A few weeks ago residents of Chambers County and Shelby County Alabama, showed up to cast their votes for the state race.. The usual kind that get nervous when they get a sore throat, were there and probably made a complaint.. Local home town Sheriffs were there to ask the people kindly to carry their firearms back to the car and to come back in to vote.. It was no problem, like say if it was Los Angeles.. But, a good question was brought up for the next time the polls are ready.. Should polling places be considered like a court house or school zone, and firearms be left in the truck?? So far, this next election, Alabama is leading the way and letting law abiding citizens of this lovely state, go to the polls with their firearms on their side... Thank You, Sheriff Sid Lockhart, for being one of them home town "good guys" within the law enforcement community!! In LA, California, the law abiding citizen would have been shot and the news would have said later (along with the department) he was a domestic terrorist..