Handguns are banned in Canada now?!

99% of Canadians will whine to the point of them being seized and then will continue whining long after. The other 1% will stage protests or try to move out of the country.
Sadly I don’t think Americans would be much different. Maybe we should sell everything now while we can get some dinero for them.

Sounds vaguely familiar…
Yes sir it sure does.

Well they've already banned all AR-15 rifles and many other semi auto "assault style" rifles and will be banning others that they missed and now handguns. Oh and did I mention also any magazine that holds more than 5 rounds? So no more 10 rounds AICS mags either.
Very sad mate. Come on down.
Sadly even if I wanted to sell them to the US I won't be able to. The Government has put a freeze on buying and selling.
Yeah... they going to stop you losing them in a tragic accident or theft. You can blame eskimos. Oh, sorry. "First People's." They won't dare interrogate them. Boowah ha hahah ahhaa...

Yeah... they going to stop you losing them in a tragic accident or theft. You can blame eskimos. Oh, sorry. "First People's." They won't dare interrogate them. Boowah ha hahah ahhaa...


99% of handguns are registered meaning the Government knows we own them. "Losing" a registered firearm here means jail time.
This is a giant hint for the USA folks. Watch how Canada is doing it. That’s exactly how it will play out here over time. Ignore this at your own peril.

Well luckily the US doesn't have things like "Orders in Council" like we do. This is a pussy thing never meant to be used this way but our Liberal Government is abusing it. In essence it allows them to make a new law or edit a current law without having to vote on it in the house of Commons or our Senate. Just a BAM and it's now done sort of thing.
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Sadly even if I wanted to sell them to the US I won't be able to. The Government has put a freeze on buying and selling.

99% of handguns are registered meaning the Government knows we own them. "Losing" a registered firearm here means jail time.

So your government turned you into a criminal with the stroke of a pen and your gonna keep trying to abide by "the law" .
There's only one way this ends for you .
That train ticket your about to purchase doesn't allow any refunds !

Well luckily the US doesn't have things like "Orders in Council" like we do. This is a pussy thing never meant to be used this way but our Liberal Government is abusing it. In essence it allows them to make a new law or edit a current law without having to vote on it in the house of Commons or our Senate. Just a BAM and it's now done sort of thing.

We have that too. It's called an Executive Order here.
We have that too. It's called an Executive Order here.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

That passage was written when men knew how to fuck up government forces to gain liberty , sadly today the only thing men can fuck up their outfit you know shoes not matching the dress.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

That passage was written when men knew how to fuck up government forces to gain liberty , sadly today the only thing men can fuck up their outfit you know shoes not matching the dress.
Will not comply. I suspect most here won’t.
lol that's what you get when you allow government an inch on your rights they take your rights and leave you to defend your self with torches and tar .
Canada government doesnt want you to defend your self, they want you to call for help and take the beating. If you do defend your self, when you do everything right they will still charge you with some thing stupid like the gun wasnt locked up.
Will not comply. I suspect most here won’t.
I agree, it’s not just firearms but they have pushed their agenda past the breaking point already(blm, trans, general wokeness), the backlash has already started. You have to ask yourself what stops civil wars? The answer is always the same, some kind of prosperity. It’s hard d to get mad enough to fight when your house payment is made, the truck has gas in it, and there is meat on the grill. Take those things away and all bets are off. During the Great Depression we didn’t have a national debt, so FDR was able to spend at will(it didn’t actually solve the problem by the way). During our next financial crises in the 70’s and 80’s our debt was small, which allowed allot of financial freedom when it came to the country borrowing money. In the financial crises of 2008 our debt was large but still manageable compared to our economy so again the bond market allowed us to borrow for the most part what we wanted, but not all. So then we began a program called quantitative easing to make up the difference in what we couldn’t borrow, and was just a shell game between government institutions to hide the fact that we just started printing money. My point? This time there is no where to hide, we are having trouble as it is selling enough bonds just to fund day to day operations, and all the signs are there, it can’t last. Once the bond market slowly but surely decreases the amount of bonds it’s willing to buy, so will our ability to to pay for government operations decrease. Which means more inflation which they will raise interest rates to try and slow down, as money stops following through the economy unemployment will skyrocket. In the end the safe life I described above will be in jeopardy, and gone will be any incentive to just grin if they ever have the actual balls to start kicking down doors to seize guns. In reality the atf and fbi simply don’t have the resources for a mass gun seizure operation, which means it will be left to local law enforcement. First you would have to have officers that believe in the cause enough to be the first ones through the door, and for what? Because a law abiding citizen has a gun they purchased legally which is now illegal. I simply don’t see that motivating many officers in metropolitan areas, and it will be flatly refused by the vast majority of county sheriffs in rural areas. If I’m wrong I’ve lived a good life and I will meet them at the door, or my lawn, or if they raid the gun range.
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Sadly even if I wanted to sell them to the US I won't be able to. The Government has put a freeze on buying and selling.
Ever heard of "Fuck the checkpoint theres a trail right over there..."

