Dale Marksberry

Aug 3, 2010
Climax Texas
Please dont eat me up! I've heard you guys are pretty tough on this forum, I have the opportunity to buy an unfired SR9 with extras (stock and quite a few mags) for 4K. I know this is a very nice weapon but not sure if it is something I should buy and shoot or buy and "put up in the safe" I really want a shooter but since this one has never been fired I dont really know what to do. I know this is a great price and is coming from a very good friend of mine. (The serial number is 0000XX) I'd appreciate any input.
Re: H K SR9

Actually, that price is not very good at all for a base model HK SR9 (thumbhole stock, etc.). Your description above doesn't give the specifics of the rifle in terms of which stock, mags, etc., are included but $4,000 is into the range of a true, HK factory produced SR9-T (which has the MSG-90 buttstock and PSG-1 wood grip). Even a NIB SR9 should be around the $2,500k mark. Mags shouldn't be a price factor at all as they can be had for $2/mag.

My advice to you is to go to HKPro and become a member over there and start reading/absorbing as much info as possible on this platform before taking the plunge.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rookie3DM</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks for the info, I'll gather more info from the seller. He said 15 years ago when he purchased it was over 6K for the rifle. </div></div>

If he paid over $6k for it...then he either got screwed big time or he's got something more than just a run-of-the-mill SR9. See if he's got a receipt for that purchase or proof of what he bought. Also, any pics or addt'l details you can get from him on the exact rifle he's selling, the original configuration, options/accessories he's including, etc. would be helpful to any posts here, as well as HKPro when you head over there. HKPro is an excellent source of information and the folks over there will get you pointed in the right direction if you are seriously considering buying an SR9.
Re: H K SR9

There would be a price difference if it was a SR9, SR9T or SR9TC.

This would be either a G3 stock, MSG90 or PSG-1 stocks and trigger group.

It would be stamped on the rifle.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cut</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There would be a price difference if it was a SR9, SR9T or SR9TC.

This would be either a G3 stock, MSG90 or PSG-1 stocks and trigger group.

It would be stamped on the rifle. </div></div>

The specs for each model are pretty basic:

SR9 - Neutered HK91. 19.7" polygonal barrel without muzzle threading or any muzzle device (ban compliance), thumbhole stock, SR9 "sporter" handguard (no bipod ability to retain the "sporting" nature of the rifle)

SR9-T - Same as above, with replacement of the thumbhole stock with the MSG-90 adjustable buttstock, PSG-1 complete trigger pack (incl. PSG-1 grip)

SR9-TC - Same as SR9-T above, with replacement of the MSG-90 adjustable buttstock with the PSG-1 stock.

Even then it is a crap shoot with the SR9 series rifles. The problem is that all the SR9 were imported as base rifles. Then, at the discretion of HKUSA, some were converted to SR9-T and SR9-TC models and then a hand-held stamp/punch mark for the "T" or "TC" was added after the model SR9 on the left side of the receiver. The problem is that many unscrupulous people have added PSG-1 and MSG-90 parts to these rifles and then used their own stamps to add the T and TC at the end of the model on the receiver which makes determining whether you have a genuine article more difficult. It is even more difficult because HK took little care in the quality of the stamping and even the factory T's and TC's look like they were marked by a child making it easier to "forge" a base into one of these models. If you contact HK, they'll help with the serial number range, etc. Otherwise, short of having the orginal sales receipt or other documentation establishing the provenance of the rifle, you could be paying top dollar for a parts gun.

