Gun YT'er/Marine Paul Harrell dying of cancer

Milf Dots

Full Member
Oct 21, 2019
Gun You-Tuber Paul Harrell served 20 years in the Mil, first in the Marine Corps then in the Army. He's also reportedly been involved in two self defense shootings. Many say he is a wealth of knowledge on defensive shootings stats, techniques, tactics, and general firearms and ammunition knowledge, etc.

His latest video linked below indicates his time is short:

I saw that, too. He will be greatly missed but I hope he can still pass along information when he can.

I will always carry with me rule #1 of deer hunting from the 5 things he knows about deer hunting. Go where the deer are.
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I saw that, too. He will be greatly missed but I hope he can still pass along information when he can.

I will always carry with me rule #1 of deer hunting from the 5 things he knows about deer hunting. Go where the deer are.
Ha! That's something I had to learn early on for steelhead fishing. It's like 90% of the puzzle; figure out where the fish are on the river systems for that particular month/time of year...go there.

As for the topic, I did watch a number of his videos and the guy was no-nonsense/straightforward and enjoyable to watch. Sucks he's gone too soon. Fuck cancer.
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