Guess what? Pennsylvania announces election results won't be available on election night.


Four Star General
Full Member
Jul 20, 2020
It not like you can just count the votes and declare a winner. It takes time to print votes for a cumguzzler.

They're just rubbing our noses in it now.

"What you need is actual hard proof." Is that how you're supposed to say it?
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Every red state should join together and come up with a uniformed honest election format and commit to not recognizing any state that doesn't follow those standards.

I am not even talking about anything radical just common-sense things that should already be in place.

  • Must be a US citizen with photo ID
  • Registered voter with unique ID number that once used voids being used at any other voting place for that election.
  • No mail in voting except for deployed US armed forces.
  • No early voting
  • Make voting day Friday and Saturday in person only. (There is plenty of time before election days no excuse for not being able to make it)
  • Computer ballot backed up by paper ballot that all sides get to count in a secure place at the same time in front of each other.
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Every red state should join together and come up with a uniformed honest election format and commit to not recognizing any state that doesn't follow those standards.

I am not even talking about anything radical just common-sense things that should already be in place.

  • Must be a US citizen with photo ID
  • Registered voter with unique ID number that once used voids being used at any other voting place for that election.
  • No mail in voting except for deployed US armed forces.
  • No early voting
  • Make voting day Friday and Saturday in person only. (There is plenty of time before election days no excuse for not being able to make it)
  • Computer ballot backed up by paper ballot that all sides get to count in a secure place at the same time in front of each other.
It's a little late now. That should have been implemented after the 2020 coupe.
Judas priest, they don’t have to cheat.
  1. Just mobilize Democrats, like there’s no tomorrow.
  2. Convince Republicans and non-Democrats that their vote doesn’t matter, so they won’t vote.
  3. Throw in a third-party candidate that is a Democrat pretending to be a reasonable independent and ostensibly hated by Dems, for good measure.
The psyop here is really conspicuously obvious.
The voting localized watch groups and laws were never fixed. They will change the dominion (im assuming all the swing states are still using dominion ..wink wink) SQL DB local admin password the day of voting.

Sure hope that at least have that under control. Bet not! How about intrusion detection on all closed VLANs that run these machines (remember they are not supposed to route on the network much less on the external internet.

All that is provable. Especially if you have the logs being ingested.

People don’t realize how technology and encryption or lack of has ruined all of what once was.
I have zero faith in the way our state govern elections.

Meh…whatever the plan is in motion
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Does Trump just like drawing huge crowds like a rock star, putting his life on the line and doesn't care if he wins?

He speaks almost respectfully and with emphathy of Biden and how they pushed him out, the piece of filth that was part of the plot to assassinate him.

It's been four years since they openly stole the 2020 election and not a fucking thing has been done to prevent it happening again. Get out and vote isn't going to overcome fraud. People got out and voted and Trump won in a landslide in 2020
Judas priest, they don’t have to cheat.
  1. Just mobilize Democrats, like there’s no tomorrow.
  2. Convince Republicans and non-Democrats that their vote doesn’t matter, so they won’t vote.
  3. Throw in a third-party candidate that is a Democrat pretending to be a reasonable independent and ostensibly hated by Dems, for good measure.
The psyop here is really conspicuously obvious.
4. Seize total control of the education system in the late 90s early 00s to create Marxist factories that are mass producing Democrat voters.
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Does Trump just like drawing huge crowds like a rock star, putting his life on the line and doesn't care if he wins?

He speaks almost respectfully and with emphathy of Biden and how they pushed him out, the piece of filth that was part of the plot to assassinate him.

It's been four years since they openly stole the 2020 election and not a fucking thing has been done to prevent it happening again. Get out and vote isn't going to overcome fraud. People got out and voted and Trump won in a landslide in 2020

What pisses me off is that the RNC brought in $200 M right after J6, and not a cent was spent on legal defense for the protesters. If anything Romney's niece used it for anti-MAGA candidates. I hope conservatives don't think that a similar protest will accomplish anything after the next steal, other than get more people in jail or worse.
There is also a trial going on that gets no air time about the bribes given to Philippine officials in order that they use a certain type of voting machine in their last election.Smartmatic executives were involved in handing out the bribes a million dollars worth.Think it cant happen here?It already did.
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Every red state should join together and come up with a uniformed honest election format and commit to not recognizing any state that doesn't follow those standards.

I am not even talking about anything radical just common-sense things that should already be in place.

  • Must be a US citizen with photo ID
  • Registered voter with unique ID number that once used voids being used at any other voting place for that election.
  • No mail in voting except for deployed US armed forces.
  • No early voting
  • Make voting day Friday and Saturday in person only. (There is plenty of time before election days no excuse for not being able to make it)
  • Computer ballot backed up by paper ballot that all sides get to count in a secure place at the same time in front of each other.

I'm going to say you are VERY wrong with demanding no early voting.
Early voting is CRITICAL to being able to vote properly.

Your plan of no early voting and only being able to vote in person on a Friday and Saturday will let the Democrats do nationwide EXACTLY what they did to steal the vote in Arizona. Suddenly all the voting machines in "red" precincts stopped working right. Oh and all the election workers suddenly started giving out wrong instructions.

Not to mention a small group of Democrat operatives can easily jam up the voting in key "red" precincts at will and make people not be able to get in to vote.

Early voting is a MUST if you want to ensure you can vote. It's a lot harder to jam everything up for 2 weeks in a row.

I voted on election day once, and said Screw that for good, and now will ONLY vote early.

Remember you can't even keep them from cooking the books in front of your faces, you DON'T want to make it easier for them to completely shut you out.
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I'm going to say you are VERY wrong with demanding no early voting.
Early voting is CRITICAL to being able to vote properly.

Your plan of no early voting and only being able to vote in person on a Friday and Saturday will let the Democrats do nationwide EXACTLY what they did to steal the vote in Arizona. Suddenly all the voting machines in "red" precincts stopped working right. Oh and all the election workers suddenly started giving out wrong instructions.

Not to mention a small group of Democrat operatives can easily jam up the voting in key "red" precincts at will and make people not be able to get in to vote.

Early voting is a MUST if you want to ensure you can vote. It's a lot harder to jam everything up for 2 weeks in a row.

I voted on election day once, and said Screw that for good, and now will ONLY vote early.

Remember you can't even keep them from cooking the books in front of your faces, you DON'T want to make it easier for them to completely shut you out.
Only reason I said no early voting is because I was thinking when they get to see how the votes are coming in days/weeks ahead of time it gives them even more time to manipulate the results.
Only reason I said no early voting is because I was thinking when they get to see how the votes are coming in days/weeks ahead of time it gives them even more time to manipulate the results.

2020 showed they can do it in real time and upload new software on the fly to "adjust" how the votes are being counted within minutes.

We need to stop letting machines count the ballots and instead have humans have to count it, and all counting must be done with the public watching and representatives from all concerned parties actually there counting the votes and seeing things up close.
Every red state should join together and come up with a uniformed honest election format and commit to not recognizing any state that doesn't follow those standards.

I am not even talking about anything radical just common-sense things that should already be in place.

  • Must be a US citizen with photo ID
  • Registered voter with unique ID number that once used voids being used at any other voting place for that election.
  • No mail in voting except for deployed US armed forces.
  • No early voting
  • Make voting day Friday and Saturday in person only. (There is plenty of time before election days no excuse for not being able to make it)
  • Computer ballot backed up by paper ballot that all sides get to count in a secure place at the same time in front of each other.
I'm with that premise. Only honest, law abiding states decide an election.

Rogue states that don't comply with election laws, their votes should be declared invalid and they can fuck off.