Now just because it is a parts gun doesn't mean it is worthless...just not worth the price of a true T or TC model. To give you an idea of price, a base SR9 can be had for around the $2,500 mark. Then here is a list of coversion parts at new/MSRP pricing which you should deduct around 20%-25% off when considering they are used or conversion part prices:

MSG-90 stock assembly (complete) - $495
PSG-1 trigger pack (complete with grip) - $800
PSG-1 stock (complete) - $825

As for whether or not to shoot it...that is up to you. I will tell you that I have a factory TC that I have had for several years and I used to shoot the hell out of it (too many other 308 gas guns to play with these days, including an MSG-90 clone that gets a lot more time and attention). If I wanted to sell it today, I could easily get my money back out of it and more compared to what I paid. Unless you abuse the rifle or do something to obviously detract from its value, HKs have a way of retaining their value (and in many cases, incresing in value).
Re: H K SR9

Know what you are getting into with one of these, and then get an SR9T.

If you want it to shoot well with a scope, you are likely going to need to find a KAC forend (friggin tough to get these days) and an HK claw mount. This gives you the stable bipod position and a no-slip scope base. All the rest of the rail systems out there are substandard to these two. Together, the KAC/HK mount are going to run you about $700 over the cost of the gun. Scope choices are tough due to the space above the rifle and behind the charging handle--likely you will be limited to an ST10, S&B 3-12, one of the smaller IORs, and the small Zeiss scopes.

I wouldn't spend more than $3500 on an SR9T.

They beat up your brass but they can be insanely accurate if you set them up right.
Re: H K SR9


How do these rifles (sr-9) shoot? I think I know where one is, that the owner doesn't really know what it is, that I can pick up reasonably.

I am a big HK fan as well, so it would have collector value to me.

Re: H K SR9

Actually, I need to do a bit more recon work as to what this gun is. I remember it having a swiveling carry handle, so it may not be a SR9. I'll go see what intel I can gather.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ORD-

How do these rifles (sr-9) shoot? I think I know where one is, that the owner doesn't really know what it is, that I can pick up reasonably.

I am a big HK fan as well, so it would have collector value to me.

-Bob </div></div>

With the proper ammo (handloads that is) and if the shooter is doing their part, the SR9 series rifles are capable of 1.5 MOA accuracy (or slightly better) thanks to the very high quality barrels used by HK, with the T and TC models achieving MOA or better because of the vastly improved PSG-1 trigger pack and overall "ergonomics" of the rifle (adjustable stock fit to the shooter, etc.). That said, they can be incredibly "particular" about ammo. I never got below MOA with any factory ammo with my TC, including FGMM and BH 168gr and 175gr loads, but my handloads got me into the 0.8" range for 5-round 100yd groups with which I was more than pleased. Also, mounting a bipod (at least with the SR9 handguard) can be a sonuvab!tch. Most folks went to the HK91 "wide" handguard for that reason (which is an easy swap to make).

As for the "carry handle"...it could still be an SR9. The carry handles were easily added to these rifles with no permanent modifications, along with the "port buffers" (padded shell deflectors making ejection MUCH kinder to brass). They can be installed and removed in a matter of a couple minutes.
Re: H K SR9

I got an inventory list today for the rifle

H&K SR9 with mid mounted bipod, PSG1 pistol grip, PSG1 butt stock (unfired)


3 each H&K quick disconnect scope mounts (seem to be collectors items and hard to get - they make knock offs but apparently you dont see many of these available)

1 each PSG1 butt stock
1 each G3 butt stock
1 each forearm and butt stock for sporter model SR9
9 each 20 round mags
1 each 30 round mag
1 each 10 round mag
3 each 5 round mag
2 each double mag clamps (for back to back mags)
Airport aluminum case
900 rounds ammo in battle packs
Leather strap, web strap and cleaning kit
Re: H K SR9

HK claw mounts aren't that rare, but they aren't dirt cheap either. CDNN sells them for $169.99 and of course Cheaper Than Dirt sells them for $149.97 with knock-offs going for $69.97.

It's worth looking at them to make sure that you're getting the real deal and not the knock-offs as the knock-offs usually don't hold zero for squat.