Theres a name for them guys but I wouldnt know about that stuff.


Lets go Brandon
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Hey if your a politician its your self preservation to remove firearms from the masses. Your making unlimited money from the poor slubs your disarming who are breaking their asses for you. Its the natural order of life ......

"There came into Egypt a Pharaoh who did not know." Gordon Gekko : I beg your pardon, is that a proverb? Carl Fox : No, a prophecy. The rich have been doing it to the poor since the beginning of time.
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So our glorious leader has put a "freeze" on handguns in Canada. You can't buy or sell them. You currently don't have to turn them in but you won't be able to do anything with them either.
FYI you know how American's gain their liberty and guns , with gun powder and lead . Freedoms are never given they are taken though fighting if you want them bad enough.
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Well luckily the US doesn't have things like "Orders in Council" like we do. This is a pussy thing never meant to be used this way but our Liberal Government is abusing it. In essence it allows them to make a new law or edit a current law without having to vote on it in the house of Commons or our Senate. Just a BAM and it's now done sort of thing.
Here in the US it's called Executive Order. Also, we have near complete rule by bureaucrat so no vote required to fuck over every American
This is a big moment for you people. Better consider what the future holds if you bow down and comply. You think COVID was a problem? Just wait.
Yes. And lucky for us, we had riots a few years ago that made even the rabid anti’s think twice about not having some form of protection. All those riots probably did us a favor.
Funny. They are trying to ban guns at a time when it is becoming easier and easier to make one with commercially available tools.

Someone will just end up making 3D printed resin guns with cad-cam milled actions and barrel.

Will shoot like shit. Will shoot all over the place. Will blow up.

The Gang bangers will still buy them, the opportunistic nerd will make a living off it and the innocent bystander will still get shot.

At least we can say, "we tried".
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First you would have to have officers that believe in the cause enough to be the first ones through the door, and for what? Because a law abiding citizen has a gun they purchased legally which is now illegal. I simply don’t see that motivating many officers in metropolitan areas, and it will be flatly refused by the vast majority of county sheriffs in rural areas. If I’m wrong I’ve lived a good life and I will meet them at the door, or my lawn, or if they raid the gun range.
You mean the same local law enforcement that arrested people for going to church, that arrested people for having family and friends over for dinner, arrested mom and pop business owners simply for trying to keep their lights on, arrested parents for voicing their opinion's on their kids wearing mask in schools? I just want make sure you aren't talking about the same local law enforcement that you think wouldn't follow orders on gun control?
First I didn’t see any of the things you described occur outside metropolitan areas, simply because rural Sheriffs offices flatly refused. Second concerning metropolitan areas it’s s huge jump from arresting more than likely unarmed parents and church goers than to be told you’ll be kicking the door down of someone who is law abiding but owns a ak47(or insert what weapon you choose). I saw what happened at the Bundy ranch, those people were willing to fight and die if needed over the rights of someone they didn’t even know, and those are the people that they would be kicking their doors down, I don’t see them and several million just like them going quietly into that good night, and I don’t see government state or federal rushing to be the first though the door. I’m just a average guy who has no wish to kill anyone nor wishes to be killed. There are things such as seeing events as you described on television that I detest but would not spurn me to grabbing a rifle and going to the scene over, someone kicking down my door in the name of tyranny is a completely different matter, there will be resistance and the resistance would grow exponentially with every incident until every door kicked would have a rifle or shotgun waiting behind it, and no I don’t see many officers willing to continually go through those doors just to try and disarm some average Joe who’s only offense was buying something legally protected by the highest law of the land the constitution, not to mention allot of those doors will have Marines and Rangers behind them with a rifle that they really know how to use. There are things the government can impose that we all just throw up our hands and complain, then there are things that will spurn allot of people to fight back and this would be one towards the top of the list. I think your underestimating the powder keg this would be for millions of Americans and overestimating the resolve of those who would have to enforce a illegal order.
That’s where as parents we have to stand up for our kids, take them out of that school, without the kids they don’t receive any funding, and I’m not a proponent of home schooling, personally I think it makes kids a little anti social and weird, but I’d rather have a weird kid than a dead kid.
Sadly, the feds would move this. Not having to fund public schools would save a boatload of money.

