Thats the one. And yeah, the guy was a nutjob. But interwoven in his craziness he saw what was coming and tried to warn people back in the 80's, about the time George H.W. Bush was president and proudly announced plans for 'a kinder, gentler nation', as he opened the southern border, and "A New World Order."
His conspiracy theories almost forty years ago were so bizzare, so unfathonable, the pandemic, the forced vaccines, computer chip implants, a cashless society, a one world government headed by a cabal of globalists, aka NWO, the re education camps Hillary later flippantly threatened to put Trump supporters in in 2016, he was labled a nutjob. People would walk away laughing, including me sometimes. It took a crazy to see the crazy that was coming.
He sold the range in the early 2000's and bugged out to a 400 acre ranch in some of the most rugged remote Hill Country there is, something he always planned. The range is still there, shut down and overgrown. The new owner can't develope it because it's been declared a bio hazard from all the lead supposedly in the berms.
I jumped the fence and went looking around a couple years ago. There was a ghosttown, eerie silence about it as I walked the ranges, some of which I built in '85 with borrowed bulldozers. The range shack was gone scraped with no sign of a footprint as well as the shooting benches and canopys. The only footprints were now from coyotes and a bobcat that had reclaimed it. It once was the bustling mecca and starting point for IPSC in Central Texas as well as a whole gun community that grew from it.