If you do opt to mount a scope be warned that the claw mounts will mark up the receiver finish even on a safe queen.
Re: H K SR9

$4K is a little high even with all that stuff. But then again if you like that type of rifle than you should do it. The claw mounts go from (as said) $70 to the ones that have an arrow and marked Oberndorf on the underside. These have integral rings (30mm) and have inserts for 1" scopes. I bought one new for around $150 back in the 80's and they went up to almost $350. The PSG-1 trigger group in that rifle is like gold. I personally like my Williams set trigger on mine better than the PSG-1 but then again that means it is not stock. The PSG 1 trigger group adds a good $7 to 800 bucks to it.
I will tell you one thing. If you want a rifle that will never fail to fire unless someone forgets to put a primer in it, get it. As to accuracy, well the AR are more accurate but HK's are not slouches either. There is a thread on here about some Scandinavians or Swiss (not sure) and they are using issue HK91's with factory iron sights and they are knocking them dead.
I personally like the HK iron sight more than just about any factory sight I have ever used. (ring of light)
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rookie3DM</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That for all the good info. I appreciate the feedback. </div></div>x2, thanks!
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rookie3DM</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I got an inventory list today for the rifle

H&K SR9 with mid mounted bipod, PSG1 pistol grip, PSG1 butt stock (unfired)


3 each H&K quick disconnect scope mounts (seem to be collectors items and hard to get - they make knock offs but apparently you dont see many of these available)

1 each PSG1 butt stock
1 each G3 butt stock
1 each forearm and butt stock for sporter model SR9
9 each 20 round mags
1 each 30 round mag
1 each 10 round mag
3 each 5 round mag
2 each double mag clamps (for back to back mags)
Airport aluminum case
900 rounds ammo in battle packs
Leather strap, web strap and cleaning kit

Okay...so here's the breakdown:

1) Base HK SR9 (NIB) - $2500
2) PSG-1 trigger pack (complete with grip used for the TC conv) - $640 (see post above for justif. of this price)
3) PSG-1 stock (complete) - $660 (pricing as above)
4) G3 Buttstock - $20
5) Original SR9 furniture - price incl in orig rifle price above
6) All the mags/mag clamps/etc. (assuming all H&K/Contract mags and not aftermarket or Cetme) - $100
7) Aluminum Travel Case - $75
8) 900rnds of mil surplus ammo - (I wouldn't shoot the sh!t out of this rifle, so I'm not incl. it in the price...)
9) Other "accessories" like sling, cleaning kit, etc. - price incl in orig rifle price above
10) 3x Claw Lock Scope Mounts - Without a pic or more details to confirm what they are exactly, I can't give you a price. You will find some "rarer" mounts on occassion that may fetch more money, but I wouldn't advise you because you can get knock-offs for $20! Also, why in the hell would you want 3x mounts??? You can only use one at a time.

Anyway...with all the above in mind, I'd say a fair package price for everything would be around $4,000 or so (if you add up what I included above, you get $3,995 minus the ammo/mounts).

See if your "friend" can get some pics of the rifle, "package" and the mounts. Also, did he have any receipts or other paperwork on the rifle/parts/accessories (these may change the values above somewhat)? Also, I am giving him benefit of the doubt with the complete PSG-1 trigger pack. With conversions, some idiots skipped the PSG-1 trigger pack and just bought the grip to use with the stock trigger (the grip only costs 1/3 the cost of the complete trigger pack).

If he's willing to split up the package (like not selling you 3x mounts, 900rnds of bulk surplus ammo, etc.), and he's willing to come off his ridiculous asking price of $6,000...you can probably get a decent deal out worked out. Otherwise, wish him good luck selling it and go start looking elsewhere for a similar rifle/package for a reasonable price.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: El Shavewa</div><div class="ubbcode-body">HK claw mounts aren't that rare, but they aren't dirt cheap either. CDNN sells them for $169.99 and of course Cheaper Than Dirt sells them for $149.97 with knock-offs going for $69.97.

It's worth looking at them to make sure that you're getting the real deal and not the knock-offs as the knock-offs usually don't hold zero for squat.