First I didn’t see any of the things you described occur outside metropolitan areas, simply because rural Sheriffs offices flatly refused. Second concerning metropolitan areas it’s s huge jump from arresting more than likely unarmed parents and church goers than to be told you’ll be kicking the door down of someone who is law abiding but owns a ak47(or insert what weapon you choose). I saw what happened at the Bundy ranch, those people were willing to fight and die if needed over the rights of someone they didn’t even know, and those are the people that they would be kicking their doors down, I don’t see them and several million just like them going quietly into that good night, and I don’t see government state or federal rushing to be the first though the door. I’m just a average guy who has no wish to kill anyone nor wishes to be killed. There are things such as seeing events as you described on television that I detest but would not spurn me to grabbing a rifle and going to the scene over, someone kicking down my door in the name of tyranny is a completely different matter, there will be resistance and the resistance would grow exponentially with every incident until every door kicked would have a rifle or shotgun waiting behind it, and no I don’t see many officers willing to continually go through those doors just to try and disarm some average Joe who’s only offense was buying something legally protected by the highest law of the land the constitution, not to mention allot of those doors will have Marines and Rangers behind them with a rifle that they really know how to use. There are things the government can impose that we all just throw up our hands and complain, then there are things that will spurn allot of people to fight back and this would be one towards the top of the list. I think your underestimating the powder keg this would be for millions of Americans and overestimating the resolve of those who would have to enforce a illegal order.
Time will tell. But, it’s looking pretty bleak!
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First I didn’t see any of the things you described occur outside metropolitan areas, simply because rural Sheriffs offices flatly refused. Second concerning metropolitan areas it’s s huge jump from arresting more than likely unarmed parents and church goers than to be told you’ll be kicking the door down of someone who is law abiding but owns a ak47(or insert what weapon you choose). I saw what happened at the Bundy ranch, those people were willing to fight and die if needed over the rights of someone they didn’t even know, and those are the people that they would be kicking their doors down, I don’t see them and several million just like them going quietly into that good night, and I don’t see government state or federal rushing to be the first though the door. I’m just a average guy who has no wish to kill anyone nor wishes to be killed. There are things such as seeing events as you described on television that I detest but would not spurn me to grabbing a rifle and going to the scene over, someone kicking down my door in the name of tyranny is a completely different matter, there will be resistance and the resistance would grow exponentially with every incident until every door kicked would have a rifle or shotgun waiting behind it, and no I don’t see many officers willing to continually go through those doors just to try and disarm some average Joe who’s only offense was buying something legally protected by the highest law of the land the constitution, not to mention allot of those doors will have Marines and Rangers behind them with a rifle that they really know how to use. There are things the government can impose that we all just throw up our hands and complain, then there are things that will spurn allot of people to fight back and this would be one towards the top of the list. I think your underestimating the powder keg this would be for millions of Americans and overestimating the resolve of those who would have to enforce a illegal order.
No bodies kicking in doors and having a shootout. They will just limit your access to other things until all your weapons are turned in.