do the math. That’s almost 1:1, not our own 3:1, making this the most surgical and humane urban warfare campaign in human history. It is going to be studied till the end of time, and stand as THE example of how to fight an urban campaign against an imbedded terrorist enemy. Like us, they tell the Arabs where they’re attacking, and tell them to flee. This puts their own soldiers in greater danger, which has its own moral conundrums.

The other thing you Hamasnicks have to answer for yourselves is how many Palitango and Iranian hostages Israel has? Hamas, who you are defending and repeating their propaganda, still holds Americans hostage. Siding with those sorts of people and believing their propaganda is sickening.
Total fucking bullshit even aside from the fact that Hamas and Hezbolah are, and always have, used human shields. Getting your facts and figures from terrorists is always a bad idea. Our leftist media laps up their propaganda and spreads it to our people just reprinting what Hamas Health Ministry says. Like the “Hospital” (parking lot) that their own rocket blew up. Only one side openly makes genocide the party platform. What exactly do you think “From the River to the sea means”? If you haven’t figured out which side targets civilians, and which one doesn’t you are too stupid to post. Total crap, but even so…

Typical urban warfare against Islamic terrorists, like The Battle of Faluga, civilian casualties are three civilians for every terrorist/combatant. Hamas had 40,000 fighters in Gaza, and now they practically have none. Do the math. That’s almost 1:1, not our own 3:1, making this the most surgical and humane urban warfare campaign in human history. It is going to be studied till the end of time, and stand as THE example of how to fight an urban campaign against an imbedded terrorist enemy. Like us, they tell the Arabs where they’re attacking, and tell them to flee. This puts their own soldiers in greater danger, which has its own moral conundrums.

The other thing you Hamasnicks have to answer for yourselves is how many Palitango and Iranian hostages Israel has? Hamas, who you are defending and repeating their propaganda, still holds Americans hostage. Siding with those sorts of people and believing their propaganda is sickening.
Where does your info come from? Israeli terrorists?
Where does your info come from? Israeli terrorists?
United States War College for stats on urban combat civilian casualties, but using Hamas’ own propaganda to show how dumb motherfuckers like you buy into it hook line and sinker. The actual number of civilian deaths are probably lower. An oxygen stealer like you would make a good human shield. You should volunteer yourself and get in the fight. Hamas recruiting offices are closed of course, but I’ll bet you can find work in Beruit.
How far back do you want to go on who ‘started’ it? Khazarians never owned that land until it was given to them by the British, because they claimed to be ‘Jewish’.

No point in goinig back to 'who started it.'

Humans are agressive and acquisitive and the fact that we have been 'slightly more civilized than usual' for the last 80 years or so... is an anomaly.

And with 8 billion grabbing, hungry, aspiring, power-mad, pushed-too-close-together, fueled by the Internet apes runniing around... it's going to get much, much worse.

We have been lucky enough to live in a Goldilocks Zone of human history. Don't expect it to last.

How about China and Uyghurs?
Armenian Genocide?
Burma and its exterminations?

Israels attack on Hezbollah and Hamas is a drop in the bucket

These barely move the needle. Unless you are the ones being exterminated.

I mean... the Americas Native populations were way bigger than all them put together....