If you do opt to mount a scope be warned that the claw mounts will mark up the receiver finish even on a safe queen. </div></div>

Do not use the original HK mount if you want an accurate rifle. The HK spring loaded mount actually flexes on the springs for every shot. The heavier scope the more the mount flexes with al lot of wear and decreasing accuracy. I had an original sniper S&B 1.5-6x42 in a new original HK 30mm ringmount mounted on an almost new issue full auto G3. The first groups within the first 50 rounds fired were about 1moa. After 3 - 400 rounds the "groups" were 4moa due to wear on the scopemount/receiver. It was an easy check. I shot better groups with open sights. After mounting a B&T rail (with additional glue) the rig shot 1 moa again.

I discussed this problem with a sharpshooter/sniper instructor in the German Army. They had the same problems. They actually had plans to weld the clawmounts to the receiver if the SHTF.
Re: H K SR9


Are the parts such as the PSG-1 trigger pack and the PSG-1 stock still available?

I ask because I'm thinking about investigating this rifle that my brother-in-law has. I can probably get a decent price on it, if I buy it I would like to go the PSG-1 route with it though.


Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ORD,

Are the parts such as the PSG-1 trigger pack and the PSG-1 stock still available?

I ask because I'm thinking about investigating this rifle that my brother-in-law has. I can probably get a decent price on it, if I buy it I would like to go the PSG-1 route with it though.


-Bob </div></div>

Yes they are available! The problem is that costs on them have gone through the roof!! Getting any HK part/accessory comes at a premium and the PSG-1 parts are at the top of the accessory food chain. Your best bets may be to keep an eye on sites like the HKPro Forums where new/used parts come up and can usually be had for slightly better prices. If you have no luck there, then retail is the only other way to go. Here are a couple of sources where I routinely buy HK parts/mags/etc. and I can vouch for each company and their owners:

http://www.hkparts.net/shop/pc/HK-PSG-1-MSG-90-c10.htm (Adam Webber is a great guy to deal with and has a lot of parts/accessories in stock that most others will not)

http://www.hkspecialiststore.com/ (Gordon Miller is also a good guy and a great source for parts/accessories, but his website is a royal PITA to navigate and find what you are looking for)

Magpul also makes a highly adjustable stock that is a direct replacement for the SR9 stock that mirrors the PSG-1 style stock for a fraction of the price (around $250). It isn't HK original, but it is an excellent stock!

Re: H K SR9

I should probably stop myself, it's not like I need ANOTHER expensive project...

But then again, what fun would that be!
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I should probably stop myself, it's not like I need ANOTHER expensive project...

But then again, what fun would that be! </div></div>

Like the man said, "You can't take it with you..." so you might as well enjoy it now!!

With that said, HKs are expensive as hell to work on, upgrade, etc. I mean, people gripe and complain about the money they pour into AR parts/accessories, but it is a fraction of the cost of HK stuff (just one of many reasons most people move away from HK and others toward the AR-platform rifles).
Re: H K SR9

Yeah, I agree. There is just something about German engineering though. I really love my BMW, my Mercedes, my Schmidt and Bender, and my HK handguns. I think I need to add a HK long gun to the collection!
Re: H K SR9

ORD and other knowledgeable guys on this thread- what would be involved, other than the trigger and stock, to convert a SR9 to a knockoff PSG-1?


Re: H K SR9

Well, a true PSG-1 clone is tough to replicate without some major machining work, welding, etc. About the closest you can get is the SR9TC variant which simply takes the base SR9 and:

1) removes the standard thumbhole stock/grip;

2) removes the standard HK91/SR9 trigger pack/grip;

3) replace the buttstock with the PSG-1 stock assembly (see here: http://www.hkparts.net/shop/pc/HK-German-PSG-1-Rear-Stock-Complete-197p531.htm );

4) replace the trigger pack with the PSG-1 trigger pack/grip (see here: http://www.hkparts.net/shop/pc/HK-German-PSG-1-Trigger-Group-Complete-37p528.htm ).

