Re: Gun Safe Moisture Problem
When you are dealing with humidity, just because you cannot see it, it does not mean that there is a small amount there. It actually involves much more water than people realize.
For example, a regular dehumidifier would remove 50 to 70 pts of water every 24 hours – that is 6 to 9 gallons of water every day, day in and day out, and that does not mean it is removing all the water, just enough to lower it to some reasonable level like 50% humidity in a few days to weeks. A constant leakage from outside air our ground will quickly replenish this.
This is why trying to “fight” this moisture problem with a very limited supply of drying agent in a safe that is not sealed air tight is a loosing battle. Put the safe inside a room in the house, basement is best, and put a good dehumidifier in there and you will be GTG.