Guess they didn’t get the memo .


Major Hide Member
Full Member
Aug 28, 2020
DHS has recently yet again stated that white Christians and conservatives are the greatest threat to our “democracy”

These guys - one with DEA one with ATF must not have seen that memo- cause they went on a drinking bender and tuned up an African national- because he “may have been on a terror watch list “

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The narrative that "white supremacy is the gravest danger we face" was exposed as a fraud as soon as our government started to give Azov billions in military equipment and training.

Azov is an ultra nationalistic neo nazi faction within the Ukrainian military. Prior to 2022, it was well understood that they were a dangerous neonazi group, with some terrorist experts like Ali Soufan calling for their designation as a terrorist group.

But now you aren't supposed to point out Azov's white supremacist neonazi roots, while simultaneously you are supposed to believe that "white supremacy is the gravest threat to America".

What a joke.
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The lie is the point. It's meant to demoralize us and keep us from fighting back. Only the ultra indoctrinated commies might believe it. I even doubt that it just works to their advantage. All things evil will be pushed while everything good will be smashed in the name of fairness and diversity
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I’m trying to make a joke of this - two feds walk into a bar -

Or an atf agent and a DEA agent walk into a bar

Or maybe a truck driver walks into a bar and two feds harass- beat kidnap and illegally detain him cause they think he’s from Israel.

I just can’t find the punch line- cause it’s not fucking funny.

But the 2 felonies and 3 misdemeanor charges those assholes picked up is at least mildly amusing
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