You can go further an add welded scope mount tabs to the receiver, swap the SR9 handguard for the HK91 wide handguard, etc., but the above will basically get you the SR9TC/PSG-1 "wannabe" rifle. As for scope mounting, there are different options, including the "claw lock" mounts most commonly seen on these rifles, as well as the ARMS #1 and B&T picatinny rail mounts that allow the use of conventional rings and other scope devices.
Re: H K SR9

My accuracy observations on the SR9 (and variants) is on page one of this thread, but briefly, the stock SR9s are 1.5MOA give or take with the T and TC variants getting to around MOA.

As for the PSG-1, it is apples and oranges in terms of the barrels other than the twist and polygonal rifling. They are different contours, lengths, etc. and the PSG-1 is completely free-floated thanks to the PSG/MSG handguard.

The rifles were guaranteed from the factory for MOA accuracy (and they were easily capable of that and more in the hands of a qualified shooter with proper ammo). I think HK's "official" accuracy standard was 50rnds at 300m in MOA or less (approx. a 3" group at 300m in other words). They are very capable rifles (just not worth the $10k+ price tag unless you are a collector, certified HK-o-phile, etc.).
Re: H K SR9

I'll tell you what; If any of you guys are serious about buying an SR9 I'll sell mine and the goodies I have for it for $2,600 (The price to replace it with an AR Type .308)

Here's the reason; I bought it way back when Ca. was part of the free United States. Sense then, in all this states wisdom, they decided to take my rights away, determined it was an assault weapon, and said if I didn't register it with them, I would become an overnight felon. Every time I think about it, I just get pissed-off.

I havnt shot it sense I registered it and one of the main reasons why is;, I wasn't really sure what the exact rules were that I needed to follow. Until just recently and some help from another member (The Mechanic) I now know what the scoop is. After finding out, I got fired-up to take that bad-ass out again, but there's something that haunts me deeply, and I just can't seem to get over it.

Every time I walk into our local gun shop I see a picture of 3 stripped lowers that <span style="font-weight: bold">HAD</span> to be turned in (Because they wre registered) too the state to be destroyed, because the owner had passed away. His family and friends tried their best to come-up with a way to save them that would satisfy the state, (Donate to church, etc.), but had no success. You CANNOT pass this weapon down to your children, family, or friends. It must be turned in and destroyed.

I zero desire to sell this rifle because it has NEVER jammed and is accurate as hell. Let me put it to you like this; if the SHTF this would be the one rifle I grabbed of everything I own. I simply cannot stand the thought of it being destroyed should I drive into a tree on the way home from work, for example.

My only solution, and it is legal to do is; sell it to someone who lives in a free state. If any of you living outside of Ca. is seriously interested, just let me know.

Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ORD</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My accuracy observations on the SR9 (and variants) is on page one of this thread, but briefly, the stock SR9s are 1.5MOA give or take with the T and TC variants getting to around MOA.

As for the PSG-1, it is apples and oranges in terms of the barrels other than the twist and polygonal rifling. They are different contours, lengths, etc. and the PSG-1 is completely free-floated thanks to the PSG/MSG handguard.

The rifles were guaranteed from the factory for MOA accuracy (and they were easily capable of that and more in the hands of a qualified shooter with proper ammo). I think HK's "official" accuracy standard was 50rnds at 300m in MOA or less (approx. a 3" group at 300m in other words). They are very capable rifles (just not worth the $10k+ price tag unless you are a collector, certified HK-o-phile, etc.).
</div></div>Yes, I caught the accuracy statement earlier on. I guess my question was more along the lines of- if I want a relatively close PSG-1 clone with the same accuracy, can I start with an SR9 and build from there? I asked about the barrel because I was wondering if the PSG-1 has a different barrel, if it can be sourced.
Re: H K SR9

Edit- upon further research, the Lothar Walther PSG-1 barrels are available from HK Pro, and can be installed on a G3 variant receiver.
Re: H K SR9

The LW barrels will work in the SR9 with the standard trunion, but were designed to to best run with the PSG-1 trunion (which gets into the welding, heavy modification I mentioned earlier if you go that route). You may want to check with Adam Webber or check out some of the conversions done by folks over at HKPro for more details on the process of installing the LW barrel using that standard G3/91/SR9 trunion.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ORD</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The LW barrels will work in the SR9 with the standard trunion, but were designed to to best run with the PSG-1 trunion (which gets into the welding, heavy modification I mentioned earlier if you go that route). You may want to check with Adam Webber or check out some of the conversions done by folks over at HKPro for more details on the process of installing the LW barrel using that standard G3/91/SR9 trunion. </div></div>Thanks, I appreciate all the help.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: He_Shoot _Me</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'll tell you what; If any of you guys are serious about buying an SR9 I'll sell mine and the goodies I have for it for $2,600 (The price to replace it with an AR Type .308)

Here's the reason; I bought it way back when Ca. was part of the free United States. Sense then, in all this states wisdom, they decided to take my rights away, determined it was an assault weapon, and said if I didn't register it with them, I would become an overnight felon. Every time I think about it, I just get pissed-off.

I havnt shot it sense I registered it and one of the main reasons why is;, I wasn't really sure what the exact rules were that I needed to follow. Until just recently and some help from another member (The Mechanic) I now know what the scoop is. After finding out, I got fired-up to take that bad-ass out again, but there's something that haunts me deeply, and I just can't seem to get over it.

Every time I walk into our local gun shop I see a picture of 3 stripped lowers that <span style="font-weight: bold">HAD</span> to be turned in (Because they wre registered) too the state to be destroyed, because the owner had passed away. His family and friends tried their best to come-up with a way to save them that would satisfy the state, (Donate to church, etc.), but had no success. You CANNOT pass this weapon down to your children, family, or friends. It must be turned in and destroyed.

I zero desire to sell this rifle because it has NEVER jammed and is accurate as hell. Let me put it to you like this; if the SHTF this would be the one rifle I grabbed of everything I own. I simply cannot stand the thought of it being destroyed should I drive into a tree on the way home from work, for example.

My only solution, and it is legal to do is; sell it to someone who lives in a free state. If any of you living outside of Ca. is seriously interested, just let me know.

-Pat </div></div>
Thanks for the compliment Pat. I can't agree with you more on your statement above. I have my HK91 registered out here also. I was pretty upset having to go down to my local PD and get fingerprinted with my ex wife. You are right in that you can not hand it down to anyone in Kalifornia. You do however have the right to have your family take it to a assault weapons dealer (FFL with AW license) and he can do a transfer after your passing. You can also donate it to the NRA. This is what I will be doing as I have a big life insurance policy so the money for the rifle is irrelevant. I still really like mine and considering how much I paid for it new and how much it is worth now it was the best investment I ever made. Like gold.
Re: H K SR9

Wow! I had no idea about this aspect of the CA firearms/AW ban laws. That is just appauling on so many different levels that words cannot express!

God bless you guys for staying in CA and putting up with this foolishness! I'd have gotten myself and my family the hell outta Dodge a long time ago if it was me!
Re: H K SR9

You have no idea ORD. It really comes down to San Diego having such beautiful weather, great people, and all of my family. Otherwise I would have been out of here long ago. If I could only arrange a North and South Kalifornia as long as it didn't include L.A. that would be great.
Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: He_Shoot _Me</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'll tell you what; If any of you guys are serious about buying an SR9 I'll sell mine and the goodies I have for it for $2,600 (The price to replace it with an AR Type .308)

Here's the reason; I bought it way back when Ca. was part of the free United States. Sense then, in all this states wisdom, they decided to take my rights away, determined it was an assault weapon, and said if I didn't register it with them, I would become an overnight felon. Every time I think about it, I just get pissed-off.

I havnt shot it sense I registered it and one of the main reasons why is;, I wasn't really sure what the exact rules were that I needed to follow. Until just recently and some help from another member (The Mechanic) I now know what the scoop is. After finding out, I got fired-up to take that bad-ass out again, but there's something that haunts me deeply, and I just can't seem to get over it.

Every time I walk into our local gun shop I see a picture of 3 stripped lowers that <span style="font-weight: bold">HAD</span> to be turned in (Because they wre registered) too the state to be destroyed, because the owner had passed away. His family and friends tried their best to come-up with a way to save them that would satisfy the state, (Donate to church, etc.), but had no success. You CANNOT pass this weapon down to your children, family, or friends. It must be turned in and destroyed.

I zero desire to sell this rifle because it has NEVER jammed and is accurate as hell. Let me put it to you like this; if the SHTF this would be the one rifle I grabbed of everything I own. I simply cannot stand the thought of it being destroyed should I drive into a tree on the way home from work, for example.

My only solution, and it is legal to do is; sell it to someone who lives in a free state. If any of you living outside of Ca. is seriously interested, just let me know.
-Pat </div></div>

Actually not entirely true.
The SR9 wasn't listed by Roberti Roos, so it's only considered an AW based on SB 23 evil features.
So it is perfectly possible and legal, to add a device (like this http://www.riflegear.com/p-237-raddlock-kit-for-hk-mp5g3-91-93-series.aspx) to lock the magazine in place and de-register it with DOJ.
It can then be transferred in state like any other long gun.
Yes, you will be neutering it, but this way it can be sold, or passed on legally, and still be enjoyed un-neutered after crossing the state line.
Re: H K SR9

<span style="font-weight: bold">considered an AW based on SB 23 evil features.</span>

You are spot on with that! They got me with the detachable mag/thumb-hole stock combo.

So it is perfectly possible and legal, to add a device (like this http://www.riflegear.com/p-237-raddlock-kit-for-hk-mp5g3-91-93-series.aspx) to lock the magazine in place and <span style="font-weight: bold">de-register it with DOJ.</span>

Please if you don't mind, could you expand on the <span style="font-weight: bold">"de-register</span>" part....... How/where/what paperwork/etc. This is the first time I've even heard of someone being able to "de-register" anything.



Re: H K SR9

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: He_Shoot _Me</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">considered an AW based on SB 23 evil features.</span>
You are spot on with that! They got me with the detachable mag/thumb-hole stock combo.
So it is perfectly possible and legal, to add a device (like this http://www.riflegear.com/p-237-raddlock-kit-for-hk-mp5g3-91-93-series.aspx) to lock the magazine in place and <span style="font-weight: bold">de-register it with DOJ.</span>
Please if you don't mind, could you expand on the <span style="font-weight: bold">"de-register</span>" part....... How/where/what paperwork/etc. This is the first time I've even heard of someone being able to "de-register" anything.

There aren't any forms, afaik, since they aren't too happy about people doing it... It is perfectly legal to do though and I know that some people have done it, for example with M1As, where the only offending feature was a flash hider.
A certified letter to the DOJ telling them that your SB 23 registered AW no longer has any of the SB 23 listed features and that you want it removed from the AW registry should do the trick.

edit: a quick search on the DOJ web site yielded this: http://ag.ca.gov/firearms/regagunfaqs.php#13
Somewhat surprised to find it there

edit2: Remember, this only applies to SB 23 registered AWs. If you have something listed by name from the -89 RR ban (like an HK 91, Sig 551 etc), you're SOL.
Re: H K SR9

don't get the claw mount from cheaper than dirt for the sr9 - they won't fit - it is made for a different gun with the shorter lip in back (even after removing the little plastic pad) the problem was is there was a curve in the underside of the mount where the "legs" meet that was too shallow... i have the HK mount with the built in rings - it fits perfectly - i think some guys that shoot it alot probably would go with welding a rail on it though. I don't shoot mine a whole lot and it's semi-